Michelle and Her Angel Friends Sign this Guestbook | Manage your Guestbook Page 1 of 69 Go To Page: Friday 02/24/2012 7:37:39pm Name: mama, papa and family Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: To our Sweet Valentine, Always filled with So much Love! We will Always Love you Michelle :) Love, mama, papa and Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 12/24/2011 9:22:08am Name: mama and Family Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Michelle Mama loves you and misses you so much our Sweet Angel. Our Christmas will be filled with precious memories of you and we will think of you every time we see the twinkle of the brightest star! Love Always, mama and Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 12/24/2011 7:11:53am Name: Melanie Homepage: http://www.dustinellis.com E-Mail: dustin22185@yahoo.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Thinking of you and Michelle today and wishing you a Blessed Christmas. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/23/2011 8:02:00pm Name: mama Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Shelby November 24th 2011 Happy Thanksgiving my Angel, Beautiful Daughter and Friend!! We are Remembering how much you were always so Thankful and this time of year we give Thanks for everything, including memories of you, until we are Together again~ Love, mama, papa and Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 11/15/2011 7:42:43pm Name: Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: for 11/5/2011 Jan wrote: "always love to see your angel and all the neat web pages you create for her. I bet she sings your praises in heaven alot!" ------- Mary D Camp wrote: "(((((HUGS)))))" ------- Cheryl G. wrote: "Beautiful web site for a beautiful little angel ��" ------- Karen C wrote: "Absolutely beautiful Cindy, I am crying, so I know how u are hurting. I love you Cindy!!" Karen C also wrote; "Cindy, you and I will always share a special bond, my sonJason would be 26 right now. I miss him terribly, my heart will never be the same. I love you Cindy!!" ------- Diana B wrote: "ALWAYS REMEMBERING MICHELLE IN THE STARS ABOVE......." "Hugs....Remembering beautiful Michelle & You, Cindy,Jo." ------- Sonya M wrote: "Cindy, the website is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your angel with us." ------- Irene wrote: "Love it and you my dear sweet friend . prayers and hugs to you today . Love ya Reeny" ------- Frank William wrote: "Cindy--you are stronger than I could ever be. . ." ------- Tammy P wrote: "Beautiful tribute to a beautiful Angel!! Hugs and love to you all!! ��" ------- Shannon B wrote: "Great big hugs from the beach!! {{��}}~ Look for the signs~ she is sending them! Love ya! ��" ------- Michelle Y wrote: "Love you and thinking of you and your precious Michelle Marie. You and Michelle are forever in my heart. ------- Carol C wrote:. "Cindy Jo, May the good Lord be with you and hold you very close to him on your Precious Angel Michelle's heavenly anniversary. I am praying for you and your family. Praying the day goes peacefully for you and you receive many signs from your angel. A candle will burn in memory of your angel. Here if you need me.. Love you. Carol" ------- Deanne Jacob's Mum wrote: "Cindy jo sending you love and hug Love also being sent heaven bound for your ^i^ Michelle �� may you feel her love surrounding you �� xox �� " ------- Peg B wrote: "Keeping you close in thought and prayer always but especially on Michelle's angel day -Michelle is lovingly remembered and never forgotten- huge hugs -�� Love ya" ------- Judy S wrote: "Cindy Jo, I'm thinking of you and your sweet Michelle today. Remember, one step at a time! Love and hugs." ------- Karen Segler wrote: Karen wrote: "You have been such a blessing to so many. I appreciate you. Praying for your comfort." Page 2 of 69 Go To Page: Friday 11/11/2011 9:07:56pm Name: mamahen Homepage: http://michellesmama.com E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Shelby I know how proud you always were of your daddy for being a Veteran, and we know you smile down on days like today with pride and utmost love ~ so this is for Daddy, our Vietnam Vet on Veteran's Day 2011 ~ because we are all so very proud of our Hero ~ 11~11~11 ~ Love, mama -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 11/06/2011 9:26:06pm Name: Blanche Homepage: E-Mail: blanche.ladymichigan@gmail.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Tipton, Michigan Comments: Cindy, she is happy and watching over all of you, it is hard not to be sad, but she smiles when you smile. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 11/05/2011 10:50:48am Name: Lynn Homepage: http://www.GoneFishing-KEN.com E-Mail: KensMom25@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Comments: (((((CindyJo)))) Remembering your beloved Michelle on her heaven date. I have a candle lit for her today. Her new page is just beautiful and filled with so many special things. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Wishing you a gentle day. With My Love, Lynn Mom to Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 11/05/2011 9:39:54am Name: michellesmama Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Michelle ~ I can't believe it is 18 years ago today you left for Heaven in Jesus' arms. I have thought of you and missed you every single day with all of my heart and being. I miss you so much. It was I who was put to the test of being without your physical presense but I have learned that you are always, always with me, always near me. Some day I will be with you again in all eternity and it never was nor ever will be, goodbye. It is, see you later, my sweet child... I LOVE YOU 4EVER AND ALWAYS and will have sweet dreams until then~ 4everYourMama and your Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 11/05/2011 7:37:56am Name: Maria (Christopher's mommy) Homepage: http://www.legobeaver.com/index.html E-Mail: legobeaver@comcast.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: PA Comments: Dear Cindy Jo - this is a beautiful page and such heart felt poems for your precious daughter Michelle's heaven day. you and your family are very much in my prayers at this most difficult time. love and hugs, maria Christopher's mommy forever Page 3 of 69 Go To Page: Friday 11/04/2011 9:28:34pm Name: Janie Homepage: E-Mail: janie1952@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Calif. Comments: Dear Cindyjo, Dave and family. Please know that I'm thinking of you and sending love & prayers to you for sweet Michelle's angelversary. Holding you close in my heart. Love, Janie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/04/2011 8:07:45pm Name: Pat Homepage: http://legobeaver.com/cathy/cathy1.html E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: NY Comments: My prayers will be with you tomorrow, as always. Love,Pat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/04/2011 7:50:53pm Name: Shannon(Dobbratz-Reid) Bartlett Homepage: http://michellesmama.com E-Mail: shannonkreid@att.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Kill Devil Hills, NC Comments: Dear Cindy, Dave and all~ My thoughts and prayers are with you today and everyday~ but especially today as you are preparing to celebrate Michelle's life again, on her 18th angelversary! My heart fills with Love, knowing our children share the same birthday, 8-24-84, and they are together now, sharing angelversaries, giving each other extra strength to send us LOTS & LOTS of positive energy and thoughts! Keep looking for the signs, for they will continue to send them! Michelle wants you to know she loves you~ and so do I! My thoughts and prayers have been with you all week! I know it's a tough one for you~ not like the others are any easier, angelversaries just seem to hurt more~ but the happy special memories make the pain fill with love again.. feel the love! feel Michelles love~ she is sending it to you! so am I ! Great Big Hugz from the Beach!! Shannon & Bobby Bartlett Bryan J Reid's Mom 08.24.84~06.24.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/04/2011 3:06:08pm Name: Kristi Wagner Homepage: E-Mail: kristiwagner655@gmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Spokane Comments: Aunt Cindy this is such a beautiful webpage! Michelle is always in our hearts and we will never forget her. Stay strong my wonderful aunt. (: Love, Kristi <3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/04/2011 2:45:58pm This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. Page 4 of 69 Go To Page: Friday 11/04/2011 1:58:09pm Name: Jo Homepage: http://www.legobeaver.com/joeann/joesangels.html E-Mail: jpoe529@woh.rr.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Ohio Comments: cindy jo; A wonderful website in memory of Michele. I enjoyed the pictures, the poems. Love to you and your family. Thinking of you all as always. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/04/2011 11:30:54am Name: Saralyn Smith Homepage: http://robbiesmith.com E-Mail: saralyn@cox.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Dodge City, KS Comments: Cindy Jo, Sending love and prayers to you for Michelle's 18th Angelversary. May our Lord continue to bless you with His love, comfort, and strength for each day. Love and hugs, Saralyn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/04/2011 10:53:12am Name: Sonya Marvel Homepage: E-Mail: sonyamarvel@hotmail.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Comments: What a beautiful tribute to your lovely daughter, Cindy. Thank you so much for sharing her with me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/02/2011 6:40:11pm Name: Rhonda U Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Spokane Comments: The day she left is forever in my mind. She was as pretty as always and looked like she was in a peaceful sleep. Father, we will be with You soon. Thank You for Your wonderful care. Help us live in Your way� Your child -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 11/01/2011 10:17:06am Name: Michelle Young Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Thank you for always remembering my Joshua, Cindy Jo. I know Michelle's anniversary is coming up on the 5th. Please know I am thinking of you and her. It is so hard to believe that our babies would have been all grown up. I know Michelle would have been 27 this year in August, and now my Josh is 24... I know they are both looking over us and smiling. xo Love you too dear friend. Michelle Page 5 of 69 Go To Page: Monday 10/31/2011 8:17:31pm Name: Oma Homepage: E-Mail: vbruens@msn.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Spokane Washington Comments: Michelle is always in my heart and in my thoughts...never, never forgotten. I love her so much and hope she is happy with all of her angel friends in heaven. Love Always, Oma -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 10/17/2011 8:34:37am Name: Elena Homepage: http://www.dennisyarbrough.com E-Mail: selowery@nc.rr.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Comments: Cindy Jo, hoping the days and weeks ahead will be gentle and full of happy memories of your sweet Michelle. I love her 18th anniversary page. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 10/15/2011 11:34:36pm Name: Shirley, Laurie's Mommy Homepage: http://lauriebaer.com E-Mail: laurie4ever@gmail.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: santa fe, TX Comments: Cindy Jo, this is a beautiful page and poems for your precious daughter's angelversary this month.. I am so sorry for your pain that you feel every day of your life... Luv -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 09/22/2011 5:14:52pm Name: Donna Smith (Carr) Homepage: http://www.spiritualgifts4u.net E-Mail: Ddonnasmith1@aol.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Lexington, KY Comments: Hi Cindy I wanted you to know that I had dropped in. I love the site and how you acknowledge so many "Angels" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 09/09/2011 11:19:57am Name: Maria (Christopher's mommy) Homepage: http://www.legobeaver.com/index.html E-Mail: legobeaver@comcast.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: PA Comments: Dear Cindy Jo - I am so very sorry that I missed your Angel Michelle's birthday this year. I feel so bad. Your web page for Michelle's birthday is just so beautiful. I am sure that she appreciates all you do so very much. love and hugs, maria Christopher's mommy forever Page 6 of 69 Go To Page: Thursday 08/25/2011 10:34:18am Name: Janie Homepage: E-Mail: janie1952@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Calif Comments: Happy Heavenly Birthday Michelle.. Cindyjo, this birthday page is absolutely beautiful..Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of Michelle and you guys..Love you, Janie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/25/2011 5:53:03am Name: Peggy Rogers Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: St. Albans Comments: Hi Ciindy, my b'day twin.. Just stopped by to wish you a happy b'day. Michelle's page is beautiful. God bless -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 08/24/2011 7:33:11am Name: mama Homepage: http://michellesmama.com E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA State Comments: Dear Sweet Daughter *Michelle* Happy 27th Birthday!! I saw you shining down on me last night from the Heavens and then I thought about how you 'live on' down here on earth~because in your 9 years on earth you lived your life with love and joy and giving beyond measure and you gave not only while here but when you left, bringing life to others and sight to those who needed it... today I celebrate your 27th Birthday with you and I know you are not far away, you are tucked inside my heart, my soul and my very being. I will be with you again for all of time... LoveForever and Always, your mama, daddy and your whole family~ PS Others wrote; Belinda wrote: "Happy 27th Heavenly Birthday ♥ Michelle ♥ You're in my heart always!!!!! Love from Aunt Bo My sweetest sister♥ Cindy ♥ -I am praying and thinking of you today and always ♥ Love you lots, Bo :)" ----- Courtney S wrote: "Happy Birthday cousin :)" ----- Rhonda U wrote; Father, You were ready for Michelle when she came that day. She waits in the beauty of heaven for those of us who mourn and rejoice thinking of her sweetness and brief time of walking with us. Make us ready to meet You and see again the precious ones You have called ahead��Your child ----- Blanche wrote; Such a sweet little girl I know you will always miss her and what should have been but I know you know she is happy and waiting for you when the time comes. B ----- From Shirley Happy birthday Sweetie, I hope you send many lovely signs to your mama. Hugs Cindy. ----- From Linda S HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU PRECIOUS MICHELLE. SENDING UP A BALLOON FULL OF LOVE FOR YOU ANGEL. GOD BLESS YOU AND MOM WHO L OVE SO MUCH ----- From Candy CJ, Thoughts and prayers coming your way ...remembering your sweet Michelle, her loving ways and sweet drawings. Hugs... ----- From Cynthia I love the Angel Page you made for Michelle. She is looking down on you and saying way to go Mom! I know she is with all of our Angels. Love you so much! Cynthia ----- August 21st 2011 10:13:50 AM What is your name? Aunt Boweena Please enter your comments? My Dearest Sweetest Angel Michelle- You shine with the stars every night, you are an angel clothed in white, I long for the day I will be with you again, and live ever happy in Heaven AMEN!- Happy Happy 27th Birthday my dear sweet Niece Michelle- Love you so much, Aunt Boweena ----- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 08/23/2011 10:34:49am Name: Lynn Homepage: http://www.GoneFishing-KEN.com E-Mail: KensMom25@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Comments: ((((((CindyJo))))) Such a beautiful Birthday page for your beloved Michelle! I loved all your poems and the graphics are lovely. I'll have a candle lit for your sweet girl in the morning. Wishing you and your family a peaceful day and more signs from Michelle. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Love and many Hugs, Lynn Mom to Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 08/22/2011 1:20:30pm Name: Connie Homepage: E-Mail: csmnameit@yahoo.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Spokane Comments: I know she is fishing with Chuck and having a blast. Page 7 of 69 Go To Page: Sunday 08/21/2011 2:11:37pm Name: Jo Homepage: E-Mail: jpoe529@woh.rr.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Ohio Comments: Thinking of you my friend on Micheles special day. May it bring you comfort to know that friends are thinking of you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/18/2011 4:33:45pm Name: Courtney Spiess Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Phoenix/US Comments: Thinking of you.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/18/2011 3:37:50pm Name: Jan Below Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: MI Comments: Thinking of you and your Angel on her birthday and every day.. I love the web site. Happy Birthday angel Michelle -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/18/2011 1:47:22pm Name: Blanche Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Michigan Comments: Such a sweet little girl I know you will always miss her and what should have been but I know you know she is happy and waiting for you when the time comes. B -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/18/2011 1:44:26pm Name: Rhonda Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Spokane,WA Comments: Father, You were ready for Michelle when she came that day. She waits in the beauty of heaven for those of us who mourn and rejoice thinking of her sweetness and brief time of walking with us. Make us ready to meet You and see again the precious ones You have called ahead�Your child Page 8 of 69 Go To Page: Thursday 08/18/2011 10:11:31am Name: Karen Homepage: E-Mail: kgaines@spokanecity.org Referred By: Friend City/Country: Comments: Cindy you show such love but making this page for beautiful Michelle. You have taught me so much about surviving and triumphing over tragedy. Love you, Karen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 07/18/2011 7:55:35am Name: Judy Homepage: E-Mail: judysmith1957@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Mentone In Comments: Cindy Jo, This is such a lovely. page. It made me cry. Thank you for mentioning me with the picture of the rock garden, how special. Love ya, Judy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 07/15/2011 10:05:12pm Name: Shirley, Laurie's Mommy Homepage: http://lauriebaer.com E-Mail: laurie4ever@gmail.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: santa fe, TX Comments: Cindy Jo, what a beautiful page for your precious daughter's 27th birthday to be celebrated in heaven... I just love her beautiful smile and sweet face. I am so sorry for your loss..... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 05/09/2011 7:53:58pm Name: mama Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Sweet Michelle Thankyou so much for the Beautiful *Sign* for Mother's Day yesterday! Not only having a Hummingbird on our feeder but getting a picture of her as she drank so long there. The first picture I have been able to capture this year since they arrived May 1st!! I miss you so much, you were such a sweet and good daughter while here and showed me so much love. I will see you again, be with you again Michelle. Love4ever and always, your mamaforever -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 04/23/2011 1:48:04pm Name: mama, papa and Family Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: To Our Sweet Daughter *Michelle* Mama and Papa will always love you, Happy Easter Sweetpea! Can you believe your big brother's Birthday is ON Easter this year! For the first time since 1859! We have sweet memories to keep until we see you again Shelby! Love You Always and Forever~ Your Mamahen, Papa and Family~ Page 9 of 69 Go To Page: Monday 02/14/2011 10:45:59pm Name: mama and papa Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Michelle Mama Loves you Always and Forever ~ Happy Valentine's Day Dear Daughter of mine~ LoveForAlwaysandForever, mama and papa -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 12/24/2010 6:30:51am Name: mama Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: *Merry Christmas 2010* ~To Our Michelley~ Dear Shelby Merry Christmas Beautiful Belle, we shall love you more with each new day and your memory will linger in our hearts and souls until we are Together again.... ALL OUR LOVE FOR ALWAYS AND FOREVER!!! Mama, Papa and Family :o) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/24/2010 6:37:35pm Name: Mama, Papa and Family Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Sweet Michelle, We will always remember you, and remain Thankful for your love and lessons you taught us while here! We will keep you in our hearts especially on Thanksgiving... Love Always, Mama, Papa and Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/05/2010 6:45:35pm Name: My Friends Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: From all over :) Comments: Here are what some Friends wrote to us for today, Michelle's 17th Angelversary~ Patricia; Beautiful site, Thinking of you on Michelle's special day. Elena; Beautiful Page for your little angel Michelle. Hoping that day will be a peaceful and gentle day of remembering. Love and Hugs, Elena Christine; Michelle's page is absolutely beautiful. She has such a sweet little face. I love the note she wrote you. Thanks so much for sharing. I signed her guestbook. Take care and love to you and sweet Michelle. Christine... Luke & Emily's Mom Donna; I'm so glad you like Michelle's gift! She's a very beautiful, very special angel and will always hold a place in my heart! Love, Donna-Corey's Mom Alberta wrote: "Happy Angelversary Michelle!!" Melody wrote: "God bless you, Cindy Jo." Brandi wrote: "Thinking of you and beautiful Michelle " Cathy Blake wrote: "Such a lovely tribute to your precious daughter. My thoughts and prayers are with you Cindy and your family." Elayne wrote: "Thinking of you and you family Cindy. Love and hugs, Scott's Old Chook" Kathy Allen wrote: "As always Cindy, you put your heart and soul in Michelle's websites. You bring her to life everytime. Love ya " Cheryl wrote: "CindyJo - a heartfelt tribute to a beautiful little angel, I know how close to your heart you hold her. Hugs and love to you and your family." Margaret wrote: "Very touching, hugs to you!" Diana wrote: "Your daughters are soooo beautiful.Never had a daughter but when my grandaughter Tyger Lynn came along I was estatic.....Robbies daughter......Thinking of Michelle on her Angel Anniversary knowing she will always be remembered with special thoughts and memories. Think of her as one of the brightest stars in the heavens above & love her garden also. Hugs to you MaMa CindyJo....." Brenda wrote; very sweet-know Michelle would love it too! Love, Hugs & Sunshine, Brenda & John Peg wrote: "Keeping you close in thought & prayer always but especially today on Michelle`s angel day huge hugs" Tammy wrote: "Know that u r in my thoughts and prayers today! :( Hugs and love to you and your sweet angel Michelle!" Carol wrote; Cindy Jo, My dear friend. My love and prayers are with you today as we honor your Angel Michelle's Heavenly anniversary. I have lite a candle here this morning in memory of your angel. I pray the day will be peaceful. The page you have made is beautiful. Take care my friend and I am here if you need me for anything. Love you Shirley wrote; (((((((((((((((((((((Cindy))))))))))))))))))Big hugs, today and everyday, but especially today lady friend. May God embrace with love you today. May your beautiful angel Michelle walk with you comforting you throughout the day. May today, go fast and gentle on your mind, body and soul. Shirley Judy wrote; May peace be with you all during this day Cindy Jo and the love that you shared with little Michelle surround you and envelope you all day long. Hugs, Judy Lynn wrote; (((((((CindyJo))))))---you know you're in my thoughts and prayers today. Sending you lots of hugs and much love. Look to nature for a special sign from your beloved Michelle. I Love You, Lynn Mom to Ken Jan wrote; Thinking of you all today God bless you Blanche wrote; Thoughts are with you today, B LindaR wrote; I have been thinking of you all day and I pray it's a day full of wonderful memories of your precious Michelle that will bring your saddened heart comfort. Love you, Linda Monika wrote; I am thinking of you and sweet Angel Michelle May the Lord hold you close and comfort you. My candle will be light in memory of sweet Angel Michelle. Please except this gift in memory of Michelle Love Monika Josh's Mom Jessica wrote: "Beautiful Cindy Jo..I know it seems like just today all over again..So sorry for the lost of your Michelle! XOXOXOXOX" Shannon wrote; My thoughts and prayers are with you! I"m so very glad we were blessed with our children as long as we were~ I know Michelle is very proud of all of you and all you do for everyone~ Great Big Hugz, Love ya! Shannon & Bobbyb -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/05/2010 4:03:04pm Name: Maria (Christopher's mommy) Homepage: http://www.legobeaver.com/index.html E-Mail: legobeaver@comcast.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: PA Comments: Dear Cindy Jo - I am thinking of your family on your Angel Michelle's heaven day.This is such a beautiful page for your sweet little girl. I'm sure that Michelle and my Christopher are having fun together. love and hugs, maria Christopher's mommy forever Page 10 of 69 Go To Page: Friday 11/05/2010 1:08:40pm Name: Janie Homepage: E-Mail: janie1952@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Calif Comments: Cindyjo, thinking of you, Dave & family today on Michelle's angelversary. I hope that sweet, warm memories help to make the day a little softer for you.. Love you, Janie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/05/2010 11:47:28am Name: Sandie Homepage: E-Mail: Sulkie@aol.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Dudley, MA Comments: 17 years all ready.....some times we think it's been so long since we've seen our children. Other times it seems the days, weeks and months fly by. Every day that goes by....is the promise that we will be with them again. LUV U -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/05/2010 0:15:43am Name: Mama, Papa and Family Homepage: http://michellesmama.com E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Michelle's 17th Angelversary Dear Michelle, Our Sweet Shelby It is hard to believe but it has been 17 years since you left for Heaven. Your spirit has always remained and has kept us happy and moving on with life and love. Our sweet memories have kept you close as our love for you is Eternal. We will be Together again sweet Baby of ours... Love, Mama, Papa and Family JOHN 10:28-29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 11/04/2010 5:36:48pm Name: Jo Homepage: http://www.legobeaver.com/joeann/joesangels.html E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Oh Comments: Thinking of you and your family on this anniversary. What a lovely website for Michele. I hope sweet memories will soften the day just a little. Love to you my friend -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/03/2010 3:52:54am Name: Angela Denes Homepage: E-Mail: Wings4logan@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: West Jefferson, Ohio Comments: I know how much you miss Michelle and her beautiful smile. Life is so not fair! It wasn't supposed to be like this. Just know that from afar, I have watched you grow while carrying this burden. You didn't have to, but you did. It is who you are. I'm impressed as I'm sure that just on the other side, Michelle is too. You're awesome and should be very proud of yourself. Not everyone has to live without their little girl. You have done it, are doing it, and are more beautiful because of it. We love you Cindy Jo. Page 11 of 69 Go To Page: Tuesday 11/02/2010 8:03:33am Name: Karen Homepage: E-Mail: kgaines@spokanecity.org Referred By: Friend City/Country: spokane, usa Comments: Michelle has always, from the point of conception, been a beautiful angel...she just resides in a different place now....but we will all be together again one day. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 11/02/2010 7:54:30am Name: Elena Homepage: http://www.dennisyarbrough.com E-Mail: selowery@nc.rr.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Cindy Jo, My thoughts and prayers are with you especially the days ahead with Michelle's 17th anniversary approaching. The page you made for her is beautiful. Hoping you will have a week filled with many signs from your little angel. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 11/02/2010 7:13:40am Name: Christine Ross, Luke's Mom 1979 - 2001 Homepage: http://LucasChristopherRoss.net E-Mail: christinehross09@msn.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Arizona Comments: Michelle, Your new page is sooooo beautiful, just as you are. I know that your mom misses you soooo much. This page is such a wonderful honor to you. I especially LOVE your note to your mom.... how sweet. Well, take care sweetie, give Luke a hug for me, and we will see you both soon. Love, Christine, Luke's Mom 1979 - 2001 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 11/02/2010 0:51:34am Name: Betty Homepage: E-Mail: sterretjes@gmail.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Lelystad the Netherlands Comments: You did a wonderful job again my friend across the ocean! Sending lots of love! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 11/01/2010 10:10:12pm Name: Shirley, Laurie's Mommy Homepage: http://lauriebaer.com E-Mail: laurie4ever@gmail.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: santa fe, TX Comments: What a beautiful page and gifts Cindy Jo. I am so sorry for the loss of thsi beautiful young girl... I know how much you miss her and love her deeply and I know my Laurie is taking care of her in Heaven. Page 12 of 69 Go To Page: Tuesday 08/24/2010 11:04:55am Name: Mama, Papa and Family Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Michelle Sweet Daughter, today on your 26th Birthday, we Think of You with so much Love and Happiness, that God gave us you, such a Gift! My birthday present, in 1984, born just a couple days before mamas Birthday! You were the sparkle in mamas eyes, my sunshine, my beautiful little baby girl! Our memories of you are so special and held tightly in our hearts. You were soooo giving, loving and happy, always... Even giving in your earthly parting to help others with organ and cornea donation. You knew it was just your "shell" and you would be born to eternal Life! I miss you sooooooo much and we will be Together again sweet child of God! JOHN 10:28-29 Love Forever, Your mama, papa and Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 04/07/2010 6:45:56pm Name: Mama, Papa and Family Homepage: http://michellesmama.com E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA Comments: Dear Shelby Happy Easter in Heaven.. we all had a beautiful sunny day and all the family was here, even Uncle Les. I felt you with us all throughout our exciting moments and blessed ones too. We will love you for always and forever~ Love Always, Mamahen and Family JOHN 10:28-29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 02/14/2010 8:49:35am Name: Mama, Papa and Family Homepage: http://michellesmama.com E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Valentine Michelle You lived your life with happiness, glee, pure excitement in all you did. So creative, always doing and thinking of others. You were our Gift from God, our GIFT OF LOVE, you were Filled with Love Always in all you did and said and Lived for! We Love you Now as much as ever Before sweet Shelby. Happy Valentines Day to you, our beautifulest singing baby girl and our Brightest Star in the Heavens, until we meet again for Eternity! Love, Mama, Papa and Family John 10:28-29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 12/25/2009 0:53:51am Name: Mama, Papa and Family Homepage: http://michellesmama.com E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Michelle We know you are shining down on us each and every day and we miss you so much. We feel your spirit always. Thank you for all the sweet memories of Christmases past with you at our side! We will be with you again one sweet day! Love Always and Forever, Mama, Papa and Your Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 12/14/2009 7:41:26pm Name: Maria (Christopher's mommy) Homepage: http://www.legobeaver.com/index.html E-Mail: legobeaver@comcast.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: PA Comments: Dear Cindy Jo - i am sorry that i'm late, but i wanted to let you know that i did take the time to visit your beautiful page for your beautiful Angel! love and hugs, maria Christopher's mommy forever Page 13 of 69 Go To Page: Friday 11/27/2009 11:57:48pm Name: Jo Homepage: http://legobeaver.com/joeann/joesangels.html E-Mail: jpoe529@woh.rr.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: OH Comments: Thinking of your family on this Thanksgiving day. Such a beautiful page for a sweet little girl. God bless. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 11/26/2009 8:41:17pm This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 11/26/2009 2:23:39pm Name: Patti Rawls Homepage: http://drawls5.tripod.com/ E-Mail: pdrawls1956@consolidated.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Katy Comments: Beautiful Page Cindy for a Beautiful Girl! Love and hugs always! Patti -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/25/2009 11:31:26pm Name: Lynn Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Oh honey--your page is so beautiful! I'll remember your precious Michelle when I light the Angel candle on our table tomorrow. Have a blessed Thanksgiving! I Love you, Lynn Mom to Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/25/2009 11:28:26pm Name: mama Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Shelby On this the Eve of Thanksgiving and always, you are Loved. mama Page 14 of 69 Go To Page: Wednesday 11/25/2009 6:29:13pm Name: Karen Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Clarkston Comments: Thinking of you. You are loved. Hugs, Karen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 11/15/2009 5:53:26am Name: nancy roberts, mother of Wesley Homepage: E-Mail: nroberts@windstream.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: pendergrass, ga Comments: Beautiful Memorial!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 11/09/2009 2:06:08pm Name: Karen Gaines Homepage: E-Mail: raykaren87@comcast.net Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Spokane Comments: Oh dear friend. The years march one until one blessed day we will rejoin those who have gone on before us. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 11/09/2009 9:32:40am Name: Helen Shaun's mom Homepage: http://www.shaunortiz.com E-Mail: shaunbeach@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: San Jose CA Comments: Dear Cindyjo, I think about you and Michelle always, you are always in my heart. It seems like time flys but yet these days seem like yesterday. Our vigil is coming up and you know we always remember your precious angel Michelle. Love and blessings to you both. Helen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 11/07/2009 4:34:33pm Name: Paula Homepage: http://halogarden.com/johnathon.html E-Mail: halo4john@yahoo.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Comments: CindyJo.....thinking of you, not only on Michelle's angelversary, but also holding you close in my heart this entire week.....the day is significant and brings back memories.......however, sometimes it's nice if someone also remembers that the days following were also just as hard, if not harder. I love you my friend....You and Michelle are always in my thoughts and heart. Love and Hugs, Paula Page 15 of 69 Go To Page: Saturday 11/07/2009 5:17:10am Name: Cindy Bauer Homepage: http://www.cindybauerbooks.com E-Mail: cindybauerbooks@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Clinton / USA Comments: Very nicely done, Cindy Jo! I'm sure Michelle is smiling down upon you and betting she never leaves your side. My prayers are always with you and your family, and your Angel Michelle. Cindy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/06/2009 7:47:25pm Name: Jan Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: MI Comments: Thinking of you and your angel on this day God bless you with many wonderful signs she is with you today. God Bless Jan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/06/2009 7:45:15pm Name: Kendra Homepage: http://kbeevers8.tripod.com/index.html E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Cindy Jo you are very loved. I thank you for being here. You are an Angel on Earth. May God Bless you each and everyday. I love you Kendra Beevers Angels Are Forever -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/06/2009 2:45:41pm Name: Melanie Homepage: http://www.dustinellis.com E-Mail: mwoolum@gmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WV Comments: Michelle as you are remembered I know that your Momma still has the ache as she remembers this sad day 16 years ago. A day that brings only sadness and what if.s But as she sleeps tonight hold her hand to comfort her, because you are not really gone, only from her view, and someday she will hold you again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 11/05/2009 7:38:39pm Name: Diana Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Ohio Comments: Cindyjo.........Remembering sweet Michelle with those beautiful green eyes and beautiful auburn hair. Just want you to know that I am thinking of you and your sweet Michelle today. I have visited most of the sites that you have set up for her and by reading them I feel as if I know her somewhat. She was far beyond her age and yet such an innocent little girl . My heart aches for you as I can feel your pain. We all in H2H so sadly know what you are feeling and are wishing you a day of sweet memories you have of her and not just the horrific loss that we all have endured. May she continue to send you signs from the heavens above. She will never be forgotten and always loved by you, her family , friends and so many more that she could never realize. Love......Diana ...Robbie's Mom...4-Ever Page 16 of 69 Go To Page: Thursday 11/05/2009 7:35:37pm Name: Shirley Dixon Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Illinois Comments: Dear Cindy Jo, Please know I am thinking of you and your darling Michelle today. I hope that some precious memories of Michelle can ease the pain I know today might bring. So hard to believe it has been that long for you. Please take care today my friend and know you are loved. Love, Shirley -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 11/05/2009 6:25:14pm Name: Angie Homepage: http://www.dustinhamilton.com/ E-Mail: dustinsmom@dustinhamilton.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Comments: ((((((((Cindy Jo))))))) Thinking of you and your beautiful Michelle today. I pray the day has been gentle to you. Sending you lots of love and hugs, Angie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 11/05/2009 6:15:25pm Name: Patti Rawls Homepage: http://dustinrawlsmyhero.tripod.com E-Mail: pdrawls1956@consolidated.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Katy,Tx Comments: Love you Michelle and your Wonderful Mom! Send her lots of love each day and let her see that beautiful smile. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 11/05/2009 6:12:28pm Name: Candy Young Homepage: http://www.cathappy.net/Jessica.htm E-Mail: Swttch30@AOL.COM Referred By: Friend City/Country: Cheektowaga, NY; USA Comments: Words are so inadequate on days like this. I love you and your sweet angel Michelle and hope you find peace in your sweet memories of her. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 11/05/2009 5:51:59pm Name: Jerry mudge Homepage: E-Mail: jerrymudge@bellsouth.net Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Charlotte, N.C Comments: Your daughter Michelle looks like an angel in those pictures and I know from my own experience you really miss holding her but we also know that one day we will see our loved ones again. Page 17 of 69 Go To Page: Thursday 11/05/2009 4:48:08pm Name: Rosemary Homepage: http://www.prnluez.com/louisetorres.html E-Mail: prnluez@msn.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Apple Valley, CA Comments: Dearest Cindy Jo & Family... I signed your other guestbook while at work earlier but for some reason it just wouldn't go..i'm so sorry..but just know that you've been so much on my mind these days Sweetie and praying that you are 'managing' this "Sadaversary" day..I know stupid thing to say as I am feeling 'anticipation' between now and the 25th as our Angels parted to Heaven just 20 days apart...there is not a day that goes by that our Angel Louise is not thought or spoken of in our home..as I know your Angel Michelle is. Hugs to you and your family..Love ya! Rosemary, MOM FOREVER to Louise Antoinette -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 11/05/2009 4:08:35pm Name: Shirley M. Homepage: E-Mail: mamamole2@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Michigan Comments: Cindy, I totally agree with you. Michelle sent you that beautiful silver butterfly. I know it's something you will treasure forever. What a sweet darling angel. Michelle you are awesome and so very sweet. With love' Shirley/Mark's mamamole -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 11/05/2009 12:24:25am Name: Oma Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: DEAR ANGEL MICHELLE, THINKING OF YOU, YOUR SWEET SMILE AND THE JOY AND WISDOM YOU BROUGHT TO ME AND YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY. YOU ARE ALWAYS IN MY HEART AND THOUGHTS AND THE ONE SPECIAL STAR THAT TWINKLES THE BRIGHTEST IN THE NIGHT SKY IS A SPECIAL GREETING FROM YOU, THAT I KNOW. WITH ALL MY LOVE FOREVER YOUR OMA AND PLEASE, GIVE A SPECIAL LOVING HUG TO YOUR MOMMY FROM ME! Abgeschickt von mother- oma f�r angel michelle- cindy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 11/05/2009 8:58:33am Name: Mama, Papa and Family Homepage: http://michellesmama.com E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Sweet Daughter Michelle, My Belle, 16 years ago this morning you went to Heaven.. This morning the skys were pink with beauty, a sign from you on your 16th Angelversary I know!!~ We miss you more than words could ever say but appreciate so much your continued signs of being near to us such as the beautiful silver butterfly I found in the huge field on November 1st and of course, the pink skies this morning! We will be with you again sweet child one sweet day!!~ JOHN 10:28-29 love4evermamahen and Family ~~~*~~~ The real measure of a man's wealth is what he has invested in eternity. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/04/2009 7:46:25pm Name: Janie Homepage: E-Mail: janie1952@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Calif Comments: Dearest CindyJo, Please know that I'm thinking of you, Dave and the family.. I don't care how many years it's been the pain always remains. I will light a candle in the morning in memory of your sweet Shelby..(((CindyJo))).. Holding you close in my heart dear friend.. Love, Janie Page 18 of 69 Go To Page: Wednesday 11/04/2009 6:37:04pm Name: Lynn Homepage: http://www.GoneFishing-KEN.com E-Mail: KensMom25@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Comments: (((((((CindyJo)))))))) Such a beautiful page for your beloved Michelle! My thoughts and prayers are with you during these very sad days. I'll have a candle lit for Michelle tomorrow. Wishing you peace and comfort tomorrow, and know that you're never alone. With my Love, Lynn Mom to Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/04/2009 4:29:01pm Name: Kendra Beevers Homepage: http://kbeevers8.tripod.com/index.html E-Mail: kbeevers95@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Clovis Comments: To Michelle Marie Happy 16th Birthday Angel you will always be in our hearts. Your mom is the greatest as I'm sure you know. Love you Angel Michelle Marie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/04/2009 4:00:10pm Name: Joyce Beaulieu Homepage: http://Jesus Wept E-Mail: joybeaulieu123@aol.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Belchertown Comments: Cindy Jo I visited Michelle's webpage tonight and the tears want to keep flowing. You did a beautiful job remember a beautiful, loving, sweet daughter. You always make such lovely tags for my webpages as gifts. It doesn't get any easier does it? It's been 12 years for us and I miss David more each day and Cassie the same. I am praying that your sweet memories give you some peace as you remember your sweet Michelle on her 16th angelversary. I'm sure David and Cassie had something to do with us finding each other to share with. Love you my sister-in-Christ. Angel Hugs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/04/2009 8:19:18am Name: Maria (Christopher's mommy) Homepage: http://www.legobeaver.com/index.html E-Mail: legobeaver@comcast.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: PA Comments: Dear CindyJo - this is a wonderful and beautiful web page for your precious Angel Michelle's heaven day. i am sure that it is just unbelievable to you that it has been 16 years. sigh. the little butterfly must have been a sign though. what a beautiful way for Michelle to let you feel her presence! you and your family are very much in my thoughts at this most difficult time. love and hugs, maria Christopher's mommy forever -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/04/2009 0:12:09am Name: Donna Homepage: http://www.coreyandmichelle.com E-Mail: strikers@cfl.rr.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Cindy Jo and family, Thinking of you and sending hugs and prayers for your sweet Michelle's 16th angelversary in Heaven. Wishing you a peaceful, gentle day filled with many happy memories of special times shared with your beautiful Michelle. No matter how many years may go by, we will never stop missing and yearning for our children and our love will remain as strong as ever! Love, Donna-Corey's Mom www.coreyandmichelle.com www.mem.com/Story.aspx?ID=339780 www.christianmemorials.com/tributes/corey-and-michelle/ In Loving Memory of Corey & Michelle James 8/17/2003 Page 19 of 69 Go To Page: Wednesday 11/04/2009 0:07:18am Name: Linda Rice Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Cindy Jo, I Love your page for sweet angel Michelle... I will be thinking of you and your family on Thursday and praying that your day is full of wonderful memories of your precious Michelle. May you be surrounded in love and always remember Gods promise that you will be reunited with your loving Michelle again one day. I hope you feel her smiling down upon you and that comfort will embrace your broken heart... Love you, Linda -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 11/03/2009 11:48:22pm Name: Shirley Baer Homepage: http://lauriebaer.com E-Mail: laurie4ever@gmail.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: santa fe, tx Comments: What a beautiful page for your beautiful daughter in memory of her angel date... I am so sorry for your loss and your grief... I know it well.... Luv -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 11/03/2009 3:43:44pm Name: Virginia Brenton Homepage: http://vbrenton1.angelfire.com/Chris.html E-Mail: mavrick_cutie@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Grants Pass, OR Comments: CindyJo, as I viewed the wonderful web page you have created for Michelle's 16th angel anniversary my heart just weeps for you as I shead a tear and shake my head and wonder why. I love all the posting you and everyone have created for Michelle's page. May you have many signs from Michelle and much peace in the next few days and beyond. I'm so sorry for your loss... Michelle you will never be forgotten many hugs and much love from one mom who knows .... Virginia Chris' mom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 11/03/2009 3:20:07pm Name: Jo Homepage: http://www.legobeaver.com/joeann/joesangels.html E-Mail: jpoe529@woh.rr.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: OH Comments: Thinking of you my dear faithful friend on Micheles 16th birthday. I know her memories will bless the day. This is a very nice webpage in her memory. God bless you and your family. Hugs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 11/02/2009 8:24:24am Name: Cynthia Homepage: E-Mail: cfp615@comcast.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Nashville Comments: What a wonderful and Beautiful website this is for Michelle. We love and miss you and we know you are with all of our other Angels. Love, Cynthia Page 20 of 69 Go To Page: Sunday 11/01/2009 3:56:12pm Name: CindyJo Homepage: http://michellesmama.com E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Michelle WHAT A SIGN!!! The beautiful brilliant little silver butterfly I found in the large field today!!! And so close to your Angelversary, I know from you!!! I hope you like this 16th Angelversary page I made for you..WithAllMyLove,mama We Love You Forever and Always! Love, Mama, Papa, Omie and Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 11/01/2009 3:44:06pm Name: lindascarpa Homepage: E-Mail: lindajoeymom@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: staten island ny Comments: Oh Michelle. i know you for so long. and yet it feels like yesterday i saw this beautiful red haired littel girl with such a beautiful smile. tear.YOu will always be remembered my me and so loved michelle. tears. Love your mom so much. Precious angel. linda -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 11/01/2009 3:12:54pm Name: Saralyn Smith Homepage: http://www.robbiesmith.com E-Mail: saralyn@cox.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Dodge City, KS Comments: Cindy Jo, I am holding you in my heart and prayers as Michelle's Angelversary approaches. I know it is the most difficult day of the year to endure, and I pray that our Lord will grant you His comfort, peace, and strength during this trying time. May you also feel Michelle's loving presence surrounding you with her eternal love for you. Love and hugs, Saralyn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 11/01/2009 2:37:46pm Name: Shirley M. Homepage: E-Mail: mamamole2@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Michigan Comments: Cindy Jo, you have created a beautiful page for your sweet lovely Mihelle! The gift pics are so pretty and special just like your lovely little girl. God bless you always, Cindy. You are an angel on earth. Shirley/Mark's mamamole -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/27/2009 7:33:55pm Name: Jeanette Whitmore Homepage: E-Mail: designerjjw2001@hotmail.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Norfolk NE USA Comments: the butterflies, the i just love you so much on the card,25...reminds me so much of my Tammy!Was just thinking and telling my friends that i haven't truly been happy since Tammy died. I miss her so much and I miss my life then! Oh, for a time machine! I miss you all so much, and long for a home computer and internet again! Love you cindy jo!Thanks for not writing me off when I haven't been so in touch! Treasure you. Page 21 of 69 Go To Page: Wednesday 08/26/2009 5:37:12pm Name: Deb Homepage: http://None E-Mail: Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Comments: Happy Belated Birthday Michelle! Sorry I'm a couple days late. Your Mom has created as usual a wonderful page for your birthday. Cindy Jo, Thanks for sharing your Angel Michelle and all the wonderful things that you do for others. I know how bittersweet these days can be but I know for myself time has made these days a little bit easier. {{{Hugs}}} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 08/26/2009 6:52:55am Name: Diana L Homepage: http://Robbiesmama E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: OH Comments: Michelle will be remembered by me from all the sweet things you have said about her and all the things you have shared to all of us about her. So sad such a sweet smart talented caring child. I know how you miss her....like so many of us missing our Angels,etc. I think of her when I see the red bird....which by the way I have a pair of cardinals living in our trees.I think of her when I look up to the sky at night and see the shining stars and I say a quick prayer for Robbie and Michelle also. Her new web page is so very nice. You did a wonderful job & I know she would be very proud of that. Thoughts and prayers are with you my friend. Hugs........Diana...Robbie's Mom...4-Ever... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 08/26/2009 6:50:33am Name: KarenG Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Spokane, WA Comments: What a beautiful memorial for Michelle. She must be smiling in Heaven to see that she is so fondly remembered. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 08/24/2009 11:55:00pm Name: Dannie M Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: CA Comments: I was thinking of Michelle a couple times last week hearing about Paradise (the 3rd. Heaven). G-d has children grouped together ...one group for accidental passings. She is having the most grand time. The grass blades even have jewels in them, yet are soft to walk on. 10 men to hold hands around the beautiful huge trees, the river like liquid diamonds, there is no time, and no money of course. No wonder Paul said eye has not seen etc, etc. if he tried to tell them no one could believe it. The tables are set in shimmering white cloths as far as the eye can see and Michelle knows which one is for her family (guess it is by reservation) and one daughter said "it is almost ready" (since there is no time there don't know when that means to them). We can be of good cheer and know who is in charge. Cindy...it is so worth it for those who endure to the end. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 08/24/2009 11:39:00pm Name: Ann S Homepage: http://Billy's Mom E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: ILLINOIS Comments: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MICHELLE!!! Hugs, Ann Page 22 of 69 Go To Page: Monday 08/24/2009 11:35:09pm Name: TammyP Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: MI Comments: Know that I am thinking of you and your beautiful angel Michelle, and wishing her a Very Heavenly Birhday with our Lord! Great Big Angel Hugs and with Love, Tammy P. (Stevesmama) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 08/24/2009 11:29:12pm Name: Skip and Jerry Mudge Homepage: http://FOOTPRINTS E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Our prayers are with you as you remember Michele today! Skip & Jerry -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 08/24/2009 10:55:00pm Name: Peg B Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: MA Comments: Keeping you close in thought & prayer always but especially today on Michelle's 25th bday huge hugs ttys ~Peg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 08/24/2009 10:33:53pm Name: Linda S Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/angelpageschris4/joeyanniv.html E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: NY Comments: She will always be in my heart and mind cindyjo. love you both so much -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 08/24/2009 10:31:53pm Name: Michelle Homepage: http://Brocksmama E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: NM Comments: happy birthday to Michelle! send your mom some love, and let her know you are not forgotten! michelle Page 23 of 69 Go To Page: Monday 08/24/2009 10:28:08pm Name: Kathy A Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: MA Comments: What a beautiful dedication to Michelle on her 25th birthday. Cindy, "You are a remarkable Woman" to have lived with your loss of a very dear daughter and have taken good care of your family all these years and didn't give up on life. You have not been bitter to others for your suffering. You and Michelle will meet again someday. In the meantime, she holds a very dear spot in your heart for as long as you live and she will NEVER be forgotten. Love you, Kathy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 08/24/2009 10:21:52pm Name: Lynn Homepage: http://www.gonefishing-ken.com E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: (((((((CindyJo)))))) This is so very precious! I visited with your Michelle this morning and also lit a candle here at home for her earlier. I just loved reading your email about Michelle's birth. That is such a special time and one that you never, ever forget. Thank you so much for sharing it! I could just feel your joy through the email. (((((((CindyJo))))) Just know my heart is holding you so close to mine as you remember your beautiful girl and all that she means to you. My love and Prayers are with you. I Love you, Lynn Mom to Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 08/24/2009 10:15:22pm Name: Becky C Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: My heart is with you today...sending special hugs & prayers your way. Becky John 15:12 "Love one another as I have loved you" Jesus http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/home.php?ref=home http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/profile.php?id=1564231752&ref=profile (Michael Coon Memorial Page) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 08/24/2009 10:14:07pm Name: Cynthia Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/myangelshelly E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: TN Comments: Oh Cindyjo, this is so precious. Know that I am thinking of you today and your Angel Michelle. Happy Birthday Angel Michelle! Love you, Cynthia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 08/24/2009 10:10:28pm Name: Diana L Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/angelmomfriends11/robbie1.html E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: OH Comments: HAPPY ANGEL BIRTHDAY 8/24TH TO SWEET MICHELLE WHO IS ONE OF THE BRIGHTEST STARS IN THE HEAVENS ABOVE!!!! LOVE.....DIANA...ROBBIE'S MOM...4-EVER... Page 24 of 69 Go To Page: Monday 08/24/2009 10:07:40pm Name: Karen G Homepage: http://geoffreypedwards.com E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Cindy, You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. The letter brought tears to my eyes. How very sweet! I have seen it before but it always makes me cry. I know from the letter that your Michelle loves you so much. I thank God that we know that some day you will see her again. Take care my dear. ~ Love ya, Karen PS. I am glad you have such good memories to hold onto on Michelle�s birthday! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 08/24/2009 8:57:03pm Name: Linda Rice Homepage: http://missingtinamariemcquaig.homestead.com/memorial.html E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: FL Comments: Thinking of you today my dear friend.... I hope and pray it's been a gentle day full of beautiful loving memories of your precious angel Michelle! Love you dearly, Linda -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 08/24/2009 8:43:23pm Name: Omie~ Homepage: E-Mail: vbruens@msn.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: DEAR PRECIOUS ANGEL MICHELLE, THINKING OF YOU WITH SO MUCH LOVE AND SWEET MEMORIES OF THIS DAY WHEN YOU WERE BORN AND BROUGHT SUNSHINE TO OUR LIVES. YOU STILL DO, -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN HEAVEN; ALWAYS IN MY HEART ,TILL WE MEET AGAIN. WITH ALL MY LOVE YOUR OMA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 08/24/2009 3:33:44pm Name: Rosemary Homepage: http://www.prnluez.com/louisetorres.html E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Apple Valley, CA Comments: Cindy Jo: Just wanted to let you know you and your family are very much in my thoughts as you go through Michelle's 25th Birthday today..I know how you have to be feeling about now as our Angels departed 20 days apart ..just breaks my heart..I am always here for you Sweetie.."HAPPY 25th BIRTHDAY ANGEL MICHELLE"..give my Louise a HUG for me..Love you all...Mom FOREVER to Louise Antoinette -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 08/24/2009 11:13:59am Name: Maria (Christopher's mommy) Homepage: http://www.legobeaver.com/index.html E-Mail: legobeaver@comcast.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: PA Comments: Dear CindyJo - i wanted to let you know that i am thinking of you and your family on this Michelle's 25th birthday. i'm sure that it is so hard to believe that she is 25 years old! i'm hoping that you have many fond memories to help you get thru this sad day. love and hugs, maria Christopher's mommy forever Page 25 of 69 Go To Page: Monday 08/24/2009 8:54:57am Name: Candy Young Homepage: http://www.cathappy.net/Jessica.htm E-Mail: Swttch30@AOL.COM Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Buffalo, NY; USA Comments: Happy 25th Birthday Sweet Michelle!! You are loved and missed but live on in the memories of those who loved you and even in many who never knew you on this earth. Love and hugs to your wonderful family-may they find peace today in their sweet memories of you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 08/24/2009 8:34:13am Name: jo Homepage: http://www.legobeaver.com/joeann/joesangels.html E-Mail: jpoe529@woh.rr.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: OH Comments: Thinking of you and your family on Michele's birthday. Praying memories will help you remember her even more. So sweet to have this loving letter from you little girl. We are so fortunate to have such wonderful things that remind us of our love for them and their love for us. Thinking of you and your family. Love you cindy jo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 08/24/2009 7:18:11am Name: mamahen Homepage: http://here E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Michelle ~ My Belle ***Happy 25th Birthday!!*** I love You sooooo much, Always and Forever!! I will have very sweet memories today especially, the day you were born a quarter century ago!! And I will always await Sweet Dreams of you until I am with you again!! Love, Mama -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 08/23/2009 5:23:02pm Name: Karen Jenkins Homepage: http://geoffreypedwards.com E-Mail: Antigone50@aol.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Navesink, NJ Comments: Dearest Cindy Jo: Happy Birthday to your precious Angel Michelle. I am so very sorry that we don't get to see our Angels getting older and finding our what kind of adults they would have been. She is a peach of an Angel. God bless you dear one. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 08/22/2009 8:23:00am Name: Yolanda Rogers Homepage: http://www.galatians5.com E-Mail: weloveanna@embarqmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Florida/USA Comments: Dear Cindy Jo and family, lifting you in my prayers as I regularly do. I've been meeting many people that are new to this tragedy in their lives. It can't explain it, but while it seems to sadden them, somehow it also comforts them to know that this feeling of loss, emptiness, yearning will always be with us despite our joy and hope. I love what you do for others. It's easy to see Jesus in you. Page 26 of 69 Go To Page: Friday 08/21/2009 2:15:32am Name: michelle Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: rio rancho nm Comments: Happy bday Michelle! Hope you are playing among the stars this wonderful summer with my son Brock. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/20/2009 11:53:24pm Name: Susie Homepage: http://www.jasoncdunn.com/ E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WY Comments: So very beautiful Cindy Jo...... you did a great job....but then how could you not...it's filled with love... I look at Michelle's beautiful little face and it's so heartbreaking to think she isn't turning 25...... we all have lost so very much...... hang in there....Susie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/20/2009 11:44:48pm Name: Sandie Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: MA Comments: Happy Birthday Angel Michelle!!!!! I wish we could see how beautiful she is at 25!!!!!!!!! Sandie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/20/2009 11:43:04pm Name: Jess Loeb Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA Comments: Hi cindy jo I am simply amazed your Michele is 25. I feel your pain on these milestone birthdays. Please know I am thinking of you. Love Jess -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/20/2009 11:37:48pm Name: Reeny Homepage: http://www.dustinfitzer.net E-Mail: reeny@srcaccess.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: OK Comments: Dear Cindy. Wanting you to know My heart is with yours on Michelle's Birthday. I know she and Dustin are fast friends and so celebrating their shared Birthdays in heaven with All Of the other angels . Your page is beautiful . may God Bless you my Friend. Reeny Angels Dustin And Becky's Mom Page 27 of 69 Go To Page: Thursday 08/20/2009 7:42:18pm Name: Donna-Corey's Mom Homepage: http://www.coreyandmichelle.com E-Mail: strikers@cfl.rr.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: USA Comments: Dropping by to wish Michelle a very Happy and Blessed 25th birthday in Heaven. Cindy Jo, what a lovely page you have created for your sweet Michelle's 25th Birthday. Wishing you a gentle and peaceful day. May you find comfort in knowing that so many of us are thinking of you and Michelle in the days ahead. Love, Donna-Corey's Mom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/20/2009 7:16:49pm Name: Shirley Mueller Homepage: http://www.choices-therippleeffect.com E-Mail: mamamole2@yahoo.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: MI Comments: CindyJo, Michelles 25th birthday page is so lovely! The Song is perfect too! How lovely and what sweet gifts too. I send my birthday wishes for Michelle, and sentiments to you here. I'm also including one of Mark's poems, The Night Sky. I think it's appropriate for they all are stars in the sky now guiding our paths. We used this poem in Mark's memorial cards, for his service in 2003. My Post and Mark's poem; Dear Cindy Jo and beautful Michelle, Your love is like no other, sweet angel girl. You flit and dance, take a bow, then twirl. Your a lovely sight for the eyes to see. As you spiral about, dancing merrily. Your an angel in the heavens, shining down on us all. Sent to guide us, to comfort us, until we are called. Happy birthday, sweet angel Michelle. You will never be forgotten. You will always be loved. With love, Shirley/Mark's mamamole 8-20-2009 The Night Sky As I look at the night sky, I think to myself. What is out there so far? Are they really out far? Or are they with you all the time. Do they guide us through life? And bring us all the joy and happiness, life can be? As I look at the night sky, I wonder, why I look at the night sky? What do I think I see? Make out what you want. You will see, all you will be. That's what I see, as I look at the night sky, so high. By Mark A. Mueller Feb, 10th,1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/20/2009 4:12:15pm Name: Joyce Beaulieu Homepage: http://www.angelfire.com/ma2/griefsupport E-Mail: joybeaulieu123@aol.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Belchertown, MA Comments: Cindyjo, your webpage for Michelle is just beautiful. I will be thinking of you on the 24th and praying you will feel your precious angel surrounding you with her love. Thank you for always thinking of my angels David and Cassie. I hope they are celebrating with Michelle in Heaven for her birthday. Angel Hugs. Joyce -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/20/2009 1:04:09pm Name: Shannon Dobbratz-Reid Homepage: E-Mail: shannonkreid@att.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Gahanna, OH Comments: Aloha! What a beautiful job you have done for your birthday angel!! Can you really believe the kids would have been 25 on Mon Aug 24th???? I know Bryan is with Michelle and they are celebrating their lives, as we will all be doing! My hugz and prayerz are with you, I know Monday will be a tough day for both of us! Love Ya!! Shannon Reid- Bryan Reid's Mom~ 08/24/84-06/24/00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/20/2009 12:52:43am Name: Monika Hedglin Homepage: http://www.joshuahedglin.com E-Mail: agljeh@gmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Mo Comments: Cindy Jo Thinking of you and your sweet Angel Michelle. May the Lord Hold you close and comfort you. I will have my candle lit in memory of Michelle. Page 28 of 69 Go To Page: Wednesday 08/19/2009 3:34:40pm Name: Katie S Homepage: http://www.jnksansone.com/KATIES_BOOK_DEN.html E-Mail: uvegotmyrealone@ours.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Iowa Comments: Awwww Cindy, that is so pretty! GOD be with you always. Today (19th) my BD! :) Love you, Katie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 05/11/2009 7:27:27pm Name: Mama Homepage: http://here E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Shelby, For Mother's Day and ALWAYS, I Remember you to be the Sweetest, Kindest and most Loving Daughter a Mother could ever Hope for. Love Forever, Mama -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 04/08/2009 8:44:37am Name: Mama, Papa and Family Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Shelby Time has come and gone since you went away, Sixteen years and yet yesterday.. Your precious sweet smile still lingers, In my heart I caress your auburn silk with my fingers~ I touch your cheek with a kiss, And look into your sparkly green eyes I so miss~ I hug you and embrace your very being For this moment it is you I am truly seeing.. Time has stood still, time has flown by, I have laughed for the good times and Lord knows I have cried~ For now we celebrate Easter once again, To remind us of our rebirth to this promised Land.. God our Father has come and said, Take my Hand... I will give you life, forever we shall Stand... Life goes on, it does not end, One day my daughter I will see you again... Love Forever and Always Mama HAPPY EASTER MY DARLING ~DAUGHTER~ 4/7/09 � CindyJo Greever -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 03/17/2009 1:25:28am Name: MAMA Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: To our Little GREEN EYED GIRL!! Happy St. Patty's Day!!~ To our lil Shelby who loved the color GREEN!! And dressing and singing like Ariel, the little Mermaid~ LOVE YOU ALWAYS AND FOREVER~ Love, mama, papa and your Family~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 02/12/2009 6:41:26pm Name: Mama and Family Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Valentine Michelle We LOVE YOU!! Always and Forever, our Dear Daughter, Sister, Granddaughter, Cousin and Auntie!! Please continue to let your love and light shine down upon us all~ Love, Mama, Papa, and Family Page 29 of 69 Go To Page: Friday 01/30/2009 12:04:34am Name: Some Older Posts from Friends Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: 11/3/08 (((((Cindy Jo))))) sending along a gift for your angel Michelle's 15th anniversary in Heaven. I know that no matter how much time goes by, the aching and longing never ends. My love and prayers are with you and your family during this time of sad remembrance, and I pray that God enfolds you in His loving arms with peace and comfort. God bless you, dear. With love, Judi, Andrew's Mom ________________________ 11/03/08 Dearest CindyJo, For Michelle's Heaven date I'll light a candle for her on Wednesday morning. I know this is such a sad and difficult day, honey. My prayers are sure with you and your family, as I know how much you miss your beautiful little girl. May God comfort you and give you a peaceful day. I'm thinking of you. With my Love, Lynn Mom to Ken _____________________________ 11/4/08 PattiDustinsmama My heart is with you tomorrow and your family, Know I am here if you need me and I will be praying for a day full of blessings and love from Michelle. And that she aslo know what a great and strong mom she has. _____________________ 11/4/08 Cindy Jo......remembering you in a special way and remembering your beautiful sweet daughter Michelle. I know this has been a long journey for you . You learn to cope but you never ever forget and you do not want others to forget either. God's Blessing to you and your entire family.........................Love Diana Robbiesmama ___________________________________ 11/24/08 SusieJasonsmama Wishing you a season filled with heavenly peace. Christmas Blessings to You ____________________ 12/9/08 Deborahsmama Beautiful Christmas page for Michelle, Cindy Jo...I love all the pictures of your sweet Angel. Love and hugs Christine _______________________ 12/11/08 From ShirleyLauriesmama in case I don't get a chance to sign everyones gb this Christmas, wishing all of you a comforting peaceful day... and here is a little gift from me and my angel Laurie. ________________________________ 12/25/08 from ShirleyMarksmama Cindy, my brouser won't let me sign your guest book. But to let you know I was there, it is so very beautiful! I love all of the pictures, especially the one with the two snowmen, so cute! Merry Christmas. I love you! Shirley ______________________________ tears she is so beautiful your baby. lindajoeysmom On Dec 25, 2008 _______________________ 12/26/08 PattiDustinsmama You are already on the "road to peace"! Look around. Breathe deeply. Enjoy. You can be happy NOW. Indeed, happiness can only be found in the present _______________________ MY DEAR FRIENDS 12/26/08 I Pray everyone had a Christmas full of Love and Peace. And wonderful memories of all your ANGEL'S. If I didn't get to everyone's guestbook I am sorry, you were all on my mind. I want to wish for you all a New Year full of Happiness, Peace, Love and Prosperity, and that our Friendship continues. HAPPY 2009 EVERYONE MUCH LOVE Sue-Anne/LEE ______________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 01/08/2009 9:33:29pm Name: Mama Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Shelby Happy New Year 2009 from all of us down here who still keep track of time... how precious is Heaven you don't need to keep track of time anymore... just beauty surrounding you always... peace, love and happiness... until we are together for Eternity our love shall transcend all earthly time. Love Forever, Mama -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 12/26/2008 12:19:17am Name: Melody Homepage: E-Mail: rmsledge@mtco.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Metamora, IL/USA Comments: Merry Christmas to Michelle and her family. Love, Melody (Brian's mommy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 12/23/2008 7:13:42am Name: Carolyn Trissies Mom Homepage: http://www.trissiefetter.com/ E-Mail: trissief92403@yahoo.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Myrtle Beach, SC Comments: Cindy Jo know my thoughts and prayers are with you at this time of year. I wish for you many angel wings to surround you and a gentle kiss from Michelle and if you will listen real close you will hear her whisper "Mom I love you." Love Carolyn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 12/23/2008 6:16:21am Name: Jo Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/heartland/stream/2668/index.html E-Mail: jpoe529@woh.rr.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: OH Comments: My dear friend, hoping that memories of Christmas past with Michele will help you through another year (though never the same as having her here). My thoughts are with you and your family. HUGS accross the miles Page 30 of 69 Go To Page: Saturday 12/20/2008 9:22:30pm Name: MamaHen and Family Homepage: http://here E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Shelby, My Baby Daughter ~ I had a dream about you the other night, it was beautiful and so real, you were WITH me, I know it... we were together and it was like yesterday... like old times and yet a breath away.. I love you so much and miss you even more, I have gotten sooooo many beautiful Christmas Gifts that loving friends have made for you for your Christmas page and I am so endeared to my friends Shelby, who understand and know my aching heart in missing you so very much. It is Christmastime and I am busy, baking, readying for company and joyous in my heart for all the blessings I have and have had, and YOU were MY BLESSING for 9 years on Earth. I am still blessed Michelle and always be, for I am forever your mother.. I will forever love you and one day I will be WITH you for all eternity. Love You So Much my Sweet Child, who sang like an Angel, smiled upon me and melted my heart with joy and a deep love that only a mother can understand, and that will never be taken away from me. Your brother and sister love you, papa loves you, even your nephews adore you and they never met you. Merry Christmas in Heaven sweet child of God and please continue to watch over us all down here.. Forever Mama, Papa and Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 12/20/2008 1:39:55pm Name: Karen Gaines Homepage: E-Mail: raykaren87@comcast.net Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Comments: I can not believe it has been 15 years. She will never be forgotten by us and I know she is a blessing to God in Heaven. What a beautiful page. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 12/12/2008 5:52:20am Name: Dj Homepage: http://www.lighthouse4jesus.com E-Mail: djsasygirl2000@gmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: newport, usa Comments: beautiful memorial page for your beautiful angel, Michelle............my prayers are always with u, hugs, dj -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 12/10/2008 12:41:43am Name: Christine Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Beautiful Christmas page for Michelle, Cindy Jo...I love all the pictures of your sweet Angel. Love and hugs Christine -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 12/10/2008 11:37:57am Name: Sue-Anne Homepage: http://www.angelfire.com/blues/4evermyangel E-Mail: myangelleeag@hotmail.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Canada Comments: Dear Cindy Jo A Beautiful Page, but your ANGEL Michelle surely helps with that. Many Blessings for the holidays for you and your Family. GOD BLESS CINDY JO Sue-Anne/LEE Page 31 of 69 Go To Page: Tuesday 12/09/2008 6:36:13pm Name: Ann Homepage: http://www.jason-simmons.com E-Mail: Referred By: Friend City/Country: Comments: Cindy Jo, the Christmas page for your precious Angel is beautiful. Merry Christmas in Heaven Michelle. Love, Ann Jason's Mom Forever -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 12/09/2008 4:20:45pm Name: Jane, Joey's mom Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Sweet Cindy-Jo. I Love Sweet Angel Michelle's Christmas Page. I know Sweet Michelle will be around her Family. Love Jane -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 12/09/2008 6:48:06am Name: Tracy Darna Homepage: http://www.myspace.com/joshdarna E-Mail: tracydarna@yahoo.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Bokeelia Florida Comments: You always do such a beautiful page for Michelle I always look forward to seeing them....she is surely a angel in heaven...Tracy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 12/08/2008 12:17:06am Name: Joyce Homepage: http://Beaulieu E-Mail: missucassie@cs.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Belchertown, MA Comments: Cindy Jo, what a beautiful Christmas page for your precious Michelle. This is a difficult time of year for all bereaved families and "time doesn't matter". There will always be a hole in our hearts for our loved one and we cannot replace it until the day we see them and they fill the hole once again. I will be praying for all our children and their families this holiday season. Thanks for sharing your lovely Michelle with me. Angel Hugs, Joyce -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 12/08/2008 10:38:06am Name: Shannon Reid Homepage: E-Mail: shannonkreid@att.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Gahanna, OH Comments: Wow, you did a Great job with your site for Michelle Marie~ I know she is smiling down on you for all the effort for her and the other angels she's celebrating with this and every year! Bryan included! I'll be thinking of you and all of us fellow travelers when I light my candles for TCF Int'l Lighting~ 7pm ~14 Dec 2008~ Hugz & Prayers, Shannon Mother of Bryan J Reid Page 32 of 69 Go To Page: Monday 12/08/2008 3:02:49am Name: Candy Young Homepage: E-Mail: Swttch30@AOL.COM Referred By: Friend City/Country: Buffalo,NY;USA Comments: CJ, Another beautiful tribute to your sweet angel. I hope your precious memories of her sustain you through this holiday season and you feel her love shining down on you from heaven. Merry Christmas, Candy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 12/07/2008 8:59:24pm Name: Lynn Homepage: http://www.GoneFishing-KEN.com E-Mail: KensMom25@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Comments: ((((CindyJo)))) Such a darling Christmas page for your Michelle. All of your photos are so cute and the gifts are lovely. You've made a beautiful page for your precious girl. Wishing you love and a blessed and very peaceful Christmas. With my Love, Lynn Mom to Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 12/07/2008 7:29:56pm Name: Melody Homepage: E-Mail: rmsledge@mtco.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Metamora/USA Comments: Precious, bitter-sweet memories. Thanks for sharing your Shelby with us. Love, Melody -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 12/06/2008 3:54:25pm Name: Carol Angel Michael's Mom Homepage: http://www.myangelsonmichael.com E-Mail: mdcarico@gmail.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Bradenton, Fla Comments: Cindy Jo, What a beautiful Christmas page you have made for your Angel Michelle. A candle will burn on Christmas day for your angel and all our angels. May you have beautiful memories of Michelle. I am here if you need me as I know how hard these holidays are. We always need others that have traveled this road. Love to you and your family at Christmas. Love you Love, Carol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 12/06/2008 0:39:27am Name: Donna Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Wishing you and your family a gentle, peaceful and Happy 2009. Love to you and your beautiful angel Michelle, Donna-Corey's Mom Page 33 of 69 Go To Page: Friday 12/05/2008 10:14:19pm Name: Shirley Baer Homepage: http://lauriebaer.com E-Mail: laurie4ever@gmail.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: santa fe, tx Comments: What a beautiful Christmas page for a beautiful young lady.. I am so sorry for your loss. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 11/24/2008 1:48:41pm Name: mama Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Shelby~ I can't believe Thanksgiving is almost here! And this year mama and daddy celebrate their 31st Anniversary together ON Thanksgiving Day, something that happens every six years or so. YOU are included in our Celebration Michelle as you are included in everything we do, and especially on those special days. You are never far and always near and dear to our hearts and souls! Mama has made peanut and chocolate candies, fudge and cookies and will be baking apple and pumpkin pies for our Thanksgiving Dinner. My memories go to how you loved helping mama in the kitchen, you were always such a helper and doer, naturally -but when it came time to bake you loved helping me so much. I still have some of the last batch of cookies you helped me bake in the freezer and some of the zuchinni relish you asked me to make, and you helped dice and slice that we canned! As if I didn't bake enough, sometimes you would even ask me to bake something else, we would make cinnamon rolls and bread, lemon meringue pies, and so much more. You will be watching us from Heaven, the place of Beauty and Serenity, along with Max, and Charlie, Benjie and all our favorite furry family with you there and in our hearts you will be with us, as always. And I just bet you helped papa pick out that Beautiful Red Poinsietta plant for me!!~ Happy Thanksgiving Michelle - All Our Love, Mama, Papa and ALL of Your Family! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 11/17/2008 6:13:39am Name: Oma and Melissa Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Michelle We Love You Always and Forever and are thinking of You so much this month of November. You are always in our hearts and spirits, especially now during the Holiday Season. Our Love Forever, Omie and Sissa -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/07/2008 10:30:40pm Name: Diana Homepage: http://Angel Robbie E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Cindy Jo and Family............What a beautiful child ...Michelle. I could see that not only on the outside but on the inside also. When my son died I looked up into the sky and thought that the brightest star in the sky was Robbie looking down on me even though he did not express that to me as Michelle did to you. Now every time I look up into the sky and see the brightest star I will not only think of my son Robbie but I will also think of Michelle and know that they both are looking down upon us all. God's Blessings..........Love Diana....Robbies' Mom 4 ever!!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/07/2008 10:27:39pm Name: Helen Homepage: http://www.shaunortiz.com E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Cindyjo, I may be late but it never to late to wish and hope you had a peaceful day. I have not been on for a while, planning the vigil, but had to come on to let you know I am thinking of you as Michelle sits in your heart and you feel her love for you as much as she feels your love for her. I know she is not away, she is in your heart. Page 34 of 69 Go To Page: Friday 11/07/2008 11:50:04am Name: Stacy Otto Homepage: E-Mail: stacy.otto@thewoodgroup.us Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Wichita Falls/Wichita Comments: What a beautiful daughter you have. I know how much you must miss her beautiful smile. God Bless you during this time as you remember your angel! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 11/06/2008 7:36:14pm Name: Connie Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/ourheartmichelle E-Mail: nsmoke@comcast.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Sicklerville, NJ Comments: CindyJo I am so very sorry I did not sign this book yesterday and pray the day was gentle and filled with all the love you share with your Michelle. I pray she sends you wonderful signs that let you know she is now and forever near you with love eternally.....Hugs and love Connie & Angel Michelle -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 11/06/2008 10:33:38am Name: Paula Homepage: http://www.halogarden.com/johnathon.html E-Mail: Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Ohio Comments: Thinking of you and holding you close to my heart CindyJo. Michelle is beautiful and I know how much you love and miss her. I am so sorry that I am a day late on writing, but please know, Michelle was remembered on her Heaven's Day......Love and Hugs, Paula ~ Johnathon's Mommy 4-EVER!~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/05/2008 11:27:15pm Name: Sis Becky Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Really special...I LOVE the pic. of Michelle with her finger/hand by her face...it reminds me a lot of her personality...curious, a little mischievous, and FUN!!! Love you, sis, Becky -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/05/2008 11:21:18pm Name: Linda Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: oh my friend . tears know im praying for you cindyjo and I Love Michelle so much. its so hard. Love You MIchelle. I keep a candle lit for u Michelle. your a beautiful angel. and i love you and mom so much.lindajoeysmom Page 35 of 69 Go To Page: Wednesday 11/05/2008 11:18:51pm Name: Diana Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: My dear Cindy Jo, Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your precious angel Michelle! I pray that you feel her near you today to bring you (if only) comfort and a moment of peace that is my pray for you! Great Big Angel Hugs...........and lots of love and hugs for you and your beautiful angle Michelle!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/05/2008 11:15:28pm Name: Jamie Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: CindyJo, I'm also thinking of you on your precious angel's Heaven day. I hope you feel the brush of her angel wings near. Best Regards, Jamie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/05/2008 11:13:45pm Name: Patti Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Cindy Jo, just remember we are all her for you today and all the days to come. God Bless your precious angel Michelle. Just think she is sitting on God lap right now, because I know God cannot resist her beautiful smile, those freckles and that beautiful red hair! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/05/2008 11:12:38pm Name: Alberta Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/decicco_family E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: CJ, Thinking of you even more today on Michelle's Angelversary date. We can't help but think of you every day- you are the glue that holds us all together. I have lit a special candle for Michelle today. LUV AND HUGS Alberta and Scott -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/05/2008 11:11:09pm Name: Kathie Homepage: http://www.angelfire.com/amiga2/ourangelboy2/chrissie.htm E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: CindyJo and Dave & Family, Holding you close in thoughts and prayers today as you remember your precious daughter Michelle. I have my candle lit and sending love to you and your precious Michelle. May you feel her close and receive all the hugs and kisses she sends on the breeze that touches your face. Love you Michelle. Page 36 of 69 Go To Page: Wednesday 11/05/2008 11:09:35pm Name: Becky Homepage: http://www.michael-coon.memory-of.com E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Have a peaceful blessed day! Hugs to you from me, Angel Michael & your Angel Michelle. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/05/2008 9:36:02pm Name: Candy Homepage: http://www.cathappy.com/Jessica.htm E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: CJ, Know that you and Michelle were in my thoughts especially today. It is so true what Albee said about you being the glue that holds us together and we do appreciate all you do for us. I hope the day went okay for you and you got a special sign from Michelle. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/05/2008 10:26:14am Name: Maria (Christopher's mommy) Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/legobeaver/index.html E-Mail: legobeaver@comcast.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: PA Comments: Dear Cindy Jo - this new web page is very beautiful, as are all your pages for your beloved Angel Michelle. I want you to know that you are very much in my thoughts today as you remember Michelle on her heaven day. i'm sure it is so hard for you to comprehend that it has been 15 years, sigh. i hope that it helps in some small way to know that you are not alone. love and hugs, maria Christopher's mommy forever -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/05/2008 8:13:45am Name: Dinah Homepage: http://www.ucumberlands.edu/lamentations/ E-Mail: dinah@ucumberlands.edu Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: KY Comments: Happy Birthday Michelle!!! Your mother has been so deligient in making sure that you are always remembered! Love, Dinah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/05/2008 6:20:42am Name: Janie Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Village/9151/ E-Mail: janie1952@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Calif Comments: Dearest Cindyjo, Thinking of you and your family today as you remember your sweet Michelle. No matter how many years have gone by the longing remains. I pray that you have a peaceful day and are comforted by precious memories of Michelle.. ((Cindyjo)) Love, Janie Page 37 of 69 Go To Page: Wednesday 11/05/2008 0:22:10am Name: Mama Hen and Family Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Shelby We miss you so much and it is 15 years ago today you went to be with Jesus. Some day we will be Together again for Eternity and will be Happy ever after! We Love You Always and Forever. Love, mama, papa and your whole Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/05/2008 0:18:35am Name: Shirley Homepage: http://www.choices-therippleeffect.com E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Michelle, you can never be forgotten for we won't let that ever, ever happen! We love you and your sweet mom. ((((((((((((((((HUGS CindyJo)))))))))))))))))) Thinking of you today, with love and compassion. Shirley and my angel Mark Andrew -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/05/2008 0:15:38am Name: Diana Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Cindy Jo......remembering you in a special way and remembering your beautiful sweet daughter Michelle. I know this has been a long journey for you . You learn to cope but you never ever forget and you do not want others to forget either. God's Blessing to you and your entire family.........................Love Diana -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/05/2008 0:13:08am Name: Lynn Homepage: http://www.gonefishing-ken.com/ken-25-2_001.htm E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dearest CindyJo, For Michelle's Heaven date I'll light a candle for her on Wednesday morning. I know this is such a sad and difficult day, honey. My prayers are sure with you and your family, as I know how much you miss your beautiful little girl. May God comfort you and give you a peaceful day. I'm thinking of you. With my Love, Lynn Mom to Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/05/2008 0:10:11am Name: Judi Homepage: http://www.MyAndrewMySon.com E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: (((((Cindy Jo))))) For your angel Michelle's 15th anniversary in Heaven ~ I know that no matter how much time goes by, the aching and longing never ends. My love and prayers are with you and your family during this time of sad remembrance, and I pray that God enfolds you in His loving arms with peace and comfort. God bless you, dear. With love, Judi, Andrew's Mom Page 38 of 69 Go To Page: Wednesday 11/05/2008 0:05:40am Name: Pat Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/angelmomfriends7/cathy1.html E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: CindyJo, I will continue to keep you in my prayers as you also go through another anniversary date, Love,Pat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 11/04/2008 8:20:07pm Name: Melanie Homepage: http://www.dustinellis.com E-Mail: mwoolum@gmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WV Comments: CJ, a very nice page you have for Michelle, I want you to know that you are in my thoughts, I will lite a candle in Michelles memory tomorrow,. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 11/04/2008 12:37:14am Name: Saralyn Smith Homepage: http://robbiesmith.com E-Mail: saralyn@cox.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Dodge City, KS Comments: CindyJo, praying that God is continuing to hold you in His loving arms, blessing you with His peace and comfort. May you always feel your sweet Michelle's love surrounding you. Love and hugs, Saralyn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 11/04/2008 5:32:26am Name: Diana Langley Bowles Homepage: E-Mail: tyedi2600@yahoo.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Bowling Green, Ohio U S A Comments: Michelle......Thinking of you on your angel anniversary.Keep that beautiful smile there in heaven. Remeber to keep sending signs to you momma and keep your spirit alive in her heart. God's blessing to you sweetie..............Diana Robbie's Mom 4 ever -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 11/03/2008 2:21:42pm Name: Christine Homepage: http://www.rememberingdeborah.com E-Mail: deborahs_mum@hotmail.co.uk Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Scotland Comments: Cindy Jo, my love and thoughts are with you as your beautiful Michelle's 15th Anniversary approaches. I pray you will have a gentle day, filled with love and many wonderful signs from sweet Angel Michelle. With love, Christine Page 39 of 69 Go To Page: Monday 11/03/2008 6:46:57am Name: Alberta Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/decicco_family/Abby2.html E-Mail: scottalbertadecicco@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Siler City, North Carolina USA Comments: Michelle, You are a beautiful girl. Please keep our angels company while we all complete our missions here on Earth. I am sure you and our angels will all be there to meet and greet us as we all make our entrances to Heaven. What a great time it will be when we are all together again. Take extra special care of your mom, she is the glue that holds us all together here. THANKS ANGEL GIRL!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 11/03/2008 3:45:59am Name: Jo Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/heartland/stream/2668/index.html E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Ohio Comments: Cindy jo: Thinking of you and your family as another anniversary draws near. This is a lovely site remembering a lovely little girl. God bless. Hugs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 11/02/2008 10:41:45pm Name: Shirley Baer Homepage: http://lauriebaer.com E-Mail: laurie4ever@gmail.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: santa fe, tx Comments: What a beautiful angelversary page you have made for Michelle...I am so sorry for the loss of this beautiful little girl...What a beautiful young woman she would have been, and is in Heaven...Luv -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 11/02/2008 9:25:59pm Name: Lynn Homepage: http://www.GoneFishing-KEN.com E-Mail: KensMom25@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Comments: ((((CindyJo)))) My thoughts and prayers are with you as we honor your precious Michelle on her Heaven Date on Wednesday. I will light a candle for her. May God bless and comfort you during these difficult days. I'm here if you need me. With my Love, Lynn Mom to Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 11/02/2008 8:31:48pm Name: Aunt Boweena Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Comments: I can't believe it's been 15 years but I am sure when we get to heaven it will be like we never parted! Oh how my heart longs for that special day, but until then I will try to remember to live each day to the fullest and very lovingly and happily as my precious niece Michelle did!!! Love Always, Aunt Bo Page 40 of 69 Go To Page: Sunday 11/02/2008 5:52:19pm Name: Brenda & John Manz Homepage: E-Mail: b1manz@bellsouth.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Charlotte/Murphy Comments: It's hard to believe it could be 15 years for Michelle, and you did a very beautiful labors of love for her webpages. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 11/02/2008 2:38:32pm Name: Patty Lovell Homepage: E-Mail: nckymomsbabe@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Mt. Juliet Tennessee Comments: Cindy Jo, I am praying that God will give you and your family peace in your Heart as the Thanksgiving Anniversary approaches for sweet little Michelle. She is the prettiest little red head girl I have ever seen! May God Bless you all! Patty& Gary(Bubba) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 11/02/2008 2:20:19pm Name: Tammy Homepage: E-Mail: tam_pst44@yahoo.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: MI/USA Comments: Oh dear Cindy Jo how beautiful! wonderful job and tribute to your beautiful angel Michelle! Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers especially this dreaded week ahead of you and your family, your are not alone and you and Michelle are loved very much! Great Big Angel Hugs to you and your Michelle.Tammy P. (Stevesmama) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 11/02/2008 12:56:48am Name: Carol Angel Michael's Mom Homepage: http://www.myangelsonmichael.com E-Mail: mdcarico@gmail.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Bradenton, Fla Comments: Cindy Jo, Oh hun the new page is just beautiful. I send all my love and prayers to you as we honor your beautiful Angel Michelle and her heavenly anniversary tomorrow. A candle will burn in loving memory of your angel. Know i am here if you need me for anything. Take care my dear friend. Love you Love Carol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 11/02/2008 11:52:25am Name: Lori Miller Homepage: http:/www.oursonstevengonetoosoon.com E-Mail: ateamgirl@comcast.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Salem, Oregon Comments: Dear Cindy Jo, My thoughts and prayers are with you as Michelle's 15th Angelversary comes. I don't know how you do it year and year out! It just seems so overwhelming to know that I have to do it to. Please know I am here for you if you ever need to talk! Many hugs and prayers to you my friend! Page 41 of 69 Go To Page: Sunday 11/02/2008 8:30:09am Name: Patti Rawls Homepage: http://dseptember.tripod.com/ E-Mail: pdrawls1956@consolidated.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Katy,Texas Comments: Michelle,your mom is such a awesome strong woman I know you are so proud of her. I pray you will surround her with love and hugs as your Angelversay approaches. She loves and misses you so much I am praying for your mom and family and a Big Hug to Heaven for you! Love, Patti -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 11/02/2008 8:18:10am Name: Shirley M. Homepage: http://www.choices-therippleeffect.com E-Mail: mamamole2@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Michigan Comments: Cindy, the page you've created for Michelle is beautiful just like you and her! I love you, friend. God bless you always. We will meet them again, when we're called home too. Shirley -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 10/20/2008 12:10:44am Name: Dinah Homepage: http://www.ucumberlands.edu/lamentations E-Mail: dinah@ucumberlands.edu Referred By: Friend City/Country: Williamsburg Comments: I had not seen these pictures of Michelle,they are priceless! Love from a fellow traveler, Dinah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 10/16/2008 7:50:17am Name: Jo Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/heartland/stream/2668/index.html E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: OH Comments: cindy jo, great page for a sweet little girl. I loved looking at all the pictures thru the years. hugs. Jo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 10/16/2008 3:30:53am Name: Carol Angel Michael's Mom Homepage: http://www.myangelsonmichael.com E-Mail: mdcarico@gmail.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Bradenton, Fla Comments: Cindy Jo, Oh hun the page is awesome. I loved all the pictures of Angel Michelle on Halloween. You have done a great job. Thank you so much for sharing. Love you Love Carol Page 42 of 69 Go To Page: Thursday 10/16/2008 1:45:02am Name: Reeny Fitzer Homepage: http://dustinfitzer.net E-Mail: reeny@srcaccess.net Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Randlett,Ok. Comments: beautiful Page and wishing all a happy Halloween http://dustinfitzer.net/halloween08/halloween08.html Reeny angels Dustin and Becky's Mom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 08/24/2008 5:53:39am Name: Jo Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/heartland/stream/2668/index.html E-Mail: jpoe529@woh.rr.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: oh Comments: Thinking of you cindy jo as Michelle's birthday is here again. I am sending hugs accross the miles from me my friend. May it comfort you just a little to know others know what you are going through and care about you. HUGS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 08/24/2008 3:37:04am Name: Mama Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHELBY!!!!! Mama loves you always and forever sweet child of God!!~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 08/23/2008 10:03:20pm Name: Mama and Family Homepage: http://here E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Shelby I was ready to wake in labor 24 years ago just hours from now, I remember it was about 1 AM and I turned MTV on to be "sure" I was really in labor and knew that I was as it woke me up! I miss you so much. We wish you a Happy Birthday in Heaven.. This is your 24th Royal Birthday since you were born the 24th.. with my Birthday right around the corner this really is hard for me... but, I will make it through knowing that is what you want.. Thank you for the sweet "sign" I got from you tonight that you are okay and thinking of all of us too.. the maple leaf design I never noticed before on the ceiling, and you and me know how awesome this is since you made those beautiful Fall leaves just before you went to Heaven.. We Love you Always and Forever! Mama, Papa and Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 05/10/2008 4:30:16pm Name: Paula Homepage: http://halogarden.com/johnathon.hml E-Mail: halo4john@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Galloway, Oh Comments: Michelle Marie.......you are loved and remembered ALWAYS! Page 43 of 69 Go To Page: Saturday 02/23/2008 6:59:50pm Name: Dawn Foiles Homepage: E-Mail: dawnmfoiles@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Moscow, Idaho Comments: beautiful page! Happy Valentine's Day, Michelle!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 02/20/2008 12:00:54am Name: Lori Miller Homepage: http://www.ourchurch.com/view/?pageID=310101 E-Mail: ateamgirl@comcast.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Salem, Oregon Comments: What a beautiful Valentines page! My thougths and prayers are with you on Valentines Day. Love you all! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 02/17/2008 8:11:06pm Name: Maria (Christopher's mommy) Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/legobeaver/index.html E-Mail: legobeaver@comcast.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: PA Comments: Dear CJ - you have made yet another beautiful and heart felt web page in honor of your precious daughter Michelle. i hope and pray that your Valentine Day was a somehow a peaceful one. love and hugs, maria Christopher's mommy forever -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 02/16/2008 11:01:00am Name: Dinah Homepage: http://LAMENTATIONS E-Mail: Referred By: Friend City/Country: KY Comments: You always do the most beautiful pages for Michelle. I know that she knows how much you love her and you will never let her be forgotten. Love, Dinah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 02/16/2008 10:56:18am Name: Carol Homepage: http://www.myangelsonmichael.com E-Mail: ccarico@tampabay.rr.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: FL Comments: Cindy Jo, The page you have done for Michelle is just beautiful. I pray your Valentine Day was a peaceful one. Thank you for sharing your beautiful daughter and and her page. Love you Love, Carol Page 44 of 69 Go To Page: Saturday 02/16/2008 10:42:30am Name: Saralyn Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: For Valentines, hope your day was filled with love and laughter! Love and hugs, Saralyn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 02/16/2008 10:39:24am Name: Susie Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Wishing you much love on this Valentine day....love and light Susie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 02/14/2008 8:25:22pm Name: Janie Homepage: http://In Loving Memory Of Our Son Keith E-Mail: janie1952@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Calif Comments: Cj, another beautiful page..Thanks for sharing. I hope that you had a peaceful day and had remembered some wonderful times of past Valentines Days that you shared with Michelle. Thinking of you with love, Janie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 02/14/2008 6:29:14pm Name: Shirley Homepage: http://www.choices-therippleeffect.com/ E-Mail: mamamole2@yahoo.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: MI Comments: Thinking of you and have a Happy Valentines Day. Love Shirley and Angel Mark -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 02/14/2008 5:27:44pm Name: Brenda Homepage: E-Mail: b1manz@bellsouth.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: NC Comments: Happy Valentine-Sweet Michelle, Your Mommy loves you so very, very much! I know you are so proud of her for all the kindness and good deeds she is doing for so many bereaved parents in loving memory of their children too. She loves you with her whole heart and would walk to the moon and back to get you if she could!!! Love, Hugs & Sunshine, Brenda, mom to Nathan, forever 17 Hugs & Sunshine, Brenda & John Page 45 of 69 Go To Page: Thursday 02/14/2008 5:23:02pm Name: Tammy P. Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/tam_pst44 E-Mail: tam_pst44@yahoo.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Standish, USA Comments: What a beautiful Valentines Page for your beautiful angel Michelle!! Happy Valentines Day! Hugs, Tammy P. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 02/14/2008 3:14:23pm Name: Linda Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/angelpageschris4/joeyanniv.html E-Mail: lindajoeysmom@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: NY Comments: So beautiful cindyjo. wishing you and MIchelle a Happy Valentines Day. she lives in our hearts. lindajoeysmom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 02/14/2008 3:07:14pm Name: Maria Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/amiga/ourangelboy/valentine2.html E-Mail: legobeaver@comcast.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: PA Comments: Dear CJ - this is such a beautiful and heart-filled tribute to your precious daughter Michelle. we all know that our angels are always in our hearts and that they will forever be our valentines. sigh. love and hugs, maria Christopher's mommy forever -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 02/14/2008 2:52:27pm Name: Cynthia Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/myangelshelly E-Mail: cfp615@comcast.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: TN Comments: Cindyjo, Michelle is Beautiful! and Happy Valentines Day to everyone in your group! I love all of you and all of our Angels! Cynthia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 02/14/2008 2:01:34pm Name: Sue-Anne Homepage: http://www.angelfire.com/blues/4evermyangel E-Mail: myangelleeag@hotmail.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: CANADA Comments: Cindy Jo, Another BEAUTIFUL Page of your ANGEL. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO YOU LOVE YOU Sue-Anne/LEE Page 46 of 69 Go To Page: Thursday 02/14/2008 1:48:18pm Name: Carole Homepage: http://chadppendergrass.com/main/main.html E-Mail: carolependergrass@embarqmail.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Comments: Hi Cindy Jo, Happy Valentines Day - Michelle valentine is so pretty. Wishing you a Happy Valentines Day!!! Take care, Carole -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 02/14/2008 1:44:02pm Name: Tami Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/myangeldavis E-Mail: squishiepie@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Comments: Hi Cindy, I visited Michelle's Valentines Page....you have a beautiful site for her.... hugs Tami -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 02/14/2008 12:54:43am Name: Lori Homepage: http://xrl.us/angelsteven-steven E-Mail: ateamgirl@comcast.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: OREGON Comments: Happy Valentines Day and my thoughts and prayers are with you! Hugs Lori -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 02/14/2008 12:52:00am Name: Lynn Homepage: http://www.GoneFishing-KEN.com E-Mail: KensMom25@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Comments: ((((CindyJo)))) Such a beautiful Valentine page for Michelle! Thank you for sharing it with us. I hope you have a day filled with love and sunshine. Love and Hugs, Lynn Mom to Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 02/14/2008 12:49:00am Name: Mama, Papa and Family Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Michelle We love you, our Valentine! Happy Valentines Day in Heaven~ we can feel your love pouring down on us from Paradise! Love, Mama, Papa and Family Page 47 of 69 Go To Page: Tuesday 02/12/2008 10:38:55pm Name: Joyce Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Thanks Cindyjo for sending me Michelle's Valentine page. It is beautiful and creative. I haven't had a chance to look at the other pages yet but I will get to them as time permits. What a precious gift she gave to you just before she passed, and finding that card she drew must of been such a blessing and a "sign" that she is with you always. Thinking of you and all the angel mom's this Valentine's Day. All the holidays are difficult no matter how short or how long it's been since they left us to live in Heaven with God. Angel Hugs, Joyce, Cassiesmama -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 12/25/2007 3:39:33pm Name: Mama, Papa and Family Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Michelle in Heaven~ How we miss and Love you. Today I was reading in a book how an "accident" that results in one going to Heaven is not an accident at all but is God's divine calling to us when it is our time to leave this earth's plane and enter Paradise... that all those series of things that had to come together couldn't have been an accident but well thought out avenues to extinguish the earthly life once that earthly soul is ready for the Kingdom of God in Paradise.. What better day than Christmas day, the day we celebrate Christ's birth, to read this message, and truthfully reading this today was no accident, either. Yes, I know all of this in my heart, already.. But the reminder was a good one. I believe that it was your 'time' and have said so a million times but my earthly heart just won't allow me to convince myself at times.. So Michelle, my Belle and sweet Shelby. let this be our Christmas letter to you and for the world to see, that you ARE SO LOVED AND REMEMBERED and STILL SERVING this earth with the ministry that you have given to me from God.. And I know deep within my heart, your love is ever near us each moment of each day as ours is for you. To Eternity and Beyond, Merry Christmas Sweet, sweet Shelby~ and please help us to make it through the New Year with love, peace and joy. Love, Mama, Papa and your Family JOHN 10:28-29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 11/05/2007 0:04:38am Name: Mama, Papa and Family Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Sweet *Shelby* Our little beloved, full of smiles, love, beauty and grace ~ singing and drawing, mama's little helper, my little green eyed girl! My goodness, fourteen years... it is so difficult to believe let alone ever, ever understand, that you would enter the Golden Gates of Heaven, the youngest member of our family, first... We think of you each and every day and though this day is just another it is one that hurts so badly, WHY did God need you so soon? Our little child of God WE MISS YOU SO VERY MUCH!!! WE WILL LOVE YOU TO ETERNITY AND BEYOND!! Forever, Your Family - Mama, Papa, Sissa, Bubba, Johnny and All. JOHN 10:28-29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 09/05/2007 7:13:34pm Name: Susan, Loria's Mom Homepage: http://www.loriacaulder.com E-Mail: loria_memorialNOSPAM@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: NC, USA Comments: Cindy Jo, please forgive my tardy visit with birthday wishes for Michelle. I hope that the day passed peacefully with comforting memories of your daughter that you hold close to your heart. Respectfully, Susan, Loria's Mom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 09/03/2007 9:34:21am Name: Karen Gaines Homepage: E-Mail: raykaren87@comcast.net Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Comments: Your life changed so beautifully 23 years ago. I love you. Karen Page 48 of 69 Go To Page: Friday 08/31/2007 6:52:52am Name: Becky Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: AR Comments: 8.24.07 Hey Cindy Jo! I'm sending you my love & prayers today. I Know that Michelle is sending hers to. Have a blessed, comforting day. May God surround you with the peace that only he can give. Hugs, Becky & Angel Michael -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 08/31/2007 6:49:13am Name: Peg Bailey Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Mass. Comments: Hi Cindyjo, Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family always but especially on Michelle's bday. Huge hugs Love ya ~Peg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 08/29/2007 8:09:27am Name: Susan Homepage: http://memories.cabincreekfarm.com/index.html E-Mail: wcollins@duo-county.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: My thoughts and prayers are with you. The Birthday page is beautiful. I know you hold your memories close to your heart. May God give you comfort. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 08/28/2007 11:13:09am Name: Karen Jenkins Homepage: http://geoffreypedwards.com E-Mail: Antigone50@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Navesink, NJ Comments: May God bless and comfort you on this birthday of your Angel Michelle. May He grant to you some peace of mind and heart. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 08/26/2007 8:26:54pm Name: Melissa Goetz Homepage: E-Mail: mmgoetz@comcast.net Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Spokane Washington Comments: Dear Mom: This is a very beautiful and thoughtful page. You and your friends did a wonderful job of celebrating Michelle's 23rd Birthday! I can't believe it has been 14 years. She will always be 9 to me, despite how many years go by. Someday when I'm 80, I will still remember her as 9, even though she should be 77. I love you! Love, Melissa Mae Page 49 of 69 Go To Page: Sunday 08/26/2007 3:30:18pm Name: Paula Homepage: http://halogarden.com/johnathon.html E-Mail: Referred By: Friend City/Country: Ohio Comments: Michelle is just so beautiful CindyJo! My heart, thoughts, and prayers are with you always! Love and Hugs from Paula -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 08/26/2007 11:10:00am Name: Papa Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: You've done a wonderful job on this site. It's beautiful! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 08/26/2007 10:42:00am Name: Helen Shaunsmama Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: California Comments: Dear Cindyjo, There are never words we can find to express our feelings, I want you to know I had you and Michelle on my mind the last few days. I know how hard it is. You forming the group has helped so many mothers, I know Michelle looks down at you with so much pride seeing you help us. Sending you love and prayers, tuck those precious memories under your heart and enjoy them as you reminisce those precious moments. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 08/26/2007 10:36:28am Name: Janie Keithsmama Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: TX Comments: My dear friend, I didn't forget about you or your sweet Michelle...I'm thinking of you and her on her birthday..... my candle is lit both here and at home in honor of her. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 08/26/2007 10:34:04am Name: Dj, Shane's Mom Homepage: http://l4jesus.com E-Mail: djsasygirl2000@gmail.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Newport, Ar, USA Comments: Cindy, Wanted to let u know my prayers and thoughts are with u. Hugs, Dj Page 50 of 69 Go To Page: Sunday 08/26/2007 10:31:53am Name: Christine Deborahsmum Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Scotland Comments: What a beautiful page you've created for Michelle! Thank you for sharing it with me CindyJo, I hope Michelle's birthday was a peaceful day for you. Love, Christine -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 08/26/2007 10:29:44am Name: Tammy P. Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Michigan Comments: I want you to know that I am thinking of you and your precious angel Michelle at this very sad time..............sigh..........Happy Heavenly 23rd Birthday to you beautiful Michelle! Cindy Jo, I pray that God will bring you some comfort and peace for just a moment!! Great big Angel Hugs and love to you and your angel Michelle, Tammy P. (Stevesmama) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 08/26/2007 10:27:03am Name: Lindajoeysmom Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: NewYork Comments: cindyjo what a beautiful memorial page . i love her smile her little face. 23 Oh Cindy jo. the age Joey left me. with God. I cant believe Michelle is 23. that beautiful little girl. with long red hair. tears. oh cindyjo how in the world are we doing this. Happy Birhtday Michelle. love you and mom so much lindajoeysmom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 08/26/2007 9:56:48am Name: Lori Miller Homepage: http://xrl.us/angelsteven-steven E-Mail: ateamgirl@comcast.net Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Salem, Oregon Comments: What a beautiful site. My thoughts and prayers are with you!!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 08/26/2007 9:20:32am Name: monika Homepage: http://www.joshuahedglin.com E-Mail: ang18jeh@socket.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Mo Comments: The angels welcome a new star into the heavens, Their loving arms open to gently bless this bright new light and call it their own. Neither heart nor mind can understand why your Angel was taken so soon. Yours is a pain so deep a loss so profound, that words fail, only faith can sustain us. Please know that loving thoughts and prayers are with you now and always. Thinking of you and your sweet Michelle as you face yet another birthday (birthday always shared in the most special of ways) with out your sweet lil girl. A Child's Memory A child's treasured memory, I will hold so dear, Through laughter and tears, The times we spent together, Are now precious memories. May your day be filled with sunshine and sprinkled with angel dust. Love Monika Page 51 of 69 Go To Page: Saturday 08/25/2007 9:38:09pm Name: Ann Homepage: http://www.jason-simmons.com E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: SC Comments: CJ, sorry I am late but my thoughts and prayers were with you Friday. Michelle I hope you had a wonderful party in Heaven. Love, Ann Jason's Mom Forever -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 08/25/2007 9:04:58pm Name: Tracy Darna....Josh's mom Homepage: E-Mail: tracydarna@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Bokeelia Florida Comments: Thanks for sharing the beautiful tribute to Michelle....how nice that everyone did such beautiful work to honor her....thinking of you always...Tracy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 08/25/2007 8:42:40pm Name: Aunt Bo and Emily Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Comments: I love it! My sweet niece is so beautifully remembered and always and forever loved and thought about! My sweetest Shelby-I can't wait to live eternally with you and the Lord! Love Aunt Bo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 08/25/2007 3:09:42pm Name: Tammy Namet Homepage: E-Mail: tammynamet@yahoo.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Colbert, WA Comments: How can it have been 14 years, we only lost her yesterday. My heart is with you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 08/25/2007 11:45:57am Name: Dj Shanes Mom Homepage: http://l4jesus.com E-Mail: djsasygirl2000@gmail.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Newport, Ar, USA Comments: Cindy Jo, my thoughts and prayers are with u, sorry this is late. Hugs, Dj Page 52 of 69 Go To Page: Saturday 08/25/2007 9:31:25am Name: Doreen Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/ourangelboy15/tylerstory.html E-Mail: Tylersmyangel@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Forest Hill MD Comments: Dear CJ Michelle and family Thinking of you all today. Happy Birthday sweet Michelle! I know that you are smiling down on your family as they celebrate and miss you so much on your 23rd birthday! to give them comfort Sending love and hugs Doreen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 08/25/2007 8:42:16am Name: MamaHen Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Birthday Girl~ My Michelle Marie ~ I made it through another BD with you tucked deep inside my heart and with sweet memories of your birth 23 years ago... I still find it hard to believe you left for Paradise so young and so many Birthdays ago.. We got to have your Nephew Johnny to fill our day and night as we visited your Sissa and had dinner at her house! All in all it was a good day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR Baby DAUGHTER and Child of God, now to just make it through mine on Monday! You know how hard it is for me to get a year older when we only got to share nine earth BD's with you and how happy I was to have you MY BIRTHDAY present 23 years ago! How bittersweet.. But for you, I will smile, I will love, I will laugh and I will go on and enjoy my life, as you so much did. I will love you Always and Forever... JOHN 10:28-29 mamahen, daddyroo and Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 08/25/2007 8:32:09am Name: Joni Greever Homepage: E-Mail: joniplcjj@hotmail.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Grass Valley, CA Comments: Happy Birthday, Cousin! I hope you and Preston have found each other and are 'buds'. Your mama has been such a help to me and, through her, I know how precious you are. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 08/25/2007 7:45:29am Name: Kathie Homepage: http://www.angelfire.com/amiga2/ourangelboy2/chrissie.html E-Mail: k.carrigan2@verizon.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Germantown Maryland Comments: Michelle, I pray your birthday in heaven was super and you sent your Mom many signs. Cindy Jo I pray the day went preacefully for you. I am sure all of our angels really had a big party for Michelle. Hugs and Love, Kathie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 08/25/2007 0:37:32am Name: Helen Shaun's mom Homepage: http://www.shaunortiz.com E-Mail: shaunbeach@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: San Jose, CA Comments: Cindyjo, this is such a precious page you have done for Michelle, 23 years old, she must have all angels in awe! I know she is truly missed so much and she knows how much. Enjoy remembering those precious moments you shared. Michelle, may you be having a big celebration with all the angels and the Lord. Love to you and your mom Page 53 of 69 Go To Page: Friday 08/24/2007 1:39:08pm Name: Cynthia Homepage: http://Shelly's homepage E-Mail: cfp615@comcast.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Nashville Comments: This is Beautiful! I know Michelle is looking down and so proud of you and all of your Angel Friends. Happy Birthday Michelle! I love You! Cynthia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 08/24/2007 10:00:04am Name: Melanie Homepage: http://www.dustinellis.com E-Mail: mwoolum@gmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WV Comments: Cindy Jo, I hope that This day reminds you of the better days. The days when you seemed to have everything, All the years that pass by without our baby's, It is such an empty feeling, One thing for sure time doesn't change anything, all the love is still there and the memorys although so short. and yes the pain of losing and missing them is still with us, that part will never leave either. last night I could almost feel Dustin, it was so bittersweet. I know that he was with me. Just as your Michelle is with you still. Michelle Happy Birthday! Tell Dustin I love him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 08/24/2007 9:38:34am Name: Laurie Bowman Homepage: E-Mail: buck_laurie@hotmail.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Spokane, WA Comments: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 08/24/2007 9:00:53am This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 08/24/2007 8:54:34am Name: Margo Homepage: http://www.spokanewienersdogs.org E-Mail: Referred By: Friend City/Country: Spokane, WA Comments: Nicely done. Page 54 of 69 Go To Page: Friday 08/24/2007 7:11:20am Name: Peggy Miler Homepage: E-Mail: peggyth@bellsouth.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Louisiana Comments: Mom of "Trey and Mike" Price My heart goes out to your Mom Sweet Michelle. Your Birthday's are so hard on us without you but we KNOW you are in PRECIOUS LOVING hands and one day we will all be together again.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/23/2007 9:10:21pm Name: Sylvia Thompson Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/ourangelboy3/amber1.html E-Mail: sylviagsthompson@bellsouth.net Referred By: Web Ring City/Country: Douglasville, Ga. Comments: Dear Cindy Jo, What a precious little Michelle. Oh, my goodness, how beautiful! She sure sounded like she had a lot of knowledge of Heaven. I believe she knew she was going there, & was not afraid, but so happy. Thank you for sharing this beautiful website of Michelle,and I know her birthday in Heaven will be very special. Remembering your family in my prayers. Love, Sylvia Thompson -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/23/2007 4:58:35pm Name: Sue-Anne Homepage: http://www.angelfire.com/blues/4evermyangel E-Mail: myangelleeag@hotmail.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Canada Comments: Dearest Cindy Jo and Family Will be thinking very much of you tomorrow as you will be celebrating your beautiful ANGEL Michelle's Heavenly Birthday. May GOD hold you close to HIM so you may feel HIS STRENGTH, COMFORT and LOVE. GOD BLESS Sue-Anne/LEE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/23/2007 11:20:08am Name: Maria (Christopher's mommy) Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/legobeaver/index.html E-Mail: legobeaver@comcast.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: PA Comments: Dear CJ - i just wanted to let you know how very much i am keeping you and your family in my thoughts at this most difficult time of the year. Your new page for your Angel Michelle is as beautiful as the rest of your web site in her memory. i am so sorry that we have to be traveling this path of grief together, but at least we are not alone. love and hugs, maria Christopher's mommy forever -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/23/2007 6:09:22am Name: Jeanne Homepage: http://hollygracelockard.memory-of.com/ E-Mail: mini_tm56@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: SC Comments: Happy Birthday Michelle,I'm lighting a candle for you and sending comforting hugs to your mom.(((hugs))) Page 55 of 69 Go To Page: Thursday 08/23/2007 5:56:02am Name: Linda (Tina's mom forever) Homepage: http://missingtinamariemcquaig.homestead.com/memorial.html E-Mail: rices50@comcast.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Jacksonville, FL Comments: Dearest Cindy Jo, You have created a beautiful page for Michelle's heavenly birthday. What a lovely honor to such a precious little angel. I will be holding you close to my heart and pray that your day is full of wonderful memories from birthday's past. God bless you gently With love, Linda -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/23/2007 3:50:15am Name: Judy, mom to angel Jamie-leigh Britt Homepage: http://jamieleigh-britt.memory-of.com E-Mail: jlb3249@sbcglobal.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Vidor, Texas USA Comments: A beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl. My heart goes out to you. "AFTER EVERY JOY THAT PASSES SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL REMAINS." God bless you & your family. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 08/22/2007 9:16:34pm Name: Lynn Homepage: http://www.GoneFishing-KEN.com E-Mail: KensMom25@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Comments: Dear CindyJo, What a beautiful Birthday page you've made for your precious Michelle! It's so lovely, and all of her gifts are really beautiful. I know you love and miss your darling girl so very much. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and I will light a candle for Michelle on Friday morning. I'm here if you should need me. Love and Prayers, Lynn Mom to Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 08/22/2007 3:48:11pm Name: Jeri Ornelas-Jones Homepage: http://www.dustinornelas.com E-Mail: jeri.jones@sbcglobal.net Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Iola, Ks. Comments: Thank you for sharing Michelle with us. You have done a very nice job with the website. It is a great tribute to a beautiful daughter. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 08/14/2007 11:32:32am Name: Tracy Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/iawildflwr/index E-Mail: trjjsbd@mchsi.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Des Moines, IA Comments: What a beautiful tribute to Michelle! God Bless! Page 56 of 69 Go To Page: Tuesday 04/10/2007 10:44:10pm Name: Helen Homepage: http://www.shaunortiz.com E-Mail: shaunbeach@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: San Jose, CA Comments: Cindyjo, how proud you have made Michelle, all the beautiful pages you have made for her. What I find so much more beautiful is how you have combined her website as a family site. I just feel that it makes it look like she is not alone, her family is with her,that is BEAUTIFUL Cindyjo. Someday when I learn, I will make one page where shaun is not alone. Sending you hugs, love and prayers during this blessed season. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 04/08/2007 11:44:05am Name: MamaHen and Family Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Shelby~ Happy Easter sweet baby girl, we Love you Always and Forever. Love mama, papa, Omie, Bubba, Sissa and your whole Family. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 04/08/2007 11:40:00am Name: Cynthia Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Cindyjo, this is just so Beautiful! I wish I knew how to add something to Michelle's Easter Page. Love Ya, Cynthia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 04/07/2007 8:07:24pm Name: shirley baer Homepage: http://lauriebaer.com E-Mail: laurie4ever@gmail.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: santa fe, tx Comments: a beautiful page for your angel michelle....luv -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 04/07/2007 10:17:27am Name: Tammy Namet Homepage: E-Mail: tammynamet@yahoo.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Comments: You always make such nice websites for Michelle. I wonder if she is picking flowers for you in heaven? Or maybe she is greeting some other child who is just gettig there. Either way there is a smile on her face and a song in her heart. Page 57 of 69 Go To Page: Saturday 04/07/2007 9:02:15am Name: Tammy P. Homepage: E-Mail: tam_pst44@yahoo.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: MI/ USA Comments: Michelles Easter Page is beautiful! Thank you for sharing your beautiful angel with us :) Happy Easter! Love ya -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 04/06/2007 3:32:05pm Name: Jacob's Mum Homepage: http://www.caringbridge.org/me/jacob E-Mail: Referred By: Friend City/Country: Queensland Australia Comments: Dear Michelle's family Michelles Easter page is beautiful I hope you all have a peaceful Easter with Love Jacob's Mum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 04/06/2007 11:07:08am Name: Sue-Anne Homepage: http://www.angelfire.com/blues/4evermyangel E-Mail: myangelleeag@hotmail.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Canada Comments: Dearest Cindy Jo and ANGEL Michelle Sweet ANGEL Michelle, your Easter card to your Mom is so beautiful. Cindy Jo Your Easter card is beautiful, that picture that your ANGEL made, just made the page, it didn't need anything else. MAY YOUR EASTER BE PEACEFUL MY DEAR FRIEND. HAPPY EASTER IN HEAVEN ANGEL MICHELLE. MY LOVE Sue-Anne/LEE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 04/06/2007 10:02:07am Name: Dinah Taylor Homepage: http://www.ucumberlands.edu/lamentations/ E-Mail: dinah@ucumberlands.edu Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Kentucky Comments: Cindy Jo, Each holiday you make a page in memory of Michelle and I always feel like she is sending me the page. I loved her drawing of the rabbit. What a treasure to have. Love from a fellow traveler, Dinah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 02/17/2007 6:23:27pm Name: Melissa Goetz Homepage: E-Mail: mgreever@comcast.net Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Spokane Valley, USA Comments: Beautiful as always Mom!! I love you! Love, Melissa Page 58 of 69 Go To Page: Thursday 02/15/2007 4:10:16pm Name: Helen Homepage: http://www.shaunortiz.com E-Mail: shaunbeach@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: San Jose, CA Comments: Hi Cindyjo, I haven't been around for a bit, today is the first time in a long time and what a nice page I came into, these are simply beautiful Valentines for Michelle. I know she is smiling down on her mom and what her mom does for her. God Bless -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 02/15/2007 11:11:25am Name: Dinah Taylor Homepage: http://www.ucumberlands.edu/lamentations/ E-Mail: dinah@ucumberlands.edu Referred By: Friend City/Country: Williamsburg, KY Comments: What a beautiful page for Michelle's Valentine's Day celebration in Heaven. Thank you so much for sharing her. Love, Dinah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 02/15/2007 10:33:28am Name: Kimberly Homepage: http://www.angelfire.com/pa/marchangel E-Mail: Referred By: Friend City/Country: Southern TN Comments: Cindy Jo, just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and Michelle. I hope you are doing well! Love and hugs, Kimberly~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 02/14/2007 8:11:10pm Name: Mike Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Reminds me of when we were kids. Good job mom. Love, Mike -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 02/14/2007 5:10:47pm Name: CindyJo Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Sweet Shelby~ Happy Valentine's Day Sweet child of ours, we Love You so much and Yes Love IS Sweet! You always Loved Us All with All Your Heart!! Until we are together again Forever~ Love, Mamahen, Paparoo, Your Family and Friends ~ JOHN 10:28-29 Page 59 of 69 Go To Page: Wednesday 02/14/2007 4:56:03pm Name: Angie Homepage: http://www.dustinhamilton.com/ E-Mail: dustinsmom@dustinhamilton.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Kansas Comments: Cindy Jo, beautiful Valentine page for your sweet little Michelle. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Love you Angie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 02/14/2007 1:32:47pm Name: Lori Miller Homepage: http://steven-miller.memory-of.com E-Mail: ateamgirl@comcast.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Salem, Oregon Comments: What a beautiful tribute! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 02/14/2007 11:24:12am Name: Lynn Homepage: http://www.GoneFishing-KEN.com E-Mail: KensMom25@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Comments: (((Cindy Jo))) Such a beautiful Valentine page for your precious Michelle. Sending lots of love and hugs your way today. God bless. Love and prayers, Lynn Mom to Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 02/14/2007 11:04:20am Name: Monika Homepage: http://www.joshuahedglin.com E-Mail: ang18jeh@socket.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Mo Comments: What a beautiful page in memory of Michelle. Happy Valentines day Michelle and Ceejie. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 02/14/2007 11:00:52am Name: Jane Homepage: http://wwwgeocities.com/ourjoeyforever E-Mail: janemower@msn.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Manor Tex Comments: !!!!!!!!!! Happy Valentines Day In Heaven Sweet Angel Michelle !!!! We Love and Miss you Sweet One. Cindyjo. Angel Michelle page is so beautiful. Thank You for sharing. Love you. Jane Page 60 of 69 Go To Page: Wednesday 02/14/2007 9:06:41am Name: Melanie Homepage: http://www.dustinellis.com E-Mail: melaniewoolum@charter.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Logan WV Comments: CJ I am sure Michelle is smiling this Valentine's Day -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 02/14/2007 8:40:44am Name: Dj Shanes Mom Homepage: http://l4jesus.com E-Mail: djsasygirl2000@gmail.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Newport, USA Comments: Val pg looks great! My thoughts and prayers are with you. TY for the val, I hv added it to Shane's val pg. Hugs, Dj Cool Slideshows -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 02/14/2007 6:46:17am Name: Sue-Anne Homepage: http://www.angelfire.com/blues/4evermyangel E-Mail: myangelleeag@hotmail.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Canada Comments: My Dearest Cindy Jo A Beautiful Valentines page for your sweetheart of an ANGEL Michelle. Please have wonderful memories of her, and be kind to yourself today and always. HAPPY VALENTINES IN HEAVEN SWEET MICHELLE MY LOVE Sue-Anne /LEE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 12/31/2006 4:14:49pm Name: CindyJo Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Happy New Year's Eve to Our Sweetpea Shelby and All of her Angel Friends and Families ~ With each new day we draw closer to you... Thank you for blessing us, always... Love Eternally, Your Mama and Family ~ John 10:28-29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 12/27/2006 7:19:57am Name: CindyJo Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Merry Tmas and New Year to our Angel Michelle, we will always Love you and include you in all our days before we are with you for Eternity in Paradise sweet daughter Michelle. We feel your spirit smiling upon us gently always and your Love abounds in each of our days.. JOHN 10:28-29 Love, Mama, Papa and Your Family Page 61 of 69 Go To Page: Sunday 11/05/2006 6:49:59pm Name: MamaHen Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Michelle, It was 13 years ago tonight I kissed you for the last time and said this is not goodbye, I have always loved you always will and I will see you in a blink and I walked out of the hospital room you were in with that big window.. I MISS you more than words could ever say and more than my heart could ever show. I had a good cry today and noticed on calendar it is a full moon today, called a Hunters Moon.. it was a full moon or close to one the day you left us, too.. i wrote this poem for you: Thirteen Years Oh GOD! how can this be? Since I last saw you Michelle And held you close to me.. Whoever could have known That November day back in 1993 All that you were Would soon become just a Memory That nine years of holding you And watching you grow Would now turn to memories For the rest of my tomorrows Why did God want you You were only nine and the apple of my eye You brought me nothing but Joy And I will miss you till the day I die! I will always love you And hold you dear to my heart You are so loved and missed Michelle My sweet Angel, my Belle, from the start.. Love Mommy October 11, 2006 Copyrighted � Cindy Jo Greever In closing, It can never make sense to us that any parent would outlive their child. Together we are able to find some comfort in each other as we continue to love and remember our children and share them with the world. Our Angels lives though short did matter, they did contribute to the world in which they lived and their memories are with us for the rest of our earthly lives. The peace and promise in knowing we will join them for Eternity in Paradise brings Hope. Our Angels have shown us that this life is but a vapor and we too will perish. Thank God our Souls are Eternal and one sweet day we will be perfected and live Forever. Therefore it is never Good-bye. Let us make this life count not only for today but for Eternity.. From my heart to you Michelle especially, Lovingly Mama and Your Family ~ JOHN 10:28-29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 08/24/2006 10:22:43pm Name: CindyJo Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Michelle We Love you Forever and Always! Happy 22nd Birthday sweet baby daughter of ours. Love Always, Mama, Papa and Your whole Family! JOHN 10:28-29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 04/15/2006 11:37:44pm Name: Mamahen Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Happy Easter to my Beloved "lil chicken legs" Shelby. Thank you for the "coleus seeds" to remind me of eternal life... Love You Forever, mamahen and Family ~ JOHN 10:28-29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 04/05/2006 9:39:10am Name: Dinah Homepage: http://www.ucumberlands.edu/lamentations/ E-Mail: dinah@ucumberlands.edu Referred By: Friend City/Country: Williamsburg, KY Comments: Cindy, I am always amazed at all the things you are doing in memory of Michelle, and helping others of us who have lost a child. You're the best! Love from a fellow traveler, Dinah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 02/15/2006 7:10:50pm Name: monika Homepage: http://my.homewithgod.com/angeljosh/ E-Mail: m2j4vr@socket.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: mo Comments: Happy Belated Valentines day sweet little angel. I know that you and all the angels must have had a very special day in heaven and a busy day too sending so many special kisses to your moms and liting very special stars of love to send to earth. Page 62 of 69 Go To Page: Wednesday 02/15/2006 5:13:52pm Name: Melanie Homepage: http://www.dustinellis.com E-Mail: melaniewoolum@charter.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WV Comments: CJ, Thanks so much for including Dustin on Michelle's Friends page, Your baby girl would be 21, and my baby boy would be turning 21. (((sigh))) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 01/24/2006 9:07:20am Name: Shirley Homepage: E-Mail: dixon6@crtelco.com Referred By: Web Ring City/Country: Illinois Comments: What a beautiful page you made to honor your Michelle! She is such an adoreable little angel! Thinking of you always Cindy Jo. Love, Shirley/Ben's Mom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 01/12/2006 7:53:38am Name: Anne Morrow Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/dadtochris8/brianwall1.html E-Mail: amorrow1390@ellijay.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Jasper, GA Comments: What a wonderful tribute you have created for Michelle. Thank you for sharing her with us. She is a beautiful angel now. May God Bless you and your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you continue this journey of grief. Love Anne Mother to Brian 4-ever-14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 01/05/2006 5:55:34pm Name: Carol Surface Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Friend City/Country: Comments: How beautiful!!!!! All the new sites are wonderful!! Your children are all beautiful! I really think Michelle resembles your Johnny. I know Michelle is "proud as punch" of her Mama! You did a fantastic job of honoring her. Love ya---Carol, Angie's Mom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 01/01/2006 1:07:55am Name: Tammy Homepage: http://www.heavenlytyler.com E-Mail: reesecup32003@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Fl Comments: Hey Ceejie I have looked at some of the new pages that you have done for your beautiful Angel Michelle and you have done a wonderful job hun. I know Michelle is smiling down at you and that her and Tyler are up there playing together. Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful pages with me. I am so glad that I have gotten to know you as you are a sweet loving and caring lady. Hugs to you sweetie. Love you Tammy Page 63 of 69 Go To Page: Saturday 12/31/2005 5:50:19pm Name: monika Homepage: http://my.homewithgod.com/angeljosh/ E-Mail: m2j4vr@socket.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: mo Comments: Cindy Jo your sites to honor sweet Michelle and all her angel freinds is just beautiful and I will be honored to add her banner to Josh's site Love Monika -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 12/30/2005 10:51:05am Name: Dinah Homepage: http://www.cumberlandcollege.edu/lamentations/joininginmemory.html E-Mail: dinah@cumberlandcollege.edu Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Williamsburg, KY Comments: I love the pictures of Michelle decorating herself for Christmas. These are the pictures that are so dear to us. Love from a fellow traveler, Dinah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 12/28/2005 12:42:56am Name: LindaJoeysmom Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/angelpageschris4/joeyanniv.html E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: NY Comments: cindyjo how beautiful michelles memorial pages are. yes she should look like you. you are as beautiful an angel as michelle. bless you my dear dear friend. lindajoeysmom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 12/28/2005 11:09:02am Name: Jo Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/heartland/stream/2668/index.html E-Mail: joeannsangels@yahoo.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Oh Comments: Just trying to stop by my friends websites and let them know they are in my thoughts in this again a holiday season. Hugs accross the miles my friend. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 12/27/2005 11:47:51pm Name: HELEN ORTIZ Homepage: http://WWW.SHAUNORTIZ.COM E-Mail: SHAUNBEACH@AOL.COM Referred By: Friend City/Country: SAN JOSE, CA Comments: DEAR CINDYJO, CAME FROM VISITING MICHELLE'S GIFT PAGE WHAT A WONDERFUL PAGE. PRAYING THAT WE ALL FIND COMFORT IN THIS COMING NEW YEAR AND THAT IT TAKES US THROUGH WHAT COMES OUR WAY. TO OUR ANGELS I SEND LOVE AND PRAYERS. Page 64 of 69 Go To Page: Sunday 12/25/2005 7:09:41pm Name: Mama Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Merry Christmas to my Baby child Michelle! I Love you and miss you more than words can say, I know you are with me always in spirit because you are a part of me for Always...and our Love is Forever... Love Mamahen, Paparoo and Your Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 12/25/2005 9:43:14am Name: Melanie Homepage: http://www.dustinellis.com E-Mail: melaniewoolum@charter.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Logan WV Comments: Cindy Jo, Bless you on this Christmas Day as I am celebrating the season five times without my beloved son, I think of you and other Mothers like you that have been where I am so much longer, they say God's will, and that everything that happens is suppose to be. This is hard for Grieving Mothers to accept or even believe, But we keep the faith, because that is the only way that we can make it through each day. It was God's will to have his own son die, and maybe it was his will for your Michelle and my Dustin. and one day, God one day, we will be with them in paradise, I miss my baby boy so very much, I will always long for him, to smell him, to touch him. and hug and hold him, and one day I know that God will let me have my time with Dustin, as God makes all things new, God Bless you CJ and Merry Christmas to you and yours, Dustin and Michelle. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 12/25/2005 9:20:03am Name: KAREN----MARY HELEN'S MOM Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/8569 E-Mail: Referred By: Friend City/Country: MO Comments: Merry Christmas my angel friend, and most of all to my dear friend and sister forever CJ, thinking of you always, I know our angels are celebrating Jesus' birthday. Love & BIG HUGS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 12/25/2005 6:15:34am Name: Linda (Forever Tina's mom) Homepage: http://missingtinamariemcquaig.homestead.com/memorial.html E-Mail: rices50@comcast.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Cindy Jo, May your precious Angel watch over you on this Christmas Day and may God bless you in a very special way Thinking of you dear friend. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 12/25/2005 4:49:19am Name: Jan below Homepage: http://samantha's heaven E-Mail: jansam@charter.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Antigo, WI Comments: Just beautiful I was hoping for lots of snow over night to make snow angels when Mikayla came for supper but only a small amount will hope for more later this Christmas Day Love Ya Jan & Tom Page 65 of 69 Go To Page: Sunday 12/25/2005 0:28:18am Name: Tammy Namet Homepage: E-Mail: Tammynamet@yahoo.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Merry christmas -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 12/24/2005 4:53:45pm This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 12/24/2005 1:33:43pm Name: Christine Homepage: http://www.rememberingdeborah.com E-Mail: deborahs_mum@hotmail.co.uk Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Scotland Comments: Cindy Jo, Thank you for sending me the link to your precious Michelle's new Christmas page. It is so beautiful. My love and thoughts are with you and I send my love and hope for a peaceful Christmas. Christine -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 12/24/2005 8:50:17am Name: Maggie Homepage: http://// E-Mail: margret73@comcast.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Somerset, Mass Comments: A beautiful and loving tribute to your angel Michelle. Maggie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 12/24/2005 8:49:57am Name: Maggie Homepage: http://// E-Mail: margret73@comcast.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Somerset, Mass Comments: A beautiful and loving tribute to you angel Michelle. Maggie Page 66 of 69 Go To Page: Saturday 12/24/2005 5:00:36am Name: Cynthia Homepage: http://Shelly's homepage E-Mail: cfp615@comcast.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Nashville Comments: Cindyjo, this is just beautiful, Michelle is a beautiful young lady. And I know she loved Christmas. May she be with all of our Angels this Christmas, and I hope they are all having fun. Love, Cynthia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 12/24/2005 4:05:21am Name: Kimberly Homepage: http://www.angelfire.com/pa/marchangel E-Mail: jadscg@mchsi.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Southern Tennessee Comments: Cindy Jo, You have made a beautiful page for a beautiful angel! Michelle must be so proud of her mom! You are a great friend and I hope the New Year holds much happiness and peace for you. Merry Christmas my friend. Love you, Kimberly~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 12/24/2005 1:45:03am Name: Kathie Homepage: http://www.angelfire.com/amiga2/ourangelboy2/chrissie.html E-Mail: k.carrigan2@verizon.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Germantown, Maryland Comments: CindyJo, Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. With wonderful memories of past Christmases with your precious Michelle. This is a wonderful tribute to a precious Angel. Hugs and Love, Kathie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 12/22/2005 9:51:46am Name: KAREN----MARY HELEN'S MOM Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/8569 E-Mail: mary22183@hotmail.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Missouri, USA Comments: Merry Christmas and a better and Happier New Year to all my angel friends and family. Love KAREN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 12/20/2005 12:28:13am Name: LINDAJOEYSMOM Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/angelpageschris4/joeyanniv.html E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: NY Comments: OH CINDYJO, HOW BEAUTIFUL. MICHELLE IS AN ANGEL . HER MEMORIAL SITE IS SO BEAUTIFUL. SO MANY YEARS AND MICHELLE WILL BE WITH US FOR ALL THE YEAR TO COME. ONE DAY CINDYJO WE WILL BE WITH OUR ANGELS. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE KEEPING OUR ANGELS ALIVE. YOU ARE ALWAYS IN MY THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS. LINDAJOEYSMOM Page 67 of 69 Go To Page: Tuesday 12/20/2005 10:56:50am Name: BETTY Homepage: E-Mail: IVEBET1@MSN.COM Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: SPOKANE Comments: THANKS FOR BEING AN ANGLE, MECHELLE, FOR SO MANY PEOPLE. CINDY: EVEN THOUGH THIS HAS BEEN DIFFICULT FOR YOU. I KNOW YOU NEVER DREAMED, WHEN MECHELLE WAS BORN, HOW MANY PEOPLE AND FRIENDS YOU HAVE HELPED, TOUUCHED ON THE WAY. THE CROSSES WE BARE ARE DIFFICULT. BUT IT MUST HAVE BEEN ORDAINED BY GOD. OR ELSE HOW COULD SO MANY PEOPLE HAVE BEEN TOUCHED, BY YOUR GRIEF...!!!!... I LOVE YOU AND I'M SO PROUD, TO HAVE KNOW YOU AND CONSIDER YOU A DEAR DEAR FRIEND. OOOOOOBETTY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 12/19/2005 10:49:59pm Name: Shirley Baer Homepage: http://myangellaurie.com E-Mail: laurie4ever16@houston.rr.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Santa Fe, TX USA Comments: CindyJo, the page is beautiful. thank you so much for adding my angel Laurie. My thoughts and prayers are always with you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 12/19/2005 10:49:56pm Name: Shirley Baer Homepage: http://myangellaurie.com E-Mail: laurie4ever16@houston.rr.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Santa Fe, TX USA Comments: CindyJo, the page is beautiful. thank you so much for adding my angel Laurie. My thoughts and prayers are always with you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 12/19/2005 6:53:34am Name: Brenda A. Manz Homepage: E-Mail: bamanz@bellsouth.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Charlotte Comments: Cindy Jo, another beautiful website. TFS it and Michelle with us! Such a lovely tribute for such a precious angel!!! Love, Hugs & Sunshine from our heart to yours! Mom to Nathan, forever 17, 11.23.74 ~ 8.18.92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 12/19/2005 5:53:10am Name: Tammy P. Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/tam_pst44/index.htm E-Mail: tam_pst44@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Standish, USA Comments: What a beautiful Christmas site for your beautiful Angel Michelle! :) What a great tribute....... :) Page 68 of 69 Go To Page: Saturday 12/17/2005 4:10:32pm Name: Kathie Homepage: http://www.angelfire.com/amiga2/ourangelboy2/chrissie.html E-Mail: k.carrigan2@verizon.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Germantown Maryland Comments: Cindy Jo, Another beautiful page for a beautiful angel. Sending you hugs for a job well done. I am sure that your angel is smiling down saying great job Mom. Hugs, Kathie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 12/17/2005 11:54:42am Name: Deb Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Friend City/Country: Comments: Dear Cindy Jo, You have a wonderful start to a beautiful site! Take care and Wishing You and Yours a Very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous and Happy New Year! Hugs, Deb -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 12/17/2005 8:46:18am Name: Christine Homepage: http://www.rememberingdeborah.com E-Mail: deborahs_mum@hotmail.co.uk Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Scotland Comments: Cindy Jo...thank you for sending me the links, you've done a beautiful job as always! Michelle will be so very proud of her special mum. With love, Christine -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 12/17/2005 7:18:43am Name: Jan below Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/2279 E-Mail: jansam@charter.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Antigo WI Comments: Awesome CJ you do so well with these web sites God Bless you dear friend -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 12/17/2005 6:01:20am Name: Mary Blenker Homepage: http://geocities.com/heartland/park/3845/ E-Mail: merrymoooo@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: holland, ny Comments: Cindy Jo, you very cease to amaze me at what a beautiful job you do in beautiful michelle's honor. she is so proud of you. ~Mary Mom of Jeffrey 8 years young Page 69 of 69 Go To Page: Friday 12/16/2005 7:29:19pm Name: Linda (Forever Tina's mom) Homepage: http://missingtinamariemcquaig.homestead.com/memorial.html E-Mail: rices50@comcast.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Jacksonville, FL Comments: Dearest Cindy Jo, Your new webpages are wonderful! Thanks for sharing them with me. Your sweet angel Michelle I know is smiling down on you with so much pride. I pray that the promise of Christmas with follow you throughout the new year.. God bless Love you, Linda -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 12/16/2005 5:41:12pm Name: Paula Homepage: http://halogarden.com/johnathon.html E-Mail: halo4john@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Columbus, OH Comments: Michelle is so beautiful! This site for her and all her "Angel Friends" is just so wonderful! A true inspiration that helps us all know that we are not alone....Thank you so much Michelle for inspiring your mommy to create a place that provides so much comfort to your "Angel Friends" parents.....you are so special...you are remembered...you are loved eternally! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 12/16/2005 3:17:03pm Name: Michelle's Mama Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dearest Shelby I created this site for your Angel Friends today. I had so many more Angels I have met and their mamas that I wanted to share with the world and to help them in their grief so today I did this in your name. Please continue to help me to help others. I love you and miss you so much but I know your spirit is with me always! Thankyou sweet Shelby. Love Always, Your MotherHen ~ JOHN 10:28-29 -------------PRIVATE ENTRIES FOR Guestbook 2----------------------------------- Beautifully done, Cindy Jo. Wanted to let you know I'd been here. CindyBauer - 11/04/2011 2:45:58pm ============================================================== Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful that our children are in heaven with the Lord forever. Melody Sledgister - Entered: Thursday 11/26/2009 8:41:17pm ===================================================== She is happy and safe and knows that you all love and remember her in your hearts, Blanche -Entered: Friday 08/24/2007 9:00:53am ========================================== Thinking of you always. Love, Aunt Lorraine - Entered: Saturday 12/24/2005 4:53:45pm ======================================= -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting Guestbook 3 --------------------------- Michellesmama ~ Angels of Heart to Heart Sign this Guestbook | Manage your Guestbook Page 1 of 48 Go To Page: Friday 02/24/2012 8:07:01pm Name: mama, papa and family Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: To our Sweet Valentine, Always filled with So much Love! We will Always Love you Michelle :) Love, mama, papa and Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 12/24/2011 9:27:41am Name: mama and Family Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Michelle Mama loves you and misses you so much our Sweet Angel. Our Christmas will be filled with precious memories of you and we will think of you every time we see the twinkle of the brightest star! Love Always, mama and Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/23/2011 8:23:06pm Name: mama Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Shelby November 24th 2011 Happy Thanksgiving my Angel, Beautiful Daughter and Friend!! We are Remembering how much you were always so Thankful and this time of year we give Thanks for everything, including memories of you, until we are Together again~ Love, mama, papa and Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/18/2011 6:22:23pm Name: Maggie Homepage: E-Mail: margret73@comcast.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Somerset, Ma Comments: Thank you for your service God Bless You Maggie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/11/2011 9:11:04pm Name: mamahen Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Shelby I know how proud you always were of your daddy for being a Veteran, and we know you smile down on days like today with pride and utmost love ~ so this is for Daddy, our Vietnam Vet on Veteran's Day 2011 ~ because we are all so very proud of our Hero ~ 11~11~11 ~ Love, mama Page 2 of 48 Go To Page: Saturday 11/05/2011 11:02:22am Name: michellesmama Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Michelle ~ I can't believe it is 18 years ago today you went to Heaven in Jesus' arms. I have thought of you and missed you every single day with all of my heart and being. I miss you so much. It was I who was put to the test of being without your physical presense but I have learned that you are always, always with me, always near me. Some day I will be with you again in all eternity and it never was nor ever will be, goodbye. It is, see you later, my sweet child... I LOVE YOU 4EVER AND ALWAYS and will have sweet dreams until then~ John 10:28-29 4everYourMama and your Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 08/24/2011 8:21:47am Name: mama Homepage: http://michellesmama.com E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA State Comments: Dear Sweet Daughter *Michelle* Happy 27th Birthday!! I saw you shining down on me last night from the Heavens and then I thought about how you 'live on' down here on earth~because in your 9 years on earth you lived your life with love and joy and giving beyond measure and you gave not only while here but when you left, bringing life to others and sight to those who needed it... today I celebrate your 27th Birthday with you and I know you are not far away, you are tucked inside my heart, my soul and my very being. I will be with you again for all of time... LoveForever and Always, your mama, daddy and your whole family~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 04/24/2011 10:48:13am Name: Maria (Christopher's mommy) Homepage: http://www.legobeaver.com/index.html E-Mail: legobeaver@comcast.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: PA Comments: Dear Cindy Jo - i love this page. i know i have seen it before, but i didnt remember much of it. I am so glad that you shared it again this year. I'm wishing you and your family a blessed and peaceful Easter. thanks so much, maria Christopher's mommy forever -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 04/23/2011 6:08:06pm Name: Mama, Papa and Family Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: To Our Sweet Daughter *Michelle* Mama and Papa will always love you, Happy Easter Sweetpea! Can you believe your big brother's Birthday is ON Easter this year! For the first time since 1859! We have sweet memories to keep until we see you again Shelby! Love You Always and Forever~ Your Mamahen, Papa and Family~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 04/22/2011 4:58:15pm Name: Melissa and Oma Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Friend City/Country: Spokane Washington Comments: Beautiful and touching as they always are! Such a lovely Easter tribute! As always MIchelle is in our hearts and thoughts in celebrating Easter...We know you are celebrating in Heaven with all of your friends! Love, Melissa and Oma Page 3 of 48 Go To Page: Friday 04/22/2011 9:54:17am Name: Jan (Zima) Below Homepage: E-Mail: jansam1550@charter.net Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Antigo WI Comments: I love this new page especially all the bunnies as you know those are most of the signs Sammy sends to me for comfort -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 04/21/2011 7:52:52pm Name: Lynn Homepage: http://www/GoneFishing-KEN.com E-Mail: KensMom25@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Comments: (((((CindyJo))))) Your Easter page for your beloved Michelle is just so beautiful! I always smile when I visit her pages as I feel she's smiling at me too. Wishing you and your family a very peaceful and blessed Easter, dear friend. I'm thinking of you. With my Love, Lynn Mom to Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 04/21/2011 4:14:33pm Name: Christine Ross, Luke's Mom 1979 - 2001 Homepage: http://LucasChristopherRoss.net E-Mail: christinehross09@msn.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Arizona Comments: Dear Michelle, Wishing you a HAPPY EASTER IN HEAVEN. What a wonderful place to be for Easter. I love the card you made for your Mom. I know that she treasures it. YOUR EASTER PAGE IS SOOO BEAUTIFUL, but not as beautiful as you. Give Luke a hug for me. We will see you both soon. Love, Christine, Luke's MOM 1979 - 2001 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 04/21/2011 3:27:11pm Name: Barb Giglio Homepage: E-Mail: giglio.giglio@yahoo.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Charlotte, NC Comments: Happy Easter Cindy and family.... Enjoyed the new Easter page. Love the picture of Miss America!! So sweet. xo Barb & family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 04/21/2011 3:05:28pm Name: Karen Gaines Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Comments: Page 4 of 48 Go To Page: Thursday 04/21/2011 2:02:13pm Name: Brenda Manz Homepage: E-Mail: b1manz@frontier.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Charlotte/Murphy, NC Comments: How very beautiful and cheerful-reflecting the vibrancy of life of your precious Michelle. My Love, Hugs & Sunshine, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 02/20/2011 8:53:21am Name: Elena Homepage: http://www.dennisyarbrough.com E-Mail: selowery@nc.rr.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: CindyJo, You have created a beautiful Valentines's page for your little angel Michelle. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 02/15/2011 9:04:15pm Name: Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: From some of my Friends- As always Cindy.........another fine job of displaying some of Michelle's dear personality and artwork. You are an amazing woman to do all this! Love ya Kathy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cheryl wrote: Such a sweet girl and a beautiful Valentines tribute from a loving Mom, family and friends. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Beautiful Valentine's page for Michelle, Cindy Jo! Love Christine http://www.rememberingdeborah.com ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ VERY lovely, Cindy Jo! Love, Donna-Corey's Mom www.coreyandmichelle.com ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Jessica wrote: "so beautiful!" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Shannon wrote: "That sure is a nice tribute for Michelle! It's so hard to believe they would be 27 this summer! Where has the time gone?? Not only since they were born, but since they became our angels!!" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Beautiful page, Cindy Jo! Saralyn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Love your page hun... Linda ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Lovely webpage! Judy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cindy: I just ran across the valentines page you did for Michele, .... it is a lovely page in Micheles memory. love, jo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 02/14/2011 9:03:46pm Name: mamahen Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Michelle Mama Loves you Always and Forever ~ Happy Valentine's Day Dear Daughter of mine~ LoveForAlwaysandForever, mama and papa -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 02/14/2011 9:13:16am Name: Christine Ross, Luke's Mom 1979 - 2001 Homepage: http://LucasChristopherRoss.net E-Mail: christinehross09@msn.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Arizona Comments: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY IN HEAVEN MICHELLE. Your special Valentines page is sooooo beautiful, just as you are. I love all the wonderful photos and the Valentine you made for your mom. Take care sweetie, give Luke a hug for me, and we will see you both soon. Love, Christine, Luke's Mom 1979 - 2001 Page 5 of 48 Go To Page: Monday 02/14/2011 8:04:19am Name: Maria (Christopher's mommy) Homepage: http://www.legobeaver.com/index.html E-Mail: legobeaver@comcast.net Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: PA Comments: Dear Cindy Jo - wow what a beautiful valentine page you made for Michelle! you have some very beautiful gifts on here from many special friends. if i knew how to make graphics, i sure would send you something too, but i have never been able to get the hang of doing that. sigh. I am hoping that your Angel Michelle sends you some special Valentine hugs today. love always, maria Christopher's mommy forever -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 02/13/2011 10:34:19am This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 02/12/2011 2:26:13pm Name: Yolanda Rogers, Mom to Anna Homepage: http://www.galatians5.com E-Mail: weloveanna@embarqmail.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Florida/USA Comments: Love Michelle's Valentine's Day page! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 02/12/2011 2:02:20pm Name: Reeny Homepage: E-Mail: ifitzer@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Randlett OK Comments: Beautiful page thank you for sharing your precious angel with me for so many years .love ya Reeny Angels Dustin And Becky's Mom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 02/12/2011 9:06:41am Name: Melody Homepage: E-Mail: You know it Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: USA Comments: Happy Valentine's Day to you and Michelle and family. Nice page! Page 6 of 48 Go To Page: Saturday 02/12/2011 8:02:36am Name: Lynn Homepage: http://GoneFishing-KEN.com E-Mail: KensMom25@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: USA Comments: (((CindyJo))) You've made a beautiful Valentine's Day page for your precious little Michelle. I so enjoyed reading all the poems and stories and seeing all the gifts. Her pages are always so cheerful! I'm thinking of you and hope you have a day filled with love and 'sweet' memories. Love you, Lynn Mom to Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 01/01/2011 1:19:52am Name: mama Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Shelby It really IS a New Year now, 2011... wow, I love you, I miss you, always and forever, we shall be Together... All my Love, your mamahen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 01/01/2011 1:07:18am Name: Jan B Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WI Comments: I want to wish you the best in everything life has to offer and know I am truly blessed to have you in my life. Happy New Year may it be the best you've ever known. Sending you all my love. Jan and Tom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 12/22/2010 3:08:51pm Name: Mama, Papa and Family Homepage: http://here E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Shelby Merry Christmas Beautiful Belle, we shall love you more with each new day and your memory will linger in our hearts and souls until we are Together again.... ALL OUR LOVE FOR ALWAYS AND FOREVER!!! Mama, Papa and Family :o) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/24/2010 5:18:17pm Name: Mama, Papa and Family Homepage: http://here E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Sweet Michelle, We will always remember you, and remain Thankful for your love and lessons you taught us while here! We will keep you in our hearts especially on Thanksgiving... Love Always, Mama, Papa and Family Page 7 of 48 Go To Page: Friday 11/05/2010 0:20:30am Name: Mama, Papa and Family Homepage: http://michellesmama.com E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Michelle's 17th Angelversary Dear Michelle, Our Sweet Shelby It is hard to believe but it has been 17 years since you left for Heaven. Your spirit has always remained and has kept us happy and moving on with life and love. Our sweet memories have kept you close as our love for you is Eternal. We will be Together again sweet Baby of ours... Love, Mama, Papa and Family JOHN 10:28-29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 08/24/2010 11:03:03am Name: Mama, Papa and Family Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Michelle Sweet Daughter, today on your 26th Birthday, we Think of You with so much Love and Happiness, that God gave us you, such a Gift! My birthday present, in 1984, born just a couple days before mamas Birthday! You were the sparkle in mamas eyes, my sunshine, my beautiful little baby girl! Our memories of you are so special and held tightly in our hearts. You were soooo giving, loving and happy, always... Even giving in your earthly parting to help others with organ and cornea donation. You knew it was just your "shell" and you would be born to eternal Life! I miss you sooooooo much and we will be Together again sweet child of God! JOHN 10:28-29 Love Forever, Your mama, papa and Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 05/10/2010 9:11:12pm Name: Lynn Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Beautiful page, CindyJo! I love all of your poems and the graphics are lovely. Thank you for sharing it! Love you, Lynn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 05/10/2010 9:09:49pm Name: Carolyn Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Oh Cindy Jo it is beautiful. Thank you so very much. Lot's of Mom's Day love and hugs~ Carolyn Bethea Jeremiah 29:11 "I know the plans I have for you." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 05/10/2010 2:30:29pm Name: Christine Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Scotland Comments: Beautiful page Cindy Jo...wishing you a gentle day today on this Mother's Day. Love Christine Page 8 of 48 Go To Page: Monday 05/10/2010 2:14:46pm Name: Sandie Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: MA Comments: ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Mother's Day. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 05/10/2010 2:09:09pm Name: Carol Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: FL Comments: Such a beautiful page my dear friend. Have a peaceful day. Love you Love And Hugs Carol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 05/10/2010 2:04:51pm Name: Donna Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Thinking of each of you and praying that your Mother's Day is filled with precious, sweet memories, peace and love. May you feel your beloved angel surround you with their angel wings and shower you with kisses from Heaven. Happy Mother's Day. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What a lovely page, Cindy Jo! Hope you had a nice Mother's Day and felt your beautiful Michelle's love surround you. ---------------------------------------- It�s hard to find the right words to convey What I wish for you on Mother�s Day. Words of compassion, filled with care? Knowing full well of the bond we share. So on this day I wish for you� Beautiful rainbows in the rain; Joy and laughter, instead of pain. Sunshine on cloudy day Faith to help you guide the way. Most of all, I wish you this� A touch, a whisper, a gentle kiss. Just for you, and filled with love, Sent from your angel, up above. ~ By June BertagnolliTCF, Richton Park, IL Love, Donna-Corey's Mom www.coreyandmichelle.com www.mem.com/Story.aspx?ID=339780 www.christianmemorials.com/tributes/corey-and-michelle/ In Loving Memory of Corey & Michelle James 8/17/2003 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 05/09/2010 8:54:28pm Name: mama Homepage: http://here E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE usa Comments: Dear Michelle Mama Loves you so much and you have always loved me so much, always... This Mother's Day as with every day I miss you so much. Thank you for being my sweet daughter for always. Forever, Your Mama -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 04/20/2010 9:18:54am Name: mama Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Sweet Michelle I saw our first Hummingbird of the season come back on our feeder yesterday and I was soooo happy. Right away I thought of you and how life goes on, spring brings with it Hope and Happiness that after a long cold battle of winter life rebounds. Flowers bloom again and the sun shines bright, the trees return to life with their beautiful new bright flowers and leaves to brighten the landscapes. The migrating birds are back, they are singing and building their nests and frolicking in the pretty green grasses, flying and soaring in the essence of spring's beauty. And, I think of you... I always think of you. Love Forever, mamahen JOHN 10:28-29 Page 9 of 48 Go To Page: Wednesday 04/07/2010 6:41:27pm Name: Linda Schiro Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: NY Comments: Happy Easter michelle. love you and mom. Your Easter page is beautiful like Michelle. bless you my friend and your family. love you all lindajoeysmom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 04/07/2010 6:26:43pm Name: Belinda Knoll Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA Comments: Love this Sissy----Absolutely gorgeous and sweet and always pointing us towards eternity that is what life is all about! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 04/07/2010 6:23:10pm Name: Debbi Foster-Murphy Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Oh isn't she beautiful Cindy Jo.........Michelle looks lijke an Angel here too~!!!!! Love you and hope you had a great Easter~!!!!! huggs, Angel Daniel and Debbi -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 04/07/2010 6:21:02pm Name: Joni Greever Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: OR Comments: Love you! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 04/07/2010 6:18:28pm Name: Patricia Eaton Rawls Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: TX Comments: Happy Easter to you and your family! love and hugs sent your way. Page 10 of 48 Go To Page: Wednesday 04/07/2010 6:16:48pm Name: Janie Wilson Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Love it Cindyjo...Hope you, Dave, the kids and families have a blessed Easter. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 04/07/2010 6:15:23pm Name: Barbara W Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: OR Comments: That turned out very nice - I love it and I know she does too! Happy Easter, because of the resurrection of Christ we will be joined together one day! Looking forward to that! The stories she will have to tell us!!!!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 04/07/2010 6:13:28pm Name: Donna James Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Beautiful Easter page for your beautiful Michelle! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 04/07/2010 6:11:28pm Name: Vicki H Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA Comments: I went and looked at your page, I just love it, what a good way to remember Michelle, hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter!~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 04/06/2010 9:43:46am Name: Maria (Christopher's mommy) Homepage: http://www.legobeaver.com/index.html E-Mail: legobeaver@comcast.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: PA Comments: Dear CindyJo - i am sorry that i'm late getting here, but i wanted to let you know that your Easter page for your Angel Michelle is as beautiful as the rest of her pages. thank you for sharing this page with me. i hope that you had a good Easter with lots of loving memories of Michelle. love and hugs, maria Christopher's mommy forever Page 11 of 48 Go To Page: Sunday 04/04/2010 8:39:53pm Name: Mamahen and Family Homepage: http://michellesmama.com E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA Comments: Dear Shelby Happy Easter in Heaven.. we all had a beautiful sunny day and all the family was here, even Uncle Les. I felt you with us all throughout our exciting moments and blessed ones too. We will love you for always~ Love Always, Mamahen and Family JOHN 10:28-29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 04/03/2010 8:28:44pm Name: Cheryl D Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Friend City/Country: New Hampshire Comments: What a beautiful site, I cried through most of it. What lovely memories you have of your daughter and the site is a really loving tribute to someone who I can tell was loved so much. She truly looks like an angel, she is absolutely beautiful Cindy. Love, Cheryl -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 04/02/2010 0:16:51am Name: Sandie Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: MA Comments: VERY Beautiful!!!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 04/02/2010 0:14:57am Name: Karen Gaines Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA State usa Comments: May God continue to give you comfort Cindy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 04/02/2010 0:08:41am Name: Christine Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Beautiful Easter page Cindy Jo. Love and hugs Christine Page 12 of 48 Go To Page: Wednesday 03/31/2010 9:02:33pm Name: Shirley Mueller Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: MI Comments: Cindy, your Easter page is a beautiful tribute to your daughter Michelle. I spent some time looking at your other sites too, lovely. It was relaxing spending time, in your gardens of love. Shirley/Mark's mamamole -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 03/31/2010 9:00:28pm Name: Saralyn Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: This is a beautiful tribute to both Michelle and Easter, CindyJo! Thanks for sharing. Love and hugs, Saralyn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 03/31/2010 8:57:15pm Name: Elena Homepage: http://www.dennisyarbrough.com E-Mail: selowery@nc.rr.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Apex, NC Comments: Cindy Jo, You have created a beautiful Easter page for your precious Michelle. I know she is smiling as she remembers all the wonderful memories she carried with her. Love and Hugs... Happy Easter Michelle! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 03/31/2010 8:47:06pm Name: Shirley, Laurie's Mommy Homepage: http://lauriebaer.com E-Mail: laurie4ever@gmail.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Santa Fe, TX Comments: What a beautiful Easter page cindy jo... thinking of all of our children duriing this blessed day. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 03/30/2010 9:48:18pm Name: Melody Sledgister Homepage: E-Mail: rmsledge@mtco.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Illinois Comments: Lovely Easter page for Michelle, Cindy Jo. Thanks for sharing! Page 13 of 48 Go To Page: Sunday 02/21/2010 8:11:53am Name: Lori Miller Homepage: http://www.oursonstevengonetoosoon.com E-Mail: ateamgirl@comcast.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Salem, Oregon Comments: What a beautiful page for Michelle's Valentine's page. My thoughts and prayers are always with you! Love and Hugs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 02/18/2010 1:45:20pm Name: Oma Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Spokane, WA Comments: Dear Michelle I hope you had a Happy Valentines Day in Heaven with all of your friends. Oma loves you so very much and always will. You are forever in my heart and thinking of you always brings a smile to my face. I feel your spirit near every day. Mama made such a nice Valentines page for you. With All My Love, Your Oma -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 02/14/2010 9:16:43pm Name: Lynn Homepage: http://www.GoneFishing-KEN.com E-Mail: KensMom25@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Comments: (((CindyJo))) What a beautiful Valentine's page you made for your beloved Michelle! It's so pretty! I had a candle lit today for all of our precious children. Hoping you had a day filled with sweet memories of your precious girl. Love and many Hugs, Lynn Mom to Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 02/14/2010 3:16:56pm This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 02/14/2010 1:19:37pm Name: Karen Homepage: E-Mail: karlee@cableone.net Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Clarkston Comments: Cindy this is a beautiful Valentine remembrance page of Michelle. I hope you, Dave and the family have a wonderful day. Thinking of you on Valentines. The page is awesome, especially Michelle's artwork. Love, Karen Page 14 of 48 Go To Page: Sunday 02/14/2010 9:43:37am Name: Maria (Christopher's mommy) Homepage: http://www.legobeaver.com/index.html E-Mail: legobeaver@comcast.net Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: PA Comments: Dear CindyJo - your new page for your Angel Michelle is absolutely beautiful, and i can see that it is so full of love for Valentine's Day. thank you for sharing this page with me. i hope that your day hasnt been too bad. i am keeping you very much in my thoughts. love and hugs, maria Christopher's mommy forever -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 02/14/2010 9:14:22am Name: Brenda Manz Homepage: E-Mail: b1manz@verizon.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Charlotte/Murphy Comments: Beautiful pages and gifts for such a sweet and precious little girl. The world is a more beautiful place because all of our children were once here, and have left their footprints in our hearts. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 02/14/2010 8:42:40am Name: Mama, Papa and Family Homepage: http://michellesmama.com E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Valentine Michelle You lived your life with happiness, glee, pure excitement in all you did. So creative, always doing and thinking of others. You were our Gift from God, our GIFT OF LOVE, you were Filled with Love Always in all you did and said and Lived for! We Love you Now as much as ever Before sweet Shelby. Happy Valentines Day to you, our beautifulest singing baby girl and our Brightest Star in the Heavens, until we meet again for Eternity! Love, Mama, Papa and Family John 10:28-29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 02/14/2010 8:17:22am Name: Carol Angel Michael's Mom Homepage: http://www.myangelsonmichael.com E-Mail: mdcarico@gmail.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Comments: Cindy Jo, Such a beautiful page for your beautiful Michelle. Wishing you a Happy Valentine Day. And many memories of your Forever Valentine Angel. I send my love and prayers to you. Take care and a candle will burn for your angel in my home. Love you. Love, Carol and My Angel Michael. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 02/14/2010 8:11:09am Name: Shirley M. Homepage: E-Mail: mamamole2@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Michigan Comments: Michelle, as always your mama has created a special place of love for you, her sweet beautiful angel. Michelle, you will always be loved. And never fret, sweetie we will all help your mama, to carry on. Just as she helps us each and every day. I love you both. Happy Valentines Day! Shirley/Mark's Mamamole Page 15 of 48 Go To Page: Wednesday 02/10/2010 3:01:16pm Name: Mandy Homepage: http://blog.seniorennet.be/mandysblog E-Mail: wuytsgreta@skynet.be Referred By: Friend City/Country: Belgium Comments: Hello Cindy Jo. Here i am again to see more from your so nice HP. Wish you a happy valentinesday. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 02/09/2010 12:32:59am Name: Katie Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: The page is lovely and I sent it for my friends to see too and that way they can see the amazing wonder of how our LORD �prepares HIS children for their HOMECOMING�! Pure love for all of us! Be blessed. Love, Katie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 02/09/2010 12:21:05am Name: Carolyn-Trissiesmom Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Cindy Jo your Valentines page is beautiful as always. It is so good to see her little smiling face. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 02/07/2010 7:43:41am Name: Elena Homepage: http://www.dennisyarbrough.com E-Mail: selowery@nc.rr.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Apex, NC Comments: Cindy Jo, Michelle's Valentine's page is so heart warming. To find something after she left...what a message! I know Michelle is God's Special Angel. She is so beautiful. Happy Heavenly Valentine's Michelle. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 02/06/2010 9:43:10pm Name: Shirley Baer Homepage: http://lauriebaer.com E-Mail: laurie4ever@gmail.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: santa fe, tx Comments: What a beautiful Valentines day page for your beautiful sweet daughter in Heaven. You are always in my prayers... Luv Page 16 of 48 Go To Page: Saturday 02/06/2010 4:21:43pm Name: Sue-Anne Homepage: http://www.angelfire.com/blues/4evermyangel E-Mail: myangelleeag@hotmail.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Canada Comments: Dear CindyJo I Pray your Valentines Day will be full of wonderful memories with your ANGEL'S just like mine use to be. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY CindyJo and Michelle Marie~ MY LOVE Sue-Anne/LEE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 12/25/2009 1:03:55am Name: Mama, Papa and Family Homepage: http://michellesmama.com E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Michelle We know you are shining down on us each and every day and we miss you so much. We feel your spirit always. Thank you for all the sweet memories of Christmases past with you at our side! We will be with you again one sweet day! Love Always and Forever, Mama, Papa and Your Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 11/26/2009 11:57:47pm Name: Mama, Papa and Family Homepage: http://michellesmama.com E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Shelby On Thanksgiving and always, you are Loved. Forever your mama, papa and Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/20/2009 3:01:37pm Name: Maria (Christopher's mommy) Homepage: http://www.legobeaver.com/index.html E-Mail: legobeaver@comcast.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: PA Comments: Dear CindyJo - i'm sorry that it has taken me so long to get to this web page for your hubby and all of the veterans who keep our country free. this is a wonderful tribute page. thank you for sharing this with me. i love the song playing on here too. love and hugs, maria Christopher's mommy forever -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 11/13/2009 6:12:29am Name: Maggie Homepage: E-Mail: margret73@verizon.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Somerset, Mass. Comments: Thank you for your service. With Love Maggie Page 17 of 48 Go To Page: Thursday 11/12/2009 3:33:13am Name: barb and rob giglio Homepage: E-Mail: giglio.giglio@yahoo.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: charlotte, nc usa Comments: thanks for serving our country! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 11/12/2009 2:44:02am Name: Carol Angel Michael's Mom Homepage: http://www.myangelsonmichael.com E-Mail: mdcarico@gmail.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Comments: Cindy Jo, Thank you for sharing this beautiful page. Please thank Dave for me also. I am sorry i didnt get here yesterday. Prayers to all our men and women servering our country and keeping us all safe and free. Take care my friend. Love you Love Carol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/11/2009 7:28:39pm Name: Karen Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: God bless you and Dave, Cindyjo. Karen Mom to Angel Geoff -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/11/2009 6:25:09pm Name: Tracy Darna Homepage: E-Mail: tracydarna@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Florida Comments: God Bless your hubby and all of our Veterans. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/11/2009 2:22:00pm Name: Melody Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Friend City/Country: Illinois Comments: Love the page! On this Veteran�s Day, I would like to send my thanks and affirmation to Dave for his sacrifice to serve and defend our blessed country. So, thanks, Dave! Melody, Brian�s mom Page 18 of 48 Go To Page: Wednesday 11/11/2009 2:15:55pm Name: Jo Homepage: http://www.legobeaver.com/joeann/joesangels.html E-Mail: jpoe529@woh.rr.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: OH Comments: Thanks Dave for your sacrifice for all of us. Cindy Jo, a great site for your hubby. hugs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/11/2009 1:45:47pm Name: Lynn Homepage: http://www.GoneFishing-KEN.com E-Mail: KensMom25@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Comments: ((((((CindyJo)))))) Such a beautiful page you made for your hubby! Thank you so much for serving and protecting our beautiful country, David. I'm very proud of you and all of our military men and women. God bless you. Love and Hugs, Lynn Mom to Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/11/2009 11:11:03am Name: wifey Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE Comments: THANKYOU Davey and Papa, WE Love YOU!! It's so hard to believe you were only 18 when you went to Vietnam, just a baby! xoxoxo Forever Your wifey -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/11/2009 10:59:17am Name: Carolyn Homepage: E-Mail: trissief92403@yahoo.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Myrtle Beach, SC Comments: David THANK YOU for your service, and may God bless you -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/11/2009 10:24:27am Name: Patti Rawls Homepage: http://dustinrawlsmyhero.tripod.com E-Mail: pdrawls1956@consolidated.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Katy,Tx Comments: God Bless You David and your family. Give my favorite lady a big hug for me(your wife) My Son would say Semper Fi Love and hugs to you and your family. Page 19 of 48 Go To Page: Wednesday 11/11/2009 8:45:13am Name: karen Homepage: E-Mail: karlee@cableone.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Comments: Thanks for fighting for our freedom Dave. All you have done is much appreciated. Have a good day today. ~Blessings, Karen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 11/05/2009 9:29:14am Name: Mama, Papa and Family Homepage: http://michellesmama.com E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Sweet Daughter Michelle, My Belle, 16 years ago this morning you went to Heaven.. This morning the skys were pink with beauty, a sign from you on your 16th Angelversary I know!!~ We miss you more than words could ever say but appreciate so much your continued signs of being near to us such as the beautiful silver butterfly I found in the huge field on November 1st and of course, the pink skies this morning! We will be with you again sweet child one sweet day!!~ JOHN 10:28-29 love4evermamahen and Family ~~~*~~~ The real measure of a man's wealth is what he has invested in eternity. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 09/29/2009 10:05:33pm Name: Jeanne Schauer Homepage: E-Mail: zjschauer225@msn.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: USA Comments: Dear Cindy.. A beautiful site for such a gorgeous little girl.. I am honored to be able to view her site. I am so sorry for your loss... it's heaven's gain for sure. Blessings to all of you Jeanne (mother of angel Deanne 1/23/74 to 9/29/03 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 08/24/2009 11:17:36pm Name: Mama and Family Homepage: http://michellesmama.com E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Michelle ~ My Belle ***Happy 25th Birthday!!*** I love You sooooo much, Always and Forever!! I will have very sweet memories today especially, the day you were born a quarter century ago!! And I will always await Sweet Dreams of you until I am with you again!! Love, Mama -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 06/26/2009 6:41:24pm Name: Aunt Sis Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: I love what you did on Dave. It is great. Page 20 of 48 Go To Page: Saturday 06/13/2009 7:07:31am Name: Candy Young Homepage: http://www.cathappy.com/Jessica.htm E-Mail: Swttch30@AOL.COM Referred By: Friend City/Country: Buffalo, NY; USA Comments: CJ, How very sweet your tribute to Dave is. I'm sure Shelby was so proud of him, as we all are. And thank you to him for his service to our country. Love the 70's pictures!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 06/11/2009 4:45:23pm Name: Sue-Anne Homepage: http://www.angelfire.com/blues/4evermyangel E-Mail: myangelleeag@hotmail.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Canada Comments: Dear Cindy Jo A Beautiful page Dear Friend. Your Sweet ANGEL Michelle I think looked so much like you. YES GOD BLESS TO ALL OUR TROOPS. MUCH LOVE Sue-Anne/LEE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 05/26/2009 10:43:03am Name: Maria (Christopher's mommy) Homepage: http://www.legobeaver/index.html E-Mail: legobeaver@comcast.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: PA Comments: Dear CindyJo - i just wanted to let you know that i visited your new domain page, and i think Michelle is very proud of her mama right now! love and hugs, maria Christopher's mommy forever -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 05/23/2009 11:56:07pm Name: Melissa Homepage: E-Mail: mmgoetz@comcast.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Spokane Valley, Wa Comments: Beautiful as always! Michelle will always be a part of our lives, even if she's not here anymore...physically...spiritually she will never be gone! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 05/22/2009 8:15:21am Name: Mama Homepage: http://michellesmama.com E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Shelby Yes, we have our very own website domain now- I hope you like the name of our new website mama created for you yesterday- Michellesmama :) We Love You Always and Forever- mama and Family Page 21 of 48 Go To Page: Monday 05/11/2009 7:21:21pm Name: Mama Homepage: http://here E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Shelby, For Mother's Day and ALWAYS, I Remember you to be the Sweetest, Kindest and most Loving Daughter a Mother could ever Hope for. Love Forever, Mama -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 05/11/2009 9:52:19am Name: Maria (Christopher's mommy) Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/legobeaver/index.html E-Mail: legobeaver@comcast.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: PA Comments: Dear CindyJo - your Mother's day page is yet another beautiful page. i'm sorry that i was unable to get here yesterday, but i was able to visit today and sign here for you. i hope you somehow had a peaceful Mother's day. love and hugs, maria Christopher's mommy forever -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 05/09/2009 12:22:06am Name: Joyce Beaulieu Homepage: http://%22Jesus Wept%22 E-Mail: joybeaulieu123@aol.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Belchertown, Massachusetts Comments: Cindy Jo your beautiful Mother's Day memorial for Michelle touched my heart deeply. The poem you wrote, the picture of the "Crowns" were all so inspiring. Your beautiful daughter must be smiling down from Heaven at her Mrs. America Mom. God bless all mothers who are grieving a child this Mother's Day. Angel Hugs, Joyce -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 05/08/2009 8:21:59pm Name: Lynn Homepage: http://www.GoneFishing-KEN.com E-Mail: KensMom25@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Comments: (((((CindyJo))))) I love the poems on your Mother's Day page! All of your gifts are so beautiful.Thinking of you this Mother's Day and wishing you only the sweetest of memories of your loving and precious Michelle. God bless you. Love and Prayers, Lynn Mom to Ken -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 04/07/2009 8:36:06am Name: Mama, Papa and Family Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE Comments: Dear Shelby Time has come and gone since you went away, Sixteen years and yet yesterday.. Your precious sweet smile still lingers, In my heart I caress your auburn silk with my fingers~ I touch your cheek with a kiss, And look into your sparkly green eyes I so miss~ I hug you and embrace your very being For this moment it is you I am truly seeing.. Time has stood still, time has flown by, I have laughed for the good times and Lord knows I have cried~ For now we celebrate Easter once again, To remind us of our rebirth to this promised Land.. God our Father has come and said, Take my Hand... I will give you life, forever we shall Stand... Life goes on, it does not end, One day my daughter I will see you again... Love Forever and Always Mama HAPPY EASTER MY DARLING ~DAUGHTER~ 4/7/09 � CindyJo Greever Page 22 of 48 Go To Page: Tuesday 03/17/2009 1:33:08am Name: MAMA Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: To our Little GREEN EYED GIRL!! Happy St. Patty's Day!!~ To our lil Shelby who loved the color GREEN!! And dressing and singing like Ariel, the little Mermaid~ LOVE YOU ALWAYS AND FOREVER~ Love, mama, papa and your Family~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 02/12/2009 6:50:42pm Name: Mama and Family Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Valentine Michelle We LOVE YOU!! Always and Forever, our Dear Daughter, Sister, Granddaughter, Cousin and Auntie!! Please continue to let your love and light shine down upon us all~ Love, Mama, Papa, and Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 02/11/2009 10:00:41pm Name: Lynn and Linda Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: CindyJo, you made such a precious Valentine page for little Michelle. I just love it! It's so pretty and sweet, really beautiful! Your pages are always done so nice. Thank you for sharing it with me. I'm thinking of you, honey. Love you, Lynn Mom to Ken _____ cindyjo how beautiful michelles valentine. she lives in our hearts forever. a precious angel. so young so beautiful. tears. Just Beautiful. lindajoeysmom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 02/09/2009 4:33:14pm Name: dj french Homepage: http://www.lighthouse4jesus.com E-Mail: djsasygirl2000@gmail.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: newport, ar,usa Comments: Cindy Jo, I went to several different sites of Michelle's. I just wanted to let you know that my prayers are always with you and Im just an email or phone call away if u need someone to talk to, vent , cry or whatever u feel like doing? hugs, dj -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 01/30/2009 1:02:03pm Name: Friends Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: January 5th 2009 It has been an unbelievable winter so far hasn't it? Do you wonder sometimes if Michelle would have loved snow like this? What career she would have chosen? What pets she would have? She will always be loved, thought of happily and kindly and never forgotten. I think of you (and her) frequently. Thank you so much for the never ending inspiration you have been to me. Much love, Karen Gaines _____________ MY DEAR FRIENDS I Pray everyone had a Christmas full of Love and Peace. And wonderful memories of all your ANGEL'S. If I didn't get to everyone's guestbook I am sorry, you were all on my mind. I want to wish for you all a New Year full of Happiness, Peace, Love and Prosperity, and that our Friendship continues. HAPPY 2009 EVERYONE MUCH LOVE Sue-Anne/LEE Page 23 of 48 Go To Page: Monday 01/12/2009 10:46:36am Name: Maria (Christopher's mommy) Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/legobeaver/index.html E-Mail: legobeaver@comcast.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: PA Comments: Dear CindyJo - this is yet another beautiful page. you are so kind to do so much for all of us. thanks again, maria Christopher's mommy forever -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 01/08/2009 9:51:00pm Name: Mama Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Shelby Happy New Year 2009 from all of us down here who still keep track of time... how precious is Heaven you don't need to keep track of time anymore... just beauty surrounding you always... peace, love and happiness... until we are together for Eternity our love shall transcend all earthly time. Love Forever, Mama -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 01/01/2009 8:34:07pm Name: Melissa and Oma Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Friend City/Country: Spokane Washington Comments: Beautiful as always! You have a gift in creating the most beautiful honorary web pages! My favorite is the indian girl holding Michelle's hand as she is dressed like a little indian. I love you always and forever! Michelle is always in our hearts and thoughts with beautiful memories and I will love her forever and someday will be together again. We will never forget her beautiful smile. love, Sissy Mae and Oma -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 01/01/2009 8:33:19pm Name: Shirley Baer Homepage: http://lauriebaer.com E-Mail: laurie4ever@gmail.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: santa fe, tx Comments: Beautiful page Cindy Jo. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 12/20/2008 9:36:00pm Name: MamaHen and Family Homepage: http://here E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Shelby, My Baby Daughter ~ I had a dream about you the other night, it was beautiful and so real, you were WITH me, I know it... we were together and it was like yesterday... like old times and yet a breath away.. I love you so much and miss you even more, I have gotten sooooo many beautiful Christmas Gifts that loving friends have made for you for your Christmas page and I am so endeared to my friends Shelby, who understand and know my aching heart in missing you so very much. It is Christmastime and I am busy, baking, readying for company and joyous in my heart for all the blessings I have and have had, and YOU were MY BLESSING for 9 years on Earth. I am still blessed Michelle and always be, for I am forever your mother.. I will forever love you and one day I will be WITH you for all eternity. Love You So Much my Sweet Child, who sang like an Angel, smiled upon me and melted my heart with joy and a deep love that only a mother can understand, and that will never be taken away from me. Your brother and sister love you, papa loves you, even your nephews adore you and they never met you. Merry Christmas in Heaven sweet child of God and please continue to watch over us all down here.. Forever Mama, Papa and Family Page 24 of 48 Go To Page: Monday 11/24/2008 1:36:25pm Name: mama Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Shelby~ I can't believe Thanksgiving is almost here! And this year mama and daddy celebrate their 31st Anniversary together ON Thanksgiving Day, something that happens every six years or so. YOU are included in our Celebration Michelle as you are included in everything we do, and especially on those special days. You are never far and always near and dear to our hearts and souls! Mama has made peanut and chocolate candies, fudge and cookies and will be baking apple and pumpkin pies for our Thanksgiving Dinner. My memories go to how you loved helping mama in the kitchen, you were always such a helper and doer, naturally -but when it came time to bake you loved helping me so much. I still have some of the last batch of cookies you helped me bake in the freezer and some of the zuchinni relish you asked me to make, and you helped dice and slice that we canned! As if I didn't bake enough, sometimes you would even ask me to bake something else, we would make cinnamon rolls and bread, lemon meringue pies, and so much more. You will be watching us from Heaven, the place of Beauty and Serenity, along with Max, and Charlie, Benjie and all our favorite furry family with you there and in our hearts you will be with us, as always. And I just bet you helped papa pick out that Beautiful Red Poinsietta plant for me!!~ Happy Thanksgiving Michelle - All Our Love, Mama, Papa and ALL of Your Family! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 11/17/2008 6:22:13am Name: Oma and Melissa Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Michelle We Love You Always and Forever and are thinking of You so much this month of November. You are always in our hearts and spirits, especially now during the Holiday Season. Our Love Forever, Omie and Sissa -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/05/2008 0:30:19am Name: CindyJo Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Shelby We miss you so much and it is 15 years ago today you went to be with Jesus. Some day we will be Together again for Eternity and will be Happy ever after! We Love You Always and Forever. Love, mama, papa and your whole Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 09/21/2008 7:13:08pm Name: pammyliz Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Friend City/Country: Comments: BEAUTIFUL memorial...God bless -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 09/20/2008 10:30:45am Name: Shannon Reid- Bryan's Mom Homepage: E-Mail: Shannonkreid@aol.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Gahanna, Ohio Comments: Hi Cindy, Thank you so very much for adding a page for Bryan. I know it will motivate me to get his site up and running. I will send this out and ask his cousins for the pics they used in his first one 8 years ago! Has anyone told you lately how Awesome you are! Thank you!! Isn't it wonderful how our children brought us together?? Hugz&Prayers! Shannon Reid, Bryan Reids Proud Mom! Bryan shares a Same day Birthday with Michelle Marie!! Page 25 of 48 Go To Page: Sunday 08/24/2008 0:31:49am Name: Mama, Papa and Family Homepage: http://here E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Happy 24th Royal Birthday to our beautiful Daughter Michelle! Mama has a beautiful cake to celebrate for you and we will include Auntie Belinda, brother in law Jamie, mamahen herself and even Grandpa for our Birthday celebrations, hope you smile down on us all with pride and that you think the cake is pretty, I especially think so! I felt that you helped me with the cake! You are always Loved sweet Michelle and Remembered, For all of Time.. Love, Mama, Papa and Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 06/05/2008 12:41:22am Name: Shirley M. Homepage: http://www.choices-therippleeffect.com E-Mail: mamamole2@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Michigan Comments: Cindy, I'm so glad that I've gotten to know you, through your wonderful on-line group. God bless you Cindy. love Shirley -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 02/14/2008 1:09:09pm Name: Mama, Papa and Family Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Michelle We love you, our Valentine! Happy Valentines Day in Heaven~ we can feel your love pouring down on us from Paradise! Love, Mama, Papa and Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 01/27/2008 10:18:18pm Name: Darla Love Homepage: http://www.galatians5.com/Katelynn_Gale.html E-Mail: lovesministry@cox.net Referred By: Web Ring City/Country: Glenpool OK Comments: Thanks for the prayer and I read your little ones page.. WOW the one about her crown .. thats something my little katie a week before she past she drawed a family picture and gave it to me and she had the whole family but she had wings and was in the air and I never noticed it until after she was gone.. its like they knew just wanted you to know I am praying for you.. God Bless and take care -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 12/25/2007 5:07:01pm Name: CindyJo Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Michelle in Heaven~ How we miss and Love you. Today I was reading in a book how an "accident" that results in one going to Heaven is not an accident at all but is God's divine calling to us when it is our time to leave this earth's plane and enter Paradise... that all those series of things that had to come together couldn't have been an accident but well thought out avenues to extinguish the earthly life once that earthly soul is ready for the Kingdom of God in Paradise.. What better day than Christmas day, the day we celebrate Christ's birth, to read this message, and truthfully reading this today was no accident, either. Yes, I know all of this in my heart, already.. But the reminder was a good one. I believe that it was your 'time' and have said so a million times but my earthly heart just won't allow me to convince myself at times.. So Michelle, my Belle and sweet Shelby. let this be our Christmas letter to you and for the world to see, that you ARE SO LOVED AND REMEMBERED and STILL SERVING this earth with the ministry that you have given to me from God.. And I know deep within my heart, your love is ever near us each moment of each day as ours is for you. To Eternity and Beyond, Merry Christmas Sweet, sweet Shelby~ and please help us to make it through the New Year with love, peace and joy. Love, Mama, Papa and your Family JOHN 10:28-29 Page 26 of 48 Go To Page: Tuesday 12/18/2007 11:50:21am Name: Christine Homepage: http://www.rememberingdeborah.com E-Mail: deborahs_mum@hotmail.co.uk Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Scotland Comments: Cindy Jo, you and the family are in my thoughts as Christmas approaches. May you have a gentle day, filled with love and wonderful memories of your precious Michelle. With love, Christine -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 11/05/2007 0:10:29am Name: Mama, Papa and Family Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Sweet *Shelby* Our little beloved, full of smiles, love, beauty and grace ~ singing and drawing, mama's little helper, my little green eyed girl! My goodness, fourteen years... it is so difficult to believe let alone ever, ever understand, that you would enter the Golden Gates of Heaven, the youngest member of our family, first... We think of you each and every day and though this day is just another it is one that hurts so badly, WHY did God need you so soon? Our little child of God WE MISS YOU SO VERY MUCH!!! WE WILL LOVE YOU TO ETERNITY AND BEYOND!! Forever, Your Family - Mama, Papa, Sissa, Bubba, Johnny and All. JOHN 10:28-29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 11/04/2007 8:52:06am Name: Susie Duchesneau Homepage: E-Mail: violet4u@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Tomball,Texas Comments: Michelle's mom eye cant see darren's pictures on his page..also can u suscribe me to your mailing list again>?'love susie mama 2 darren -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 10/13/2007 6:09:43pm Name: Dianna Homepage: http://www.kandamjacobs.com E-Mail: msdoodle@bspeedy.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Flora, Illinois Comments: How very beautiful, my thoughts are with you as I, too, know the pain of losing a child http://www.kandamjacobs.com/capril132004.htm Dianna Kanda's Mom 4 ever -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 09/10/2007 9:27:05am Name: Lori Miller Homepage: http://xrl.us/angelsteven-steven E-Mail: ateamgirl@comcast.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Salem, Oregon Comments: What a beautiful Page my friend. My thoughts and prayers are with you always! Page 27 of 48 Go To Page: Saturday 08/25/2007 8:58:45am Name: MamaHen and Family Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Birthday Girl~ My Michelle Marie ~ I made it through another BD with you tucked deep inside my heart and with sweet memories of your birth 23 years ago... I still find it hard to believe you left for Paradise so young and so many Birthdays ago.. We got to have your Nephew Johnny to fill our day and night as we visited your Sissa and had dinner at her house! All in all it was a good day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR Baby DAUGHTER and Child of God, now to just make it through mine on Monday! You know how hard it is for me to get a year older when we only got to share nine earth BD's with you and how happy I was to have you MY BIRTHDAY present 23 years ago! How bittersweet.. But for you, I will smile, I will love, I will laugh and I will go on and enjoy my life, as you so much did. I will love you Always and Forever... JOHN 10:28-29 mamahen, daddyroo and Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 07/25/2007 8:58:24pm Name: Linda Kirkland Homepage: http://www.angelfire.com/poetry/memorialpages6/hunter1.html E-Mail: lkirkla7@bellsouth.net Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: toone tenn, usa Comments: I have gone through all of the sites you did, what a wonderful job and a beautiful blessing. I have cried all the way through them, it is so sad that we lost our children so young, but they are having the grandest time in Heaven. God Bless you , and your precious angel would be so proud of you. GOD BLESS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 05/14/2007 4:39:16pm Name: Tammy Homepage: http://www.heavenlyangeltyler.com E-Mail: reesecup32003@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Fl Comments: What a beautiful page Cindy Jo. You did a wonderful job. I hope that your Mother's Day was nice and peaceful. Sending you BIG BIG HUGS. Love you Tammy & Angel Tyler -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 05/12/2007 12:40:24am This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 05/10/2007 8:15:11pm Name: Lynn Homepage: http://www.GoneFishing-KEN.com E-Mail: KensMom25@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Comments: (((Cindy Jo))) Your Mother's Day page is just beautiful, and so is your poem. Sending my love and prayers to you for a peaceful Mother's Day. With my love, Lynn Mom to Ken Page 28 of 48 Go To Page: Wednesday 05/09/2007 1:51:30pm Name: Dinah Taylor Homepage: http://www.ucumberlands.edu/lamentations/ E-Mail: dinah@ucumberlands.edu Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Williamsburg Comments: I loved Michelle's "Crown of Many Crowns" drawing...how insightful. This page lifted my heart. Thank you so much, Cindy Jo. You're always so thoughtful. Love from a fellow traveler, Dinah -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 05/08/2007 6:46:03am Name: lorna whitney Homepage: http://www.ourchurch.com/member/m/mysondale/ E-Mail: sharrkie9928@aol.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: new london, Connecticut Comments: Cindy what a beautiful page ,Michelle would be so happy to see it. Hugs Lorna -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 05/08/2007 5:07:34am Name: Jo Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/heartland/stream/2668/index.html E-Mail: jpoe529@wor.rr.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: OH Comments: Thinking of you my dear friend on this mothers day. This is a beautiful heartfelt page in memory of Michele. god bless you on this mothers day and always. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 05/07/2007 4:41:20pm Name: Yolanda Rogers Homepage: http://www.galatians5.com E-Mail: weloveanna@earthlink.net Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Florida, USA Comments: Cindy Jo, what a sweet, sweet page! Thanks so much for not only taking the time to build it but for so generously sharing it. May your Mothers' Day be filled with the Joy of our Lord. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 05/07/2007 1:50:28pm Name: Linda (Tina's mom forever) Homepage: http://missingtinamariemcquaig.homestead.com/memorial.html E-Mail: rices50@comcast.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Jacksonville, FL Comments: Dearest Cindy Jo, Your Mother's Day page is so pretty. I felt so much comfort there. Thanks for sharing it with me. I pray that your Mother's day is peaceful sweet lady. I love you, Linda Page 29 of 48 Go To Page: Monday 05/07/2007 1:43:38pm Name: Karen Jenkins Homepage: http:geoffreypedwards.com E-Mail: Antigone50@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Navesink, NJ Comments: May God bless and comfort you on this painful Mothers' Day. It is still our day even with our children gone from us. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 05/07/2007 9:06:00am Name: Christine Homepage: http://www.rememberingdeborah.com E-Mail: deborahs_mum@hotmail.co.uk Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Scotland Comments: Cindy Jo...what a beautiful page you've created for Mother's Day. I know Michelle is so very proud of you. I hope your Mother's day is a peaceful one. With love, Christine -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 05/07/2007 6:49:52am Name: Tammy P. Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/tam_pst44/ E-Mail: tam_pst44@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: MI/USA Comments: Oh so beautiful Cindy Jo!! The story of "The Many Crowns" was in the book that I had bought...so awesome! My thoughts and prayers will be with you, your angel Michelle and the whole family at this very sad time.....sigh...Great Job on Michelles page as usual...Great Big Angel Hugs!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 05/07/2007 5:42:47am Name: Cynthia Homepage: E-Mail: cfp615@comcast.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Nashville Comments: Cindyjo, this is so pretty! I love the little lamb and your precious Angel Michelle. I know she is so proud of you. Love, Cynthia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 05/06/2007 9:58:14pm Name: betty Homepage: E-Mail: betive@comcast.net Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: spokane united states Comments: peace be unto u..during this time Page 30 of 48 Go To Page: Sunday 05/06/2007 7:53:00pm Name: Melissa Goetz Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Spokane Valley Washington, USA Comments: Beautiful as ever Mother! I really like the lamb picture! I love you! Melissa -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 05/06/2007 7:37:11pm Name: Jacob's Mum Homepage: http://www.caringbridge.org/me/jacob E-Mail: Referred By: Web Ring City/Country: Queensland Australia Comments: Dear ^i^Michelle's Mother your Mother's day page is beautiful I know how much you miss your beautiful Angel Michelle I hope you have a happy Mothers day remember your sweet Daughter with Love and smiles with Love ^i^Jacob's Mum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 05/06/2007 7:08:59pm Name: Carol Homepage: http://www.myangelsonmichael.com E-Mail: ccarico@tampabay.rr.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Bradenton,Fla Comments: Wishing you a Very Blessed Mother's Day. I know are Angels will be with us. Love you Love, Carol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 05/06/2007 7:00:33pm Name: Dj Shanes Mom Homepage: http://l4jesus.com E-Mail: djsasygirl2000@gmail.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Newport, Ar, USA Comments: Beautiful page. I love the pic that ur angel drew. Precious and sweet page, may ur Mother's Day be peaceful. Hugs, Dj -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 04/08/2007 12:02:47am Name: MamaHen and Family Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Shelby~ Happy Easter sweet baby girl, we Love you Always and Forever. Love mama, papa, Omie, Bubba, Sissa and your whole Family. Page 31 of 48 Go To Page: Tuesday 03/20/2007 2:18:03pm Name: AnneMarie Homepage: E-Mail: annemarielewis2@mac.com Referred By: Search Engine City/Country: Colbert, WA, USA Comments: My heart goes out to you Cindy Jo. What a darling girl you had/have - may you always feel her nearby. Your neighbor, AnneMarie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 03/19/2007 2:55:47pm Name: Susan Lumpkin Homepage: E-Mail: slumpkin5@yahoo.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Cartersville, Ga USA Comments: Beautiful sites in memory of Michelle. God Bless you for praying for our Matthew and lighting a candle. Children can be so brave....even knowing what is going to happen..God's Children are home...Cure Childhood Cancer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 02/14/2007 5:34:39pm Name: CindyJo Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Sweet Shelby~ Happy Valentine's Day Sweet child of ours, we Love You so much and Yes Love IS Sweet! You always Loved Us All with All Your Heart!! Until we are together again Forever~ Love, Mamahen, Paparoo, Your Family and Friends ~ JOHN 10:28-29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 02/05/2007 8:28:36am Name: Susan Lumpkin Homepage: http://Matthew Doucette Memory of E-Mail: slumpkin5@yahoo.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Cartersville, Ga USA Comments: this is a beautiful site. Thank you for taking the time to visit Matthew's site. Losing children at such a young age is very hard. this was my first grandchild, and we helped raise him. Memory of Matthew Doucette Cure Childhood cancer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 01/29/2007 10:20:06am Name: Annette Homepage: http://www.michaeljbearup.zoomshare.com E-Mail: afsteve63@yahoo.com Referred By: Web Ring City/Country: Fenton USA Comments: God Bless you for a beautiful page and including all the other angels that left behind broken hearts. Page 32 of 48 Go To Page: Sunday 12/31/2006 3:59:57pm Name: CindyJo Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Happy New Year's Eve to Our Sweetpea Shelby and All of her Angel Friends and Families ~ With each new day we draw closer to you... Thank you for blessing us, always... Love Eternally, Your Mama and Family ~ John 10:28-29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 12/27/2006 6:54:37am Name: CindyJo Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Merry Tmas and New Year to our Angel Michelle, we will always Love you and include you in all our days before we are with you for Eternity in Paradise sweet daughter Michelle. We feel your spirit smiling upon us gently always and your Love abounds in each of our days.. JOHN 10:28-29 Love, Mama, Papa and Your Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 11/05/2006 6:57:48pm Name: MamaHen Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Michelle, It was 13 years ago tonight I kissed you for the last time and said this is not goodbye, I have always loved you always will and I will see you in a blink and I walked out of the hospital room you were in with that big window.. I MISS you more than words could ever say and more than my heart could ever show. I had a good cry today and noticed on calendar it is a full moon today, called a Hunters Moon.. it was a full moon or close to one the day you left us, too.. i wrote this poem for you: Thirteen Years Oh GOD! how can this be? Since I last saw you Michelle And held you close to me.. Whoever could have known That November day back in 1993 All that you were Would soon become just a Memory That nine years of holding you And watching you grow Would now turn to memories For the rest of my tomorrows Why did God want you You were only nine and the apple of my eye You brought me nothing but Joy And I will miss you till the day I die! I will always love you And hold you dear to my heart You are so loved and missed Michelle My sweet Angel, my Belle, from the start.. Love Mommy October 11, 2006 Copyrighted � Cindy Jo Greever In closing, It can never make sense to us that any parent would outlive their child. Together we are able to find some comfort in each other as we continue to love and remember our children and share them with the world. Our Angels lives though short did matter, they did contribute to the world in which they lived and their memories are with us for the rest of our earthly lives. The peace and promise in knowing we will join them for Eternity in Paradise brings Hope. Our Angels have shown us that this life is but a vapor and we too will perish. Thank God our Souls are Eternal and one sweet day we will be perfected and live Forever. Therefore it is never Good-bye. Let us make this life count not only for today but for Eternity.. From my heart to you Michelle especially, Lovingly Mama and Your Family ~ JOHN 10:28-29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 10/05/2006 9:20:21am Name: lindascarpa Homepage: E-Mail: lindajoeysmom@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: staten island NY Comments: Hi Michelle. just want to tell you im thinking of you and your mom all the time. Its Halloween . im sure your all gonna have a lot of fun. You are so beautiful michelle. lindajoeysmom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 09/21/2006 5:51:04pm Name: catherine payne Homepage: E-Mail: cvpayne6047@iccms.edu Referred By: Search Engine City/Country: fulton,ms,usa Comments: I just wanted to say that I think this was a really great site. Cansus Scheck was my best friend and I loved her, Cliffie and Savanna more than anything and I still miss them very much.It's nice to see their faces again. Page 33 of 48 Go To Page: Thursday 08/24/2006 10:19:15pm Name: CindyJo Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Michelle We Love you Forever and Always! Happy 22nd Birthday sweet baby daughter of ours. Love Always, Mama, Papa and Your whole Family! JOHN 10:28-29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 08/20/2006 2:45:51pm Name: Jacobs Mum Homepage: http://www.caringbridge.org/me/jacob E-Mail: Referred By: Web Ring City/Country: Australia Comments: Dear Michelle Happy 22nd Birthday in heaven with Love Jacob's Mum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 04/15/2006 11:28:38pm Name: Mamahen Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Happy Easter to my Beloved "lil chicken legs" Shelby. Thank you for the "coleus seeds" to remind me of eternal life... Love You Forever, mamahen and Family ~ JOHN 10:28-29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 04/11/2006 10:09:24pm Name: Peggy Rozell Homepage: http://www.jillrozell.com E-Mail: peggyrose011058@aol.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Texas, USA Comments: Dear CindyJo: Just stopping by to wish you and your sweet angel Michelle a very, very Happy Easter! You are such a wonderful person~full of compassion and grace and I am so glad to have found you as a friend~even though I wish it could have been under different circumstances. Thank you for lifting me up and encouraging me when we first met and barely knew one another! I will never forget that~I truly won't. I am honored and privileged to call you "my friend in Christ." God bless you and may you and your family have a wonderful Easter~the most important day of the year that we truly honor our risen Lord and Saviour and how awesome it is that our precious angels will be celebrating with Him together in Heaven with all of our other beautiful angels. Love in Christ, Peggy Rozell -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 02/21/2006 10:43:31am Name: Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear Cindy Jo: God works in such awesome ways~~I was visiting Dustin Ellis's site & I clicked back & arrived at your beautiful Angels Heart2Heart page in honor of your sweet daughter. I was so deeply touched~~words can't even express how I feel right now. I have thought about "the cord" so many times since Jill passed away, and when I saw that poem, I just wept. Thank you so much for sharing that poem with me. I will NEVER forget it! Your Michelle is such a precious, beautiful angel and I know that you miss her so much. I pray that with each new day, your pain decreases and your joy in the Lord increases. Something a friend shared with me on Jill's first anniversary~~"always remember that when the wind blows your hair, it is your sweet angel Michelle, sending you Heavenly kisses, and may you feel them in the presence of the breeze that brings them to you. May God bless you Cindy Jo, and may He continually bring you strength and peace through each difficult day you face. Also, I know you are a member of PEACE, but have you also joined Angel Reminders which is the sister group to PEACE? I am one of the Managers of Angel Reminders, and if you are not already a member, I would like to invite you to join. It is not a chat group~~it is a group where I enter your angel's birthday and anniversary date into a database, and when any of her important dates are approaching, a reminder is sent out 1 week in advance to our members (we have 84; however, all do not sign as much as we wish that they would), and our members sign Michelle's guestbook to lift you up and encourage you on those difficult days. If you are interested in joining, please just e-mail me and I will send you an invitation to join because it is by invitation only. With many prayers and much love, Peggy Rozell Page 34 of 48 Go To Page: Friday 02/17/2006 6:49:26am Name: Elsa and Adrian. Homepage: http://www.freehomepages.com/neos/Elsadri.html E-Mail: zneos1@netscape.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Montreal, Quebec, CANADA. Comments: Hi CindyJo. You should be very proud to have made such a wonderful site for yourself and everyone else to see and enjoy. What a beautiful tribute you made for your Michelle. I'm certain that she is blessing and guiding you from above. Congratulations you have a very entertaining and beautiful site. Thank you so much for sharing it. Thank you for the opportunity of visiting your excellent site. Take Care. Elsa and Adrian :-). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 02/05/2006 10:56:59pm Name: Vanessa Homepage: http://www.sisterswithheart.com E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: A beautiful page for a beautiful angel. I am sure she must be brightening even the light of God's Garden. I would like to invite you to join a warm and wonderful Christian woman's group Sisters With Heart -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 01/20/2006 12:04:07am Name: Belinda Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/missingdaddy2006 E-Mail: crbalb2@yahoo.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Gloucester, Virginia Comments: You have a beautiful site in your Michelle's memory. I know she would be very proud you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 12/25/2005 6:56:34pm Name: CindyJo Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Dear Sweet Shelby, We Love you and miss you so much but we know that in a blink of "time" we will be together again, Forever..... Merry Christmas sweet baby of mine, always... Love, Mama, Papa, Sissa, Bubba, Johnny, Malachi and all of your Family and Friends.. JOHN 10:28-29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 12/11/2005 8:40:42pm Name: Robert (Bobby) Martin Homepage: http://www.stillbobby.com E-Mail: mybobby13@yahoo.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Tennessee/USA Comments: You Are NOT "dead" you are very much alive, just in a different state of being alive than we are. All children go to Heaven, and I don't think anyone who knows right from wrong, tries to do what is right, and believes in GOD ever really "dies" We are moving forward just like we do every day wether we know it or want to. We leave things behind but never stop creating, living, or loving. We need to give our best every day so that when our time comes to continue our living we can leave our best behind for those we love. Page 35 of 48 Go To Page: Saturday 11/05/2005 10:24:56am Name: CindyJo, David and Family Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/cindyjos E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: In Loving Memory of *Michelle Marie Greever* ~ "21 and 12" ~ 2005 "21 and 12" ~ Michelle, this year you would have turned 21 and it is your 12th Year in Heaven... This was a very special year, You turned 21 but you weren't "here" To touch, to Hold, To Hug... Yet in our hearts you continued to tug... Your Spirit lingers on for Eternity~ We feel all of your love, constantly... Our New Family addition, "Malachi" came to greet us with a smile this Fall We know from above you "saw it all" The happiness we feel for our new little one, has renewed our appeal~ for life goes on And now on Your 12th year Since you left our Earth Little Dear We remember your life's long song As your gifts of this Life linger on... Surely this world is a much more special place~ Because you have touched us with your beauty and grace Surely this world is a sweeter place~ To have known your love! Your sweet Soul still touches us from Heaven above... Lovingly, Your Mother, Family and Friends~ CindyJo Greever � November 4th 2005 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 10/12/2005 1:22:32pm Name: justMama Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/cindyjos E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: To Our Dear Sweet Daughter,Friend and Auntie Michelle!! You have a new nephew!! How do you like him as you watch and adore him from Heaven above? Malachi David is soooooooooooo precious and sweet! Johnny adores him too!! I saw this poem and thought of you, I miss you so much lil green eyed baby... To the living, I am gone; to the sorrowful, I will never return; to the angry, I was cheated. But to the happy, I am at peace and to the faithful, I have never left. I cannot speak, but I can listen; I cannot be seen, but I can be heard. So, as you stand upon a shore gazing at a beautiful sea, remember me. As you look in awe at a mighty forest and its grand majesty, remember me. Remember me in your heart, your thoughts and your memories of the times we cried, the times we fought, the times we laughed, the times we loved. For if you always think of me, I will never be gone from your side. - Unknown We were at the organ donor ceremony recently honoring your life and your "gifts of life and sight" you were so much to so many but never as much as you were and always will be to me.. My guiding light, and now my guiding star... Until then, Love is Forever Sweet Child of God.. Sweet child of mine... JOHN 10:28-29 Love Always, mamahen, paparoo, sissa, bubba, Johnathan and Malachi~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 08/28/2005 6:44:08am Name: jo Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/heartland/stream/2668/index.html E-Mail: jopo@peoplepc.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Oh Comments: Thought I would sign this one too..thinking of you and your famly. this is a great site in michele's memory. Love, prayers go out to you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 08/24/2005 11:10:21am Name: Kimberley Bonham Homepage: http://ourangelheather.tripod.com/index.html E-Mail: ksbonham1@yahoo.com Referred By: Web Ring City/Country: Fountain Valley, California Comments: I see your angel was 11 when she went home to be with Jesus. My Heather was one month of her 12th Birthday when she collapsed at school. Every effort to revive her was done, but I know that she was already in the arms of our Lord and Savior. I am sure that Heather and Michelle are best of friends, everyone that Heather would meet was a BEST FRIEND. God Bless Your Family, and this is such a beautiful tribute to such a pretty little girl. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 08/24/2005 5:33:40am Name: Michelle's Family Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA STATE USA Comments: Today (8/24) is your 21st Birthday our Michelle Marie ~ .... WE MISS YOU!! SO so very much. I will never forget giving birth to you this morning 21 years ago, you entered our world as gentle as a lamb and lived your life such a happy and loving child of God! You brought us so much JOY and happiness! It has been 12 years this Fall since you left us for Paradise but this poem below brings me comfort as I continue to try to live my life: "FOR THE BOTH OF US" As long as I can I will look at this world for both of us. As long as I can I will laugh with the birds, I will sing with the flowers, I will pray to the stars, for the both of us. As long as I can I will remember how many things on this earth were your joy. And I will live as well as you would want me to live As long as I can. Sascha - from Wintersun Love, MamaHen, PapaRoo, Bubba, Sissa, Johnny and Your Whole Family~ JOHN 10:28-29 ***We live in one sphere of existence, our loved one who has died in another, but with faith, undying love and the desire we can connect at the seam where our two worlds meet. Love never dies.*** Quote by Mitch Carmody ~HAPPY TWENTY-FIRST BIRTHDAY OUR MICHELLE~ Page 36 of 48 Go To Page: Saturday 08/20/2005 2:31:41pm Name: Selena's Angel Homepage: http://seangels.org E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Hi I love your site.It would be an honor to have you with us. Hope to see you there. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 08/07/2005 3:02:40pm Name: Tammy Homepage: http://www.angelwhisperz.com E-Mail: reesecup32003@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Florida Comments: I love angel Michelles garden! So beautiful.. Hugs to you sweetie. Love Tammy & Angel Tyler -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 07/19/2005 3:33:14pm Name: Christine Homepage: http://www.rememberingdeborah.com E-Mail: deborahs_mum@hotmail.co.uk Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Scotland Comments: Dear Cindy Jo Michelle's garden is so beautiful...just as she is. My heart aches everytime I see your little cuties smile. Thank you for your friendship and your support. With love, Christine -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 05/29/2005 3:46:37pm Name: Doris (Angel Andrew's Mommy) Homepage: http://home.comcast.net/~cdmaa/ E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Hi, I am visiting all the Angels that are on the Quilt of Memories Site to let everyone know the link where your child is remembered has been changed - The new link is below: If possible please add one of the squares with an updated link back to Quilt of Memories so others can find it too! Thanks! Thinking of you! Doris Quilt of Memories http://home.comcast.net/~cdmaa/quilt.htm Always Loved ~ Never Forgotten Newsletter & Support Group http://home.comcast.net/~alnf1/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 04/23/2005 7:31:56am Name: BRENDA PEARSON Homepage: http://NONE E-Mail: brnprs4@aol.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: michell is a beautiful girl, your deep love for her shows through your wonderful web-pages for her. God bless you for helping all of our angels have a web-page. hugs, brenda pearson (scooby's mom) Page 37 of 48 Go To Page: Friday 04/15/2005 11:37:52am Name: brenda pearson Homepage: http://brnprs4@aol.com E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: my heart achs for you and the beautiful little girl you lost. God bless you. brenda pearson mom2Scooby4ever -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 04/11/2005 5:28:11am Name: Tammy P. Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/tam_pst44 E-Mail: tam_pst@earthlink.net Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Standish, USA Comments: I love angel Michelles garden! So beautiful! I too have a memorial spot for Steve in my back yard. ((((Cindy Jo and Michelle)))) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 03/27/2005 7:02:55pm Name: mamahen and family Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/cindyjos E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA. State Comments: Dear Michelley, Happy Easter in Heaven sweet little baby chicken. We just love you sooooooooooooo much. Would you, could you, can you, will you, won't you send us a special sign again soon? :) Love Forever and always, mamahen,paparoo,brother and sister bear, Johnny, Omie, Gramps and ALL your family and friends!!! JOHN 10:28-29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 01/05/2005 9:48:19pm Name: Tammy Hill Homepage: http://www.angelwhisperz.com E-Mail: reesecup32003@yahoo.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Tampa,Fl Comments: Hi Cindy just wanted to say what a beautiful website that you have done for Michelle. She was such a beautiful girl now she is a beautiful angel looking over you. Just like my Tyler is doing for me. It makes me so sad that we have to go through this horrible pain, but I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs Love Tammy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 12/01/2004 7:02:06pm Name: Maggie Homepage: http://// E-Mail: margret73@comcast.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Somerset, Mass Comments: Cindyjo, This is a beautiful site and your Michelle is a precious angel Love Maggie Page 38 of 48 Go To Page: Friday 11/05/2004 7:21:35pm Name: Mama, Papa and Family Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/cindyjos E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Spokane, Washington Comments: Dear Michelle, I have almost made it through one more AngelVersary, missing you! Today Melissa came by and surprised us with a beautiful bouquet of Fall Flowers, a fresh bouquet filled with yellow mums, purple statice, orangy-auburn mums Sissa said reminded her of your hair!! and also burgundy miniature carnations, one beautiful sunflower and a cat-tail!! How sweet "Sissa" came to see Daddy and I on her day off, and bring us a box of chocolates and she picked out a cute little puppy crystal pin to give me with a green collar (our favorite color!) This lil pup even has gold tipped ears and tail! We visited awhile and I also helped papa with the new winter safety cover for our pool. Just before Sissa left there was a loud crash onto our window, a baby Quail birdie flew against our window and broke his neck, it made me soooo sad! To think this birdie died the same day as you from a head injury like you, 11 years later, and not the chance to fully grow up!...He was even going in the same direction that you were on this same day only 11 years ago, East...he was about half the size of a chicken, they are big birds, he died right after he fell. Now his brother and brood are looking for him, this just broke my heart~and reminded me that all babies cannot grow up..and it still is shocking to me, since our concepts are not geared toward the young parting before the old! OH HOW I miss you, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH FOR ETERNITY!! But I know we will be together Forever One Sweet Day. I will never except what happened but I have learned to live with this knowing God has His Reasons for Everything under the Sun. You were always special and always will be...in fact tomorrow is the Annual Organ Donor Ceremony and Omie and I will go, to remember You and the Gifts of Life that You gave to others when you left this world for Paradise...true to your spirit, Always a Giver, Oh HOW WE LOVE AND MISS YOU!! JOHN 10:28-29 Love, Mamahen, Papa and Family -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 09/13/2004 8:52:45am Name: Mamahen Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/cindyjos E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Spokane, Washington-The Beauty State Comments: Dear Shelby, Your 20th Birthday came and went, just two weeks ago. I always think of how you had that class project just days before you went to Heaven, where on your paper you were supposed to draw in the mirror how you would look when you turn 20 and even though you love to draw, instead inside the mirror you wrote with your pencil "I will look the same, only be bigger." You just DON'T know how many times I have thought of this since, especially now, since you are 20...I love you soooo very much. I am going to share this precious poem that Nico wrote for you a few years ago, it is getting to be Fall soon..........Love you Always, my Baby Chicken, Mama Autumn Leaves Leaves the color of embers of fire, the color of her hair, floats down from trees that point to heaven. Her Mother's heart waits here. The grass stands green and strong, her eyes have seen to this. She wipes away her Mother's tears and gently places a loving kiss. The butterflies drift on by, like her Angel's gliding wings. The flowers bloom in endless streams as she stands beside and sings. "Mother, I am here with you. I'll see you in your dreams. Remember as I stand beside you in the wood and near the streams." "My heart is free and while silence reigns, my thoughts they turn to you. How oh so special it has been to spend my time with you." "For I am here, not that far away. Look in your heart and as you do, I will hear you pray." In loving memory of Michelle. written by Nico Michelle Marie Greever 8-24-84 ~ 11-5-93 Organ and Cornea Donor~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 09/13/2004 1:10:23am Name: Allan Svensson Homepage: http://www.algonet.se/~allan-sv/INDEX.HTM E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Sweden Comments: Hi, I visited your beautiful Website, and I wish you the best you can get, the peace of God through Jesus Christ. Welcome to visit my Site. Jesus loves you! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 07/07/2004 4:43:00pm Name: Stacey Root Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/ethanroot E-Mail: stacie.root@comcast.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Tacoma, Washington Comments: I am sorry of your loss. You have a beautiful family. Thank you for sharing them with me. God Bless! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 06/14/2004 8:31:33pm Name: Vickey Homepage: E-Mail: bonne2@msn.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Jacksonville, FL Comments: What a beautiful website, you really touched my heart. I lost my 2 year old daughter, Nichole, just over 3 years ago and can truly understand you pain. What a beautiful tribute. Vickey Page 39 of 48 Go To Page: Saturday 05/08/2004 10:52:28pm Name: Mama Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellesmama E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Washington Comments: Dear Shelby, it is Mother's day! Thank YOU so much for the sweet and precious gift of the Hummingbird today! She was right next to me and so very close within a couple feet and i looked into her eyes as she gazed into mine, a sight to behold, she was so friendly and curious! It was so amazing!! And the special card from Sissa saying "Always a Mother Always a Friend" I sooo needed to see and read this and you "knew" it!! Yes i do have best friends in you, daddy, Sissa, Michael and Johnny, oh and even lil Bubs! I love you all so very, very much!! Love Always, Mama Hen ~ John 10:28-29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 05/06/2004 2:18:25pm Name: Angel Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/mylittleminer_geo/index1.html E-Mail: angelmelancon@classicnet.net Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: New Iberia, Louisiana Comments: Hi everyone, I hope everyone is doing well. I was just surfing the web and finally came across our angels of heart to heart web space and wanted to say hello to Mama Cindy Jo! I miss you and miss our email chats, do you remember me? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 02/19/2004 2:30:20pm Name: Britni Homepage: E-Mail: ToBritni@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Winter Haven/USA Comments: Hey! I am a 17 year old senior here in Winter Haven, and I have lost several of my closest friends since the 10th grade. I think this website is a wonderful opportunity for the families and friends of there deceased loved ones to grieve and commemorate them. And also a way to make them a part of everyone's lives forever! :D -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 01/08/2004 5:06:27pm Name: Connie Robbins Homepage: E-Mail: tcrobbins@bullloch.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Statesboro Georgia Comments: I just finished visiting some "Angel pages. They are beautiful. I wish I had one for my Angel Jerry. He was killed in a four wheeler accident December 25, 2000. He was 16 years old. My three children received it as a christmas present that day. It happened at about 8:00 that evening. They were all on it when Jerry was killed. I want you to know they were raised on 4-wheelers. It was an accident. But that does not make the pain any less nor does it relieve me from guilt of buying them a new one. I have never visited this web site before I was trying to find Healing Hearts when this one came on the screen. Hey, Jerry is at work again!! I've shared some pain with the web pages I visited. Much Love Connie Robbins -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 01/06/2004 3:15:42pm Name: BETTY Homepage: E-Mail: IVEBET@AOL.COM Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: SPOKANE, WASHINGTON Comments: CINDY; I'M SO PROUD TO HAVE BEEN IN YOUR LIFE AND HOW TRUE IS 11 CORINTHIANS 1;5. ( IN YOU LIFE.) ITS SO AWSOME TO SEE ,HOW MANY HEARTS YOU HAVE COMFORTED, BECAUSE OF YOUR OWN LOSS. GOD TRULY TURNED LEMON IN TO LEMONADE. HE DIDN'T PLAN ALL THIS SORROW, BUT TURNED INTO A PLUS TO HELP OTHERS. ALWAYS LOVE AND PRAYERS BETTY I Page 40 of 48 Go To Page: Thursday 11/06/2003 5:05:38pm This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 11/06/2003 8:40:22am Name: Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Alabama Comments: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/05/2003 1:37:51pm Name: MamaPeeps+PapaRoo, Bubba, Sissa & Johnny Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/angelsofhearttoheart E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA~The Evergreen State Comments: Dear Angel Michelle, Mama misses you so much, Papa and Family do too...little Johnny knows you from pictures, he calls you "Aunt Shell"...how could it be that ten years have gone by since you went to Heaven's Gates? Ten years today! You are doing your angelic work in Heaven now just as you did here with us on Earth, we miss you so much Shelby.. Love Always, MamaHen, Paparoo and your family...John 10:28-29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/05/2003 7:55:24am Name: Shirley/Ben's Mom Homepage: E-Mail: dixon6@crtelco.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: USA Comments: Dear Cindy Jo and Family, Please know you all are in my thoughts and prayers today on Michelle's 10th Heaven Day. I hope that precious memories of Michelle can comfort you in some way today. Thinking of you......... Love, Shirley/Ben's Mom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11/05/2003 3:07:42am Name: Cynthia Homepage: http://Angels Heart2Heart E-Mail: cfp615@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Nashville Comments: What a beautiful site for Michelle, I know she is so proud of you. She is a beautiful young lady, with a beautiful Mother. I love you Michelle and Cindyjo. We will be together someday. Page 41 of 48 Go To Page: Sunday 11/02/2003 6:53:04pm Name: Dottie Homepage: E-Mail: AshleysMother@webtv.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Dear CindyJo, I am thinking of you this week with a sad heart, and knowing what your thoughts must be like, and the courage you face each day with your angel by your side. I thank you for being the strong one for the many of us who share your sorrow and sadness . But we also share your hopes and dreams of seeing and feeling our angels around us. ( We gave them to God and his angels, as he gave them to us as a gift of love, to cherish for such a short time here on earth . But, to cherish in heaven for evermore.) Ashley's Mother Forever, Dottie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 11/01/2003 7:38:52am Name: Ginny Herring Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/~atlantatcf/KayCee_Herring/KayCee.html E-Mail: davidh1221@aol.com Referred By: Web Ring City/Country: Buford, GA Comments: So very sorry for your loss. Michelle is such a beautiful young girl. I know how your hearts ache and how much you miss her every day. God Bless. ..................... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 10/25/2003 5:24:55pm Name: Susan Dailey Homepage: E-Mail: sdailey@insightbb.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Louisville, KY Comments: This is a beautiful website and wonderful memorial for Michelle. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 10/23/2003 3:22:13am Name: Melody Homepage: E-Mail: rmsledge@mchsi.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Pontiac Comments: Cindy Jo-- Beautiful site! Hadn't visited for awhile. Love Michelle's "angel garden! Love, Melody, Brian's mommy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 10/22/2003 4:09:29pm Name: Carol Carico Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/ourangelmichael/index.html E-Mail: ccarico@tampabay.rr.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Bradenton, Fla USA Comments: What a beautiful tribute to such a beautiful girl. Michaelle is beautiful. I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my son Michael on 11/27/02. Please visit him when you can. My prayers are with you. Love Carol Page 42 of 48 Go To Page: Friday 09/26/2003 5:49:38am Name: Judi Patton Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Friend City/Country: San Francisco Comments: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 09/16/2003 9:40:57pm Name: Helen Ortiz Homepage: http://In the making E-Mail: Shaunbeach@aol.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: San Jose CA Comments: Cindyjo and family, I don't know what to say, I felt Shaun was going to talk to me, I felt like I could almost touch him to feel him. My heart felt like it was racing. Cindyjo, my heart and love goes out to you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. My Corona born Sister, and it was you that made me realize, I had a ministry going and didn't even realize it. I thank you for that too. Our Angel...Hugs to you((((((((((C))))))))) is what I send you, if I could, you know what I would send. Love to you and all. Thank you again, for insisting and being so patient, on me sending you Shaun. Helen...Touched by an Angel....Shaun -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 08/24/2003 8:49:40am Name: CindyJo~Michelle's Mama Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA~The Evergreen State Comments: Dear Michelle, My 'Belle', Happy 19th Birthday sweet baby of mine, last to leave my womb...In just a few minutes it will mark your birth 19 years ago...you came in like an Angel and surely left as one too............into the arms of Jesus, paving the way for your mama, papa and all your loved ones......you lit up our lives and paved our roads to eternity with your sweet smile, natural artistic abilities and your constant gifts of affection and unconditional Love..............surely you shine brighter than the brightest star in the Heavens and are more precious than the most brilliant gem.............My Love for you is true and eternal........I long to embrace you and look into your twinkling, sparkling energetic eyes of green, one sweet day......would you, could you, can you, will you, won't you................be mine eternally??!! YES!! I LOVE YOU SWEET SHELBY AND MABES!! Your Mama Hen and Paparoo and Family!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 06/15/2003 4:53:08pm Name: Stacy Cowman Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/marrissa327 E-Mail: stacy82174@msn.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Green Bay/United States Comments: This a beautiful site, and Michelle is a beautiful little girl....You are in my thoughts and prayers. Stacy Mommy to Heavenly Angel, Marrissa-March 27, 2003 and Earth Angel, Breanna, 3 years old. www.geocities.com/marrissa327 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 06/06/2003 2:53:55pm Name: Maria (Christopher's mommy) Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/legobeaver/index.html E-Mail: LegoBeaverChris@cs.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Pittsburgh PA Comments: Dear Cindy Jo - i just wanted to stop by and let you know that you and your Angel Michelle are in my thoughts, today and always. love and hugs, maria Christopher's mommy forever Page 43 of 48 Go To Page: Tuesday 05/20/2003 10:26:48pm Name: Melanie Woolum Homepage: http://www/geocities.com/dustins_place-index/html E-Mail: mwoolum@charter.net Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Man Wv Comments: Cindy Jo, It is so nice that you share your whole family like this, You have wonderful pages for Michelle, I know she is so proud of you, and Thanks for allowing me to add her to Dustin's site, Her little face makes the page shine......Iknow Dustin is proud too. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 04/25/2003 4:26:43pm Name: Rena Pickering Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/angelsofhearttoheart/amandab.html E-Mail: tchbyangel2001@yahoo.com Referred By: Web Ring City/Country: usa Comments: Amanda it's mom! just wanted to get in here and sign u'r page baby!! I do love u and miss u so much it's been a hard wk and really really miss u still...Love Mom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 04/21/2003 3:26:31pm Name: Susan Bethune Homepage: E-Mail: sandn@yar.eastlink.ca Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Yarmouth, N.S.-Canada Comments: We have just said good-bye to our 18 year old daughter 3 months ago, on January 15th, 2003. She had Niemann-Pick disease, C/D. It is a rare degenerative brain disease. Lesley-Anne Doucet, was just 2 months shy of her 19th birthday, when she went home to be with Jesus. She will forever shine in the Heavens, and will be missed forever on this earth by her family and loved ones. Her will, determination, and her zest for life, was an inspiration to all. Having Miss. Lesley in our lives, has been the most wonderful thing immaginable. Going on without her is to barely breathe. We look forward to the day when God takes us to be with her once more. Lesley left footprints on so many hearts, and she has still a work going on here. She was a true earth angel, and is now a heavenly angel. There are never enough hours to tell of all she was able to do, even while unable to really speak these past few months. She moved mountains in her own way. I- her mom, will forever be honored to have shared in her life and my heart is forever broken with the loss of her. God grant peace to all the families who have in one form or another, lost a child. It has to be the most difficult trial by far. Lesley will live forever in my love. Always, always, and always, we will take her with us. mom, dad, Angie and Andrew -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 04/15/2003 6:33:51am Name: Kathy Christman Homepage: http:// Amanda B Reed E-Mail: L80Harley1017@aol.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Hinesburg, Vermont Comments: Amanda you are a Beautiful Angel. I've heard so much about you from your Mom she loves you and misses you so much.Always be by her side she needs you to guide her. Love your Mom's friend Kathy Christman -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 04/11/2003 8:58:01pm Name: Loretta Heinz Homepage: http://Amanda B Reed E-Mail: l.heinz@att.net Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Mesa, Arizona Comments: Mandy, I will always love you....wish we could have spent more time together. I love you....Auntie L Page 44 of 48 Go To Page: Wednesday 01/29/2003 5:54:45pm This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 01/23/2003 9:47:37am Name: Jean Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/soap54us/Angels.html E-Mail: jean.rostron@ntlworld.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: England Comments: A beautiful website, for a beautiful girl. God bless. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 01/06/2003 5:16:35pm Name: CindyJo~Michelle's Mama Homepage: http://right here E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Colbert, WA. USA Comments: Hi Sweet Angel "Shelby" HAPPY NEW YEAR "2003" And what a special New Years Surprise!! Shelby, you have a NEW Second Cousin!! "Emily Belinda" was born the same day as Uncle Les' Birthday, January 3rd! Aunt Belinda finally had that baby girl you wished for her to have when she was pregnant back in 1993 and you had just found out she was having another baby! Well Aunt Belinda did have five boys in a row but now sunshine, she has a GIRL!!! I am sure you know about Emily because you are an Angel, you knew before us I will bet!! I love you Shelby and I am so glad your wish came true!! Love, Mama Hen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 12/27/2002 10:48:57pm Name: Mama Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Colbert, WA. USA Comments: Mama Loves you Sweet Shelby, Mama Misses you, "Misses YOU" MISSES YOU!! Always Your Mama Hen ~ JOHN 10:28-29. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 11/25/2002 4:45:53pm Name: Mama Hen, PapaRoo, Bubba, Sissa & Johnny Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: WA~The Evergreen State Comments: Oh Our Dear Daughter, our Precious Sweet "Princess Ariel", we miss you so so so so much!! ;) Oh would you, could you, can you, will you, won't you... send us a sweet and loving sign soon, for we miss you oh so much, your loving touch, your sweet embrace, your smiling face, your harmony and your grace, your beauty but most of all, your Love....Nine years and counting since you left this plain for Eternal Paradise with God and all eternally saved, and one sweet day we will join you for the most beautiful love to last us forever! Missing you always, remembering you always, with all of our Love!!! Mama Heeen, PapaKangaroo, Bubba, Sissa and Baby John John. PS Enjoy your newfound happiness with our Max who came to be with you a few weeks ago after gracing our lives for fourteen years.....i guess he wanted to go "Home" and be with you now sweet Angel~ Page 45 of 48 Go To Page: Monday 11/11/2002 2:23:14pm Name: Dawn Cresser Homepage: E-Mail: sunnydc@optonline.net Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: valley stream -usa Comments: Dear Cindyjo, What a beautiful site for a sweet precious girl, Michelle. You are always in my thoughts. Love, Dawn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 09/11/2002 5:55:17pm Name: Mama Hen, PapaRoo, Bubba, Sissa & Johnny Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Colbert, WA. USA Comments: Our Dear Beautiful Angel ~ We Think of You and Remember "YOU" on a day like today......the whole world is "watching" upon this one year anniversary of what took place....and in our Hearts and Souls We REMEMBER YOU Michelle and all the little children parted too soon from this life!! Loving YOU Always and FOREVER!!!!! John 10:28-29......... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 08/31/2002 1:15:41am Name: johnathansmama (Susie Workman) Homepage: E-Mail: Susieq_25635@hotmail.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Man, WV USA Comments: I have went to this site a few times, so I could read "The Cord" and "Please Don't Mourn For Me". Such beatiful words and so much truth in a mother's heart and soul in The Cord. Later, Susie - Q. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 08/26/2002 12:48:14am Name: Dinah Taylor Homepage: E-Mail: dinah@cumberlandcollege.edu Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: What a beautiful website, I know Michelle is really touched by the love shown. Dinah Taylor - Jim's Mom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday 08/25/2002 7:05:35am Name: Carol Surface Homepage: E-Mail: carolsurface@hotmail.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Frankfort, IN USA Comments: Cindy Jo, What an Angel your Michelle is. I especially like the picture with her in front of the Christmas tree. I can almost see a halo over her head! Thanks for sharing your Michelle with me. Carol Page 46 of 48 Go To Page: Friday 08/23/2002 12:59:22am Name: Maria (Christopher's mommy) Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/legobeaver/index.html E-Mail: LegoBeaverChris@cs.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Pittsburgh PA Comments: Dear Cindy Jo - I wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts alot as Michelle's birthday draws near. My heart goes out to you, I know you are missing her quite a bit right now. I am hoping that my little Christopher will be there to help Michelle blow out her candles, he always loved to do that. Happy 18th Birthday Angel Michelle! love and hugs, maria Christopher's mommy forever -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 07/30/2002 10:42:41am Name: Linda Branford Homepage: E-Mail: billylinda20@hotmail.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Harvey Comments: This is a beautiful site. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 07/09/2002 10:30:52am Name: Pam Homepage: http://http;//www.geocities.com/regalmap/index.html E-Mail: duck@jorsm.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Schererville, IN Comments: Cindy Jo, saw your entry on Marlene's guestbook for the memorial page for my daughter Heather and her friend Emily. Thank you for visiting. Marlene is such a special person to have done this for me. I have visited your angels site as well as your other two memorial angel sites. How inspiring and heartwarming that you have been able to use your pain as a source of help and comfort for others. As time allows I hope to be able to visit all the angels on your memorial site. These children taken too soon all seem to have such wonderful qualities that made them so special. God Bless you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday 07/08/2002 8:07:31pm This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 06/18/2002 1:02:17pm This is a private entry. If you are the owner of this guestbook, you can press the button to view this entry. Page 47 of 48 Go To Page: Wednesday 06/05/2002 5:10:44pm Name: Dawn Marie Sisson Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/tiffanys_hope E-Mail: dawnsisson@msn.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: Dalton, GA Comments: Hey friends - just came by to visit a couple more angels today. Alberta - I tried your other page but it would not come up??? I would love to see more of Christina and Mary. What precious girls... I will be back to visit more later. Love In Christ, Dawn M. Sisson In Loving Memory of Tiffany Marie Sisson 9/7/85-9/4/00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday 05/23/2002 7:05:37pm Name: Dawn Sisson Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/tiffanys_hope/index.html E-Mail: dawnsisson@msn.com Referred By: E-Mail City/Country: Dalton, Ga Comments: This is for Pat - I just want to send my love and tell you I enjoyed meeting your daughter Cathy. I know God has blessed you with her sweet daughter to soften the pain. My heart is with you. Love In Christ, Dawn Sisson In Loving Memory of Tiffany Marie Sisson 9/7/85-9/4/00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 05/08/2002 12:05:55am Name: Heidi Homepage: http://www.ourbabyjeremy.com E-Mail: dajmom0507@aol.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Zeeland MI Comments: These pages are so wonderful, thank you for remembering Jeremy here and for having such a supportive group -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday 02/08/2002 10:33:17am Name: Pat Sinacore Homepage: http://angel Catherine Clare Martin E-Mail: Ninna127@webtv.net Referred By: Friend City/Country: Hoosick Falls, N.Y. Comments: As beautiful as ever, CindyJo. Thanks so much. Pat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 01/30/2002 8:49:06pm Name: Michelle's Mama Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: spokane, washington Comments: Hi Sweet Shelby, Mama got a *new* birdie today! her name is *SweetPea*, Sissa helped me name her, she is so pretty, smart and such a nice bird too, she has a pretty green body and yellow wings and head with distinct black markings, she even has some turquoise on her tail and the end of her belly by her tail too! SweetPea is getting along very well with Colby and other than flapping her wings alot for a minute when i first let her in her cage with Colby she has settled right in and looks comfortable, is eating and liking her new home here! I am so happy we got a new birdie, Thank You little Angel for helping mommy feel better. It snowed again today but I am going to bury Sunshine in your Garden. Love you always Baby Chicken, Mama Hen Page 48 of 48 Go To Page: Wednesday 01/30/2002 0:18:56am Name: Michelle's Mama Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: spokane, washington Comments: Dear Shelby, mama is just soooooo sad, tonight (1-29) around 10:30 I found little Sunshine at the bottom of her cage, she died of old age, she was almost 14..but still, it HURT SO BAD! It was a full moon last night, she even made it through that! She looked peaceful my sweet, very peaceful.. Melissa says she is proudly flying in the Heavens with you now..she is with you and Benjie and Charlie and Sandy and her old boy mates and even with Pearl our old goldfish but she was alive when you were here and you knew her half your life! You were so proud of her with her pretty bright yellow feathers with the touch of light green on her back..she was so pretty and so strong and she saw several boy mates in her life, now Colby is all alone to fend for himself. I hope he doesn't get too lonely...little Sunshine was so loving to him the last few days, she had her wing over Colby like she was mothering him..a Mama Hen, just what you always called me... remember what a tought old bird Sunshine always was? Melissa called her an old crone tonight! Well she learned to love and be cuddly at the end! I love you my sweet, my tears tonight were also for you..I MISS YOU SO MUCH! Your Mama Forever, John 10:28-29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 01/29/2002 10:14:23pm Name: melissa greever Homepage: http://angels of heart to heart site E-Mail: doodlemae2@hotmail.com Referred By: Friend City/Country: spokane, washington Comments: I love you mommy! I know how much work you have put into this page and I commend you for it !! I know that little Shelby is smiling down from heaven saying "I know that I got my artistic abilities from momma hen". I hope this helps people who have lost someone special. Love, Melissa -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 01/29/2002 8:47:11pm Name: Mama and Guests Homepage: E-Mail: Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Comments: Previous posts from old book:2001 to 2002~First Name : Mama CindyJo URL : www.geocities.com/cindyjos Comments: : My Dearest Daughter and Angel ~Michelle Marie Greever~I love you more than words will ever say and more than our souls could ever describe and more than our heart could ever show...Love, Mommy 11-05-00 Favorite Website : www.geocities.com/michellemaries How Did You Find Us? : My Angel Brought me Here!! From: : Washington State First Name : Mama Hen URL : www.geocities.com/cindyjos Comments: : Hi Sweet Michelle~ ..I am glad I finally got your new guestbook up. I love you new Auntie to Johnathan! Always and Forever Your MAMA HEN...2-01 Favorite Website : www.geocities.com/michellemaries How Did You Find Us? : You My Angel!! From: : Washington, The "Evergreen State" First Name : Patricia URL : Cathy Comments: : CindyJo, Thank you so much for the beautiful memorial site for my Cathy,and the great up date with the picture of Alexis. Great Job Love& hugs, Pat Favorite Website : My Cathy How Did You Find Us? : Maggie St John From: : Groww First Name : Mama Hen URL : www.geocities.com/cindyjos Comments: : Michelle..my sweet *Shelby*...Mama hen Loves you and misses you so so much...Seventeen years ago you were a week from being born, how my heart aches for you..Love MAMA 8-17-01 Favorite Website : www.geocities.com/michellemaries How Did You Find Us? : me From: : First Name : Ginger URL : www.geocities.com/glb290 Comments: : You have done a beautiful job sharing your MIchelle with all of us. My heart breaks for you for your loss as we travel this journey together. Together, we shall find the strength to face each day. 01-02 Favorite Website : How Did You Find Us? : ChildLoss From: : San Jose, California -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 01/29/2002 3:50:01pm Name: Michelle's Mama Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/michellemaries E-Mail: michellesmama@hotmail.com Referred By: Just Surfed In City/Country: Colbert, WA. USA Comments: Our Dearest Angel Michelle Marie... first you Blessed us with this Angel site two years ago in February 2000, then one year later in February 2001 you showed us a Sign of your great Blessings and continuing Love again with the birth of our First GrandBaby, our Johnathan Michael Greever! Now I am here to say Thank You Michelle, for your Life, for your Love, for Everything! I have our new Angel's guestbook up here finally and I will be adding all other entries to this one so it is complete. Please keep showing us your Signs, because until we can get to Heaven to be with you, you have paved our path with so much Beauty, Blessings and Thankfulness. WE LOVE YOU ALWAYS AND FOREVER!! Love, Mama, Your Family and Friends...JOHN 10:28-29. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------PRIVATE ENTRIES FOR GB 3------------------------------------- Can't wait to see you darlin with your face shining bright from dwelling so close to our Lord in heaven...., Thank God the time draws nigh. Diana - Entered: Sunday 02/13/2011 10:34:19am =========================================== How precious that you saved so many of Michelle's drawings! There are so many of my daughters' that I just threw away, partly due to storage concerns and partly because I just assumed there would be more. You just never know, do you? Happy Valentine's Day! Melody S - Entered: Sunday 02/14/2010 3:16:56pm ============================================== I love the bunny valentine! how very special! hope you have a lovely Easter. love you! Patricia Bird - Entered: Tuesday 04/07/2009 8:15:17am ======================================= What a Beautiful website for Michelle, I know she loves it and all of her Angel Friends. Michelle, I just want to tell you how much we love you, and all the friends that you and your Mom have. Happy Easter! Love, Cynthia - Entered: Tuesday 04/07/2009 5:38:53am ============================= Hey Cindyjo, You have done a Beautiful job with Michelle's Easter page! I know she is very proud of it and all the wonderful things you do to spread your love and compassion to everyone~ Hugs & Prayers, Love ya, Shannon Reid, Bryan Reid's Mom - Entered: Monday 04/06/2009 7:11:29am ================================================ Cindyjo..........You always do such a wonderful job on all of Michelle's pages. This one is no acception. Michelle would be very proud of all you have done. HAPPY EASTER Michelle.. HAPPY EASTER.....to all of our angels.....Diana...Robbie's Mom ...4-eVER... - Entered: Sunday 04/05/2009 1:33:43am ===================================================== Awesome Easter page Cindy . May God bless you this comming Easter and may you always walk in the light of Gods loving Grace . I love you and will always remain a true Friend Reeny Angels Dustin and Becky's Mom - Entered: Saturday 04/04/2009 12:03:16am ===================================================== Such a cute page for your daughter's Easter... Jesus is with them in Heaven.. awaiting the celebration of his crucifixion and resurrection here on earth... All of our children are together.. Luv Shirley Baer - Entered: Thursday 04/02/2009 10:20:27pm=============================================================== (((((CindyJo))))) You've made such a beautiful Easter page for your Michelle. The poems are so lovely to read, and her sweet drawings are so precious. Thank you for sharing this beautiful page. Wishing you and your family a blessed Easter. Love you, Lynn Mom to Ken - Entered: Thursday 04/02/2009 8:39:45am ======================================= CJ and all Mom's, my thoughts and prayers are with you all. Love you dearly. KAREN L - Entered: Saturday 05/12/2007 12:40:24am ================================= CindyJo, My heart goes out to you as you celebrate another sad anniversary of Michelle's passing. Love,Pat Entered: Thursday 11/06/2003 5:05:38 ========================= Cindy Jo, This web site of michelle and your family is breath taking, you have really did a good job. Michelle reminds me of Dustin with the chareters that she imatated.....i can see hoe Tiffany's vide would have got you down, those bittersweet memories......You take care and thank you for having a place for mother's like you and me.If you view Dustin's site, it is not completed yet, and no guest book is ready, so i would hope that you would go back later. Thank you for everything. Melanie - Entered: Wednesday 01/29/2003 5:54:45pm ============================================== this is beautifully done, it makes me happy to see other people devote time and effort into preserving their loved ones memory. thank you, Terri - Entered: Monday 07/08/2002 8:07:31pm =========================================== Hey if this is Angel and Robbie(my brother and sister-in-law)I wanted to stop by and say a few things.I love yall both for being there for me and I really am thankful.BUT I have been thinking alot about HAILEY.God do I miss her.I was different living there with yall and not being around HAILEY.And I know how you feel Angel when you think about her alot and like you aid when you moved to the new house about come on HAILEY pack you bags you're coming with us.Well when I was living there I had a feeling she was there with us and doing everything that we did.And I went the other day to drop off my sisters check and the first think I said to myself when we drove up was HAILEY I'm back.The last day I was there I told her that I would come back and be with her at your house.And I didn't lie.Well I try to go everytime we pass thru New Iberia.But once I can get me a car and get some money and a job then I will be there more often to be with my family and visit.But I never lie to HAILEY I did tell her I would be back and I did go back.And the other day when we was all at the hospital for my grandfather I also had a feeling she was there and I had a feeling that she was telling me that he was doing good.It was that feeling deep down inside like you(angel)feel like she's there all the time.Well that's how I felt.And I have never felt like that before in my whole intire life time but she is my lil angel up above watching over all of us and making thing better.And like I came on her page the other night and I had dreams about her that I remember just a few good things in it.I looked over in the bed was my cousin Alyssia and she was sleep so I don't know what was going on cause I looked at her and saw HAILEY's face.I was scared cause I have never seen that before but I thought about it and thought maybe she was tring to tell me something and I just didn't understand what she was tring to tell me.But to tell you the truth now that I moved in with yall and moved out she's just with me all the time and I think about her alot.I am redoing my room with butterflies and flowers and I got a butterfly lamp and butterfly thing that hang from the ceiling to remember myself of her.And to think about it God didn't take her just because he wanted to he took her cause he really loved her and he wanted her to be with him.And she's watching over us and she's our angel.Just remember that.Well I think it's time for me to end this so I'll let yall go and just remember even if I don't call I will be thinking about you all and really do love yall.Can you please tell my sister that I pray for us to beable to be together someday again.Maybe when I can get my own place and tell her I am staying in school and I want to be a teacher I think right now and tell her to e-mail me sometime at melissuh14@aol.com and I'll be thinking about BUTTERFLY KISSES (the last thing we thought about together)I LOVE YALL ALL AND TAKE CARE. Melissa Melancon - Entered: Tuesday 06/18/2002 1:02:17pm ================================================================================